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Question about declaring War
I could not find a topic that discussed this, please forgive me if there is already one.
The rule book states that the US enters the war on the “collect income” phase of it’s third turn.
Does this mean that I (as the US player) can’t take any aggressive acts on my third round turn (because the collect income phase is at the end of the turn)?
If so, I would assume this applies for the Soviet Union as well? Thank you!
Right, the USA cannot do any aggressive acts until its fourth turn (unless attacked or Germany succeeds with Sea Lion). Note that the USA’s movement restrictions still apply as well. This is using the Alpha + .2 rules.
The Soviet Union can, I believe, declare war during the combat phase of its third turn, meaning it can do aggressive acts that turn.
I’m using OOB rules for Europe 1940. Can you confirm that it’s the same? And I think it’s 4th turn for soviets, which would mean they can take action on 5th turn??
Not quite.
Russia can declare war on the combat move phase of its turn, which means it can attack on its fourth turn.
perfect, thank you very much
The unprovoked US entry into the war on turn 3 is the only declaration of war in the game that occurs outside of the Combat Move phase.
I have a question that goes along with this. If the U.S. declares war on Germany on the collect income phase of it’s 3rd turn, does it collect the 30 IPC National Objective Bonus immediately, to be used at the purchase unit phase of the 4th turn??
The US only enters the war at the “end” of its third turn (if no war is declared beforehand by Germany/Italy). Therefore you’ll have the 65 IPCs on the beginning of your 4th turn to purchase units
In other words, yes.