K thanks!
Rules question: U.S. wartime economy
On page 10 of the rules, it says that when the United States declares war it collects an additional 30 IPCs. The rules don’t say whether that happens only once or if it happens every turn in which the United States is at war.
So. . . does it happen only once, or does it happen every turn in which the U.S.A. is at war?
Every turn when @ war - just like in AAP40
That refers to the National Objective that allows the US to collect 30 IPCs when it’s at war. It’s collected every turn.
So the way I read it is, the US gets the 30 ipc increase per the political situation rules on p.10 and will receive it every turn like in AAP40. Also, they will receive the 30 ipc bonus every turn if you are playing with bonus and national objectives on p.23. This gives them a 95 ipc for the Europe board alone, and have much less when you are playing the global rules. Is this correct? Seems a bit OP for the US, but USSR income is lower in Europe alone than the global….
So the way I read it is, the US gets the 30 ipc increase per the political situation rules on p.10 and will receive it every turn like in AAP40. Also, they will receive the 30 ipc bonus every turn if you are playing with bonus and national objectives on p.23. This gives them a 95 ipc for the Europe board alone, and have much less when you are playing the global rules. Is this correct? Seems a bit OP for the US, but USSR income is lower in Europe alone than the global….
No, US only gets the 30 once. I think you have the US get it twice
So the “wartime eco” one on p10 is one time only, and the other on p23, “the bonus income” is every turn the condition is met? That would contradict the rules in AAP40 if that were true, but Europe is separate game….and it would make sense with the way the rules read. Thanks
So the “wartime eco” one on p10 is one time only, and the other on p23, “the bonus income” is every turn the condition is met? That would contradict the rules in AAP40 if that were true, but Europe is separate game….and it would make sense with the way the rules read. Thanks
No, the US gets an extra 30, and only 30, each turn it is at war. Period.
Thanks, makes way more sense…
To be clear, the National Objectives rules are not optional.
To be clear, the National Objectives rules are not optional.
Yeah, I noticed that implication too
My US player keeps arguing… He says if the US gets the “wartime eco” from p. 10 once is fine. But per the rules it would be a one time bonus, but you would also collect the 30 for the nat’l objective, giving a one time 95ipc collect on turn 3 or first turn at war. A literal read of the rules he’s probably right… Thoughts?
US collects 65 on 1st turn its at war and 65 from then on assuming no territories captured/lost
OK thanks, lucky I can show him the posts! LOL
I can see where some confusion could arise, The Soviet Union and France sections discuss a gain of additional pieces that are separate from NOs. So a discussion of IPCs under the United States section could logically imply a separate “gain” of IPCs. Especially since it names this additional IPC as “wartime economy” and states that the U.S. gets this wartime economy on the first turn after an axis D.O.War or the third turn of the United States whichever comes first…indicating that it is a one time thing gained on turn 3 or sooner if attacked.
Since you have your official answer, you are now aware that they receive +30 to the Production chart while at war, thus turn 3 you would collect 35+30 if you did not gain any other territories on round 3.
It would be less confusing if it were not mentioned twice in the rule book I guess. Your friend is schrewd for making that argument. As it might have worked on me, despite my familiarity with the game.
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