Avatar (movie): Your thoughts…

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I’m not saying being conservative affects your view of the movie. I was just pointing out that in the rare times we talk about politics(before IL locks the thread), everyone seems to be a conservative. I brought up the middle-aged thing because younger people are more likely to be liberal and older people are more likely to be conservative.

    Well… your politics will affect the way you view the movie, because the movie was so political. You just can’t help it. I do think that most people will be able to seperate their political disgust or endorsement from an honest review of the movie; as a story and characters and a work of cinema. I have tried to show that I can do that, but I don’t know how effective i have been.

    I wouldn’t say everyone seems to be conservative… from my perspective it seems that there are a good many liberal, progressive, opposite thinking… whatever people around too. Take yourself, JohnnyMarr and Frimmel for instance.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    but it is making some satirical sense. If only due to comedic hyperbole.

    Yes that is what makes this a good satire of a position. I love to crouch my ideas with self satire because it give me a handicap to prove the merits of the position and im usually for the underdog in most things. But of course it makes alot of sence and to spoof the “inside the box” mentality is a pastime for me. I really hate this “bad guy good guy thing” in movies. Its really played out. Id rather have all sides flawed and no clear outcome leaving everybody dissatisfied in the end. Faust was not a clear hero either and thats what made him great.

    You know, you are pretty smart guy IL. I’ll give you a lot of credit here…

  • @LHoffman:


    I’m not saying being conservative affects your view of the movie. I was just pointing out that in the rare times we talk about politics(before IL locks the thread), everyone seems to be a conservative. I brought up the middle-aged thing because younger people are more likely to be liberal and older people are more likely to be conservative.

    Well… your politics will affect the way you view the movie, because the movie was so political. You just can’t help it. I do think that most people will be able to seperate their political disgust or endorsement from an honest review of the movie; as a story and characters and a work of cinema. I have tried to show that I can do that, but I don’t know how effective i have been.

    I wouldn’t say everyone seems to be conservative… from my perspective it seems that there are a good many liberal, progressive, opposite thinking… whatever people around too. Take yourself, JohnnyMarr and Frimmel for instance.

    I was thinking about Wilson2, ChromwellDude, and you and IL. How if Johnymarr liberal? What posts did he make to that effect?

  • Lets worry less about who is liberal or conservative and just stay in topic about the movie.


  • @Imperious:

    but it is making some satirical sense. If only due to comedic hyperbole.

    Yes that is what makes this a good satire of a position. I love to crouch my ideas with self satire because it give me a handicap to prove the merits of the position and im usually for the underdog in most things. But of course it makes alot of sence and to spoof the “inside the box” mentality is a pastime for me. I really hate this “bad guy good guy thing” in movies. Its really played out. Id rather have all sides flawed and no clear outcome leaving everybody dissatisfied in the end. Faust was not a clear hero either and thats what made him great.

    Reminds me of one of my favorite Lord of the Rings quotes.

    “It was Sam’s first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man’s name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace.”
    The Lord of the Rings
    Chapter ‘Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit’.

  • thank you for joining the discussion Mr. Connor.

    Well not really. He just got banned because he is a spammer. Anytime you see some blue link that has a name of some shoe, vitamin, medical pills, etc. This is the latest form of spamming. If you see them PM me.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    thank you for joining the discussion Mr. Connor.

    Well not really. He just got banned because he is a spammer. Anytime you see some blue link that has a name of some shoe, vitamin, medical pills, etc. This is the latest form of spamming. If you see them PM me.

    Alright. I’d lke to remove his vote then, but I don’t think I can do that.

  • @Imperious:

    thank you for joining the discussion Mr. Connor.

    Well not really. He just got banned because he is a spammer. Anytime you see some blue link that has a name of some shoe, vitamin, medical pills, etc. This is the latest form of spamming. If you see them PM me.

    lol, figures

  • Well, to start, I’m 16 and also not a liberal; generalizations are just that.

    I thought it was a good action movie until the good guys lost. I’m supposed to sympathize with the blue people? In the movie, the Earth was in decay. There was no choice but to utilize other planets. But no, James Cameron wants you to put the blue people first because they’re pretty.

  • The plot was bland at best. The effects were different, but not benificial to the movie in my opinion. I wasn’t impressed. Plus, I disliked the overt political undertones and extensive talk of their religion.

    The other thing that annoyed me was their technology. You can accomplish interdimensional space flight but you don’t have decent long-range weapons?!?!? (In the final fight they tried to destroy the tree by dropping a bomb on it out of an airplane. Even today we have missiles and surgical strikes that could have saved them a lot of trouble)

  • '12


    The plot was bland at best. The effects were different, but not benificial to the movie in my opinion. I wasn’t impressed. Plus, I disliked the overt political undertones and extensive talk of their religion.

    The other thing that annoyed me was their technology. You can accomplish interdimensional space flight but you don’t have decent long-range weapons?!?!? (In the final fight they tried to destroy the tree by dropping a bomb on it out of an airplane. Even today we have missiles and surgical strikes that could have saved them a lot of trouble)

    I made the same point, but someone reminded that the humans in the film were the armed detachment of a mining company (albeit well equiped) not the military.  Even the big bomb at the end was improvised from mining explosives.

  • @LHoffman:

    So… how do people feel about this film? I am curious.

    It was about as pleasant as a fight between a Democrat and Republican.

  • I made the same point, but someone reminded that the humans in the film were the armed detachment of a mining company (albeit well equiped) not the military.  Even the big bomb at the end was improvised from mining explosives.

    True. I forgot about that. Still, though, that far in the future, I’d think that equipment that almost any organization can acquire to day would be availible to such a large mining operation as that.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Yeah I’ll say those guys are pretty DAMN well equipped for being miners… I never really thought about the long range weapons bit… But I guess, if they had them, there wouldn’t be much of a story.

  • '12

    You know what ruined that movie for me? I’ll tell ya…

    When the main character first ran outside in his avatar and saw the other avatars playing basketball in street clothes. From that moment I could not get the image of the “all-star monstars” from Space Jam out of my mind.  :x

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    You know what ruined that movie for me? I’ll tell ya…

    When the main character first ran outside in his avatar and saw the other avatars playing basketball in street clothes. From that moment I could not get the image of the “all-star monstars” from Space Jam out of my mind.  :x

    Haha… that’s pretty good.  :lol:

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