Yes, they can do that even if the powers are at war. The presence of a sub belonging to an enemy power does not block movement.
Same goes for the USSR’s Pacific units. They had Tanks, Mechanized Infantry, and 1,500 planes. Perhaps add 1 tank, mech, and tac bomber to each stack of six?
I think its fine for now, since i will still be rubbing my hands together in glee every time an opponent invades a true neutral. But I also think that the neutral rules should become more realistic in later versions. Who the hell cares if Mongolia is invaded? And why would it matter if Spain is invaded? Hitler already took almost every other european country, why would one more send it over the bar? Maybe portugal would care, but… and on the subject of portugal, shouldn’t their colonies be with them? And yes, if the neutral rules become more specific per country, so should the representation of their armies. Not just inf.
im gonna use the us marine pieces from old pacific as pro allied,and the old red chinese pieces from old pacific as pro axis,ill paint some us infantry white for strict nutrals
But who controls the new true neutral soldiers? Say Germany takes Spain and all true neutrals become Allied. Don’t those pieces need to represent an allied country so you know who gets to attack with them on what turn? Or do they just sit there and wait for Germany to attack them?
If Germany attacks Spain, the strict neutrals become pro-Allied, not Allied.
I think it would make more sense if it only changed the neutrals on that particular continent to the other side.
If Germany attacks Spain, the strict neutrals become pro-Allied, not Allied.
OK, that make sense. So let’s say that happens and USA drops a infantry in Brazil. The USA then gets the IPCs for Brazil, correct? Do they also get the infantry that Brazil has?
Nevermind. I found the rules on the home page.
I think it would make more sense if it only changed the neutrals on that particular continent to the other side.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Attacking Neutrals should come at high cost, but still be possible.
But Turkey is overpowered, it spans 2 continents and has 8 INF. :-D
old xeno pcs for neutrals. I thought they might come in handy some day. LOL
There’s a few members that have played global at Gencon (maybe even got E40 as a prize), or have been lucky enough to get E40 early. Has anyone invaded the strict neutrals yet? There is a lot of speculation, but I wondered if anyone actually did it. I doubt anyone would try it in the first couple of games they played (testing the waters), but might push the envelope once they got a few games under their belt. So how about it?