@SuperbattleshipYamato If germanany does’nt send enough units to 110 and 111,I would consider scrambling.Generally if the number of dice I get to throw is equal or more than my opponents,I will scramble.
Of course that does’nt happen often.
A&A 1940 Europe Rulebook
I’m not sure if anyone has posted a copy but a friend of mine scanned his rulebook. I’ve uploaded it to Megaupload and here is the link:
That’s handy, thanks!
You are welcome. I hope someone gets some use of it. I still don’t understand why Wizards has not posted it or given a reason as to why they have not. Anyway, enjoy and please pass the link on to anyone that might want/need it.
Hmmm the page isn’t loading for me. Any other way of viewing it?
I’ve just uploaded to rapidshare. Here is the link:
Can someone upload again? That link is dead…
I got them from your link.
Thank you very much.
The original Mega Upload link worked fine for me – THANKS!
Thank you