How is France going to survive even 1 round?!?

  • @UN:


    Note: I am joking

    Note: British humor=/=Everyone else’s humor  :-D

    I’m not British; I’m an Indian living in the US.

  • @SAS:



    Note: I am joking

    Note: British humor=/=Everyone else’s humor  :-D

    Silly British, jokes are for kids…

    Note: Jokes are cool, but written sarcasm is hard to interpret…  At least without facial expressions.   But if it’s a joke then: :lol:

    It’s easy if the claim is really stupid, like IL saying that Portugal was the strongest country.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    Note: I am joking

    Note: British humor=/=Everyone else’s humor  :-D

    I’m not British; I’m an Indian living in the US.

    Well, you could have fooled me with your avatar that basically screams “Rule Britannia”!

  • My avatar/tagline doesn’t say anything about the empire except that it was the largest in history: a true statement.

  • Of course it is a joke. What else?

  • These new kids take everything WAY seriously

  • @oztea:

    Italy might have to take Vichy if Germany doesnt take Brittany. Otherwise France might successfuly counterattack Paris.

    Dont forget the official rule from Larry……“The first time Paris is liberated, place 4 French Infantry in that terriory”

    Concievably…if Brittany and Vichy have enough French units to launch a valid attack on Paris, then the Axis has to elimnate them G1 and I1 respectively.

    The risk for France is worth the reward…Even in a suicidal attack

    Back on topic
    That’s a good point Oz, when you consider that Germany will be attacking the Paris tt w/many planes that won’t be able to stay in Paris to defend (leaving only what could be a depleted ground force). I still think that Germany will have enough forces to take both the Paris tt from W Germany, & the Brittany coast tt from the low countries, however a German player may choose to leave the Brit coast and take on other endeavors.

    As far as the Vichy tt, I think Italy will have the strength to take it I1. I wonder if the axis would be better served in the right circumstances to wait for Germany to take it G2, giving Germany access to the Med if it chooses to build an IC there latter (assuming Vichy won’t have an IC). On second thought a delay could cause more headaches depending on set-up. You wouldn’t want France to have the chance to shuttle troops from Vichy to Gib, or Africa. I also wonder will the 2 coastal French tt come w/NB, I think they should, and how about AB.

  • @anderb:

    france will fall G1. they fell like dominos against the german wehrmacht. they were so sure of themselves, that the germans would attack their maginot-line. suprise, they did not. i just cant undersztand why all you guys want france to play a role in this game, its bound to fall. hitler wouldnt let himself have two front on mainland europe. i will serve sauerkraut and bayer in moscow by G5.

    Didn’t you read my post where I answered you about the Maginot Line? Again, the point of the Maginot Line was that the Germans would NOT attack it, instead going around it. That way, the French could choose where to fight them.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    My avatar/tagline doesn’t say anything about the empire except that it was the largest in history: a true statement.

    It’s fun, you avatar includes territories lost in Middle Ages (Plantagenet Empire), some others that never were English (Louisianna and Florida were purchase by USA, and when was Tibet UK owned?) and some others were independent (Canada, Australia) before others were adquired (Namibia and other post-WWI colonies)  :-D

    Mongolians have the 1st post as largest empire by military domination at the same time. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but Spanish could have the 2nd and British the 3rd or viceversa

  • The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous land empire. British is the largest of all time, it just isn’t all connected.

  • @Funcioneta:


    My avatar/tagline doesn’t say anything about the empire except that it was the largest in history: a true statement.

    It’s fun, you avatar includes territories lost in Middle Ages (Plantagenet Empire), some others that never were English (Louisianna and Florida were purchase by USA, and when was Tibet UK owned?) and some others were independent (Canada, Australia) before others were adquired (Namibia and other post-WWI colonies)  :-D

    Mongolians have the 1st post as largest empire by military domination at the same time. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but Spanish could have the 2nd and British the 3rd or viceversa

    It’s an anachronous map. They took Louisiana after one of their wars with France(I think the 7 years war).

  • @Funcioneta:


    My avatar/tagline doesn’t say anything about the empire except that it was the largest in history: a true statement.

    It’s fun, you avatar includes territories lost in Middle Ages (Plantagenet Empire), some others that never were English (Louisianna and Florida were purchase by USA, and when was Tibet UK owned?) and some others were independent (Canada, Australia) before others were adquired (Namibia and other post-WWI colonies)  :-D

    Mongolians have the 1st post as largest empire by military domination at the same time. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but Spanish could have the 2nd and British the 3rd or viceversa

    They made an expedition into Tibet or it was a sphere of influence.

  • @McMan:

    The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous land empire. British is the largest of all time, it just isn’t all connected.

    It reached its greatest height between 1919 and 1922, before Ireland gained independence. Canada and Australia were dominions, which mean they were autonomous but still part of Britain, like Hong Kong is with respect to China today.

  • Mmm… the Commonwealth status is ambiguous but I’m pretty sure that Hong Kong is integral part of China today (other stuff is the “one country, two systems”). And Tibet doesn’t qualify or we Spanish could yet claim that our empire has Athens, Neopatria, Sicilia or such (titles of current King of Spain, he has a long bunch but you can get the idea)

    Good catch on Eire  :-D

    We could make the numbers … I think USSR at its peak was 22 millions of square kms. Mongol Empire had (a bit less or more) that plus China. That would make near to 30 millions square kms … and probably I’m missing Afganisthan and part of India

    Canada+Australia+UK itself= about 20 millions
    India -> 3 millions

    It’s possible that african holdings had more than 10 millions, but you need include Canada, Australia and SAF to the count. The dominion status is tricky, take into account that when they got dominion status, many inland areas were not colonized yet

    I’m not totally convinced yet. You need the dominions, and I could make such imaginative counting for Spanish Empire under Iberian Union (Felipe II-Felipe IV), because portuguese colonies in Africa had pretty unclear limits as well

  • @Funcioneta:

    Mmm… the Commonwealth status is ambiguous but I’m pretty sure that Hong Kong is integral part of China today (other stuff is the “one country, two systems”). And Tibet doesn’t qualify or we Spanish could yet claim that our empire has Athens, Neopatria, Sicilia or such (titles of current King of Spain, he has a long bunch but you can get the idea)

    Good catch on Eire  :-D

    We could make the numbers … I think USSR at its peak was 22 millions of square kms. Mongol Empire had (a bit less or more) that plus China. That would make near to 30 millions square kms … and probably I’m missing Afganisthan and part of India

    Canada+Australia+UK itself= about 20 millions
    India -> 3 millions

    It’s possible that african holdings had more than 10 millions, but you need include Canada, Australia and SAF to the count. The dominion status is tricky, take into account that when they got dominion status, many inland areas were not colonized yet

    I’m not totally convinced yet. You need the dominions, and I could make such imaginative counting for Spanish Empire under Iberian Union (Felipe II-Felipe IV), because portuguese colonies in Africa had pretty unclear limits as well

    There’s also new zealand, burma, malaya, british guinea, etc. Also, 1922 is when Egypt gained independence.

  • @Funcioneta:

    Mmm… the Commonwealth status is ambiguous but I’m pretty sure that Hong Kong is integral part of China today (other stuff is the “one country, two systems”). And Tibet doesn’t qualify or we Spanish could yet claim that our empire has Athens, Neopatria, Sicilia or such (titles of current King of Spain, he has a long bunch but you can get the idea)

    Good catch on Eire  :-D

    We could make the numbers … I think USSR at its peak was 22 millions of square kms. Mongol Empire had (a bit less or more) that plus China. That would make near to 30 millions square kms … and probably I’m missing Afganisthan and part of India

    Canada+Australia+UK itself= about 20 millions
    India -> 3 millions

    It’s possible that african holdings had more than 10 millions, but you need include Canada, Australia and SAF to the count. The dominion status is tricky, take into account that when they got dominion status, many inland areas were not colonized yet

    I’m not totally convinced yet. You need the dominions, and I could make such imaginative counting for Spanish Empire under Iberian Union (Felipe II-Felipe IV), because portuguese colonies in Africa had pretty unclear limits as well

    All of Africa is approximately 30 million, and the British territories are at least one third.

  • Canada, Australia, and New Zealand gained full independence in the 1980’s

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Canada, Australia, and New Zealand gained full independence in the 1980’s

    Sure? I don’t know what to say… I thought that Canada was teorically independent at end of XIX and Australia early XX … but in fact currently their chief of state is Queen of England (a foreign monarch) so you could have a point, because a country ruled by a foreign is not truly independent. Maybe the Empire still is alive? Maybe yes, because even Gibraltar is still occupied and in Axis and Allies maps Gibraltar gets bigger than Andalucia

    OK, let’s accept ship as acuatic animal  :lol:

  • Less talk about some empire that existed 9000 years ago, more talking about possibilities with the French after the fall of Metrpololian France in this game.  :roll:

  • Only two possibilities exist for after France’s capitulation, it will fall, the Morning might come again, but it will fall during G1 or G2.

    The first being is the French navy, probably the majority will be the Mediterranean, maybe something in the Atlantic as well. Since the there is no Vichy element, and no ‘bad blood’ between them and the British, there’ll be no loss of lives (and vessels) between allies. I can see the fleet regrouping, but most likely forming multinational defense rings with England and America. Whatever is left of the fleet that is…

    As the land forces, ie infantry, they’ll be scattered in Africa and the Middle East (Syria), again, the only worthwhile option is to form multinational defense, to help the Allies stem the tide. I doubt they’ll be making many offensive campaigns.

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