@SuperbattleshipYamato I fixed it now! :) Should be good to go!
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
I can’t believe how amazing those infantry look. I’m so excited.
Then should they not be more different poses?
they are very close.
Good point IL. Different poses would make it easier to distinguish if they are used for different funtion (such as standard infantry and commandos)
All looks great FM!
If its too late to change the sculpt (I’m sure that is very expensive) I don’t mind the infantry looking that similar, but if it is still possible to make changes cost-effectively it would probably be a good idea to differentiate the poses more to show off the amount of effort you guys put into this set. The 2 different infantry sculpts really are a nice touch!
Maybe one infantry looking down his barrel like aiming?
Those infantry are amazing! And the carrier is great to! Can’t wait to get these.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 21, 2010, 8:29 AM
Yes exactly, the second pose should be airborne infantry.
Those infantry look great, but i have to agree two very different poses’ would have been better but i will still buy them reguardless! love the commander piece and the carrier is awesome! Thanks for sharing and i look forward to the next preview.
Thoes426 :evil: -
Fantastic! Agree with the others on the poses but I’m in no matter what. What’s this all going to cost again?
Wow!!! Amazing detail- these are looking great- when will the preorders be for the entire set?? Ready by Thanksgiving/Christmas??? :-)
All I can say is that the folks at Field Marshal Games are setting a new standard for high-quality Axis & Allies pieces. Truly excellent work!!
Yeah the poses are very similar.
Oh wow, FMG, I love them! I’m personally not bothered about a 2nd Infantry sculpt; one’s enough for me. But yes, variety on the game map will look nice. Seriously can’t wait for this!
The tank was good, the ships are nice, I’m not much of a naval guy so they are less impressive to me, however those infantry look incredible! If you keep this kind of quality through the entire set then I’m sold! These will become my defacto playing pieces just as the Combat dice are now my defacto dice.
Great work! The poses are similar but it doesn’t bother me. Looking forward to more!
Once again an excellent job on the sculpts FMG. Each time you release a preview i get more excited to give you my money. Keep it up.
Yes exactly, the second pose should be airborne infantry.
I agree. At least the second pose should have another type of gun. If the first have a rifle, the second should have a submachinegun or something.
How about a submachine gun in one hand while throwing a grenade? That would be quite distinctive. How about a panzerfast <sp?>?</sp?>
The basic options I see are:
1. Shooting
2. Advancing (basic A&A pose)
3. Marching (rifle over shoulder)
4. Special weapon -
If I had my choice for infantry design I would do the following.
For standard infantry would use whatever the most common rifle that was uses for each country. For commandos I would use a special weapon such as a submachine-gun, assault rifle or bazooka, panzerfaust.
For poses I would have standard infantry with weapon shouldered and at the fire ready. With commando I would have their weapons firing from the hip position unless the are using a bazooka or panzerfaust. Even at the shoulder ready position it will be easy to these weapons apart from the rifle. I hope there is still time for FMG to take these into consideration.
However, if FMG has already made the molds and they are already in production then it is a moot point. Considering all the excellent work they have done. I’m not going to be complaining if the poses or weapons aren’t the way I would like them to be. The quality of the pieces will be enough for me.
Yes exactly, the second pose should be airborne infantry.
I agree. At least the second pose should have another type of gun. If the first have a rifle, the second should have a submachinegun or something.
Just a note: If you look very closely… Each pose has a different weapon. One is a rife and one is a semi-automatic. These two weapons were very common in the Italian Army of the time.
IMHO, they’re perfect. So FMG… glancing through some history books, noticed that the Italians had some pretty interesting aircraft during WWII (hint hint… can we get a glimpse? Or did I miss those…).
IMHO, they’re perfect. So FMG… glancing through some history books, noticed that the Italians had some pretty interesting aircraft during WWII (hint hint… can we get a glimpse? Or did I miss those…).
The Aircraft and are still in production. I will have some pics of those soon I hope.
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