@blakeadam who are you talking to?
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
FMG, It’s getting quiet on this thread. How about another test picture?
You expect a lot of updates over the holidays? lol :-P
FMG, It’s getting quiet on this thread. How about another test picture?
You expect a lot of updates over the holidays? lol :-P
I wasn’t expecting. I was just hoping.
As requested… (and yes, I was having a Holiday with my family at Christmas)
This is the FINAL unit for ITALY tank #1 (each nation will have two)
These pictures compare the size and detail to standard AAA units. Units from AA50 shown.
FRICKIN’ SWEET! Eat that WOTC. Okay, now where did I put my $1,000,000 check for the guys at FMG…
The detail is night and day.
WOTC is not capable of this quality.
The detail is night and day.
WOTC is not capable of this quality.
GHQ isn’t capable of this quality even with lead!
Well done guys.
nice work FMG, quite amazing
cant wait to preorder.
looking very stylish indeed. fmg sets for each nation will look quite snazzy on our AA50 boards 8-)
That tank looks great! I can’t wait to get mine and begin painting them. I may have to order two sets so I can gave a set with and without paint. Thanks Jeremy.
Excellent pictures FMG!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on this beautiful set.
The juxtaposition of the WOTC and FMG pieces tells the whole story. I knew FMG was better, but I didn’t know just how much better until now. WOW is all I can say.
Oh my God, that is the best thing I have ever seen! Thank so much for posting this and sign me up for a pre-order! Praise be to Field Marshal Games! :lol:
Great News on adding the AA40 cardboard unit sculpts FMG. I’ll have to order at least 2 complete sets. Maybe 4.
So for clarity sake, will be France, China, and ANZAC be represented in the complete set or will we have to wait for a second release?
Also for clarity sake, the units listed below are the ones that made the final cut into the set correct?
*units are those which are not currently found in AA40 (most of which should have been)Naval Units:
*Task Force Marker (Similar to AAP)Air Units:
Dive Bomber (TAC Bomber)
*Air TransportArmy Units:
*Infantry (Two Sculpts each)
*Armour (Two Sculpts each)
Half Track
*Commander UnitOther Units Bonus:
*Major Factory
*Minor Factory
*AA Gun
*Bunker Unit (fortification)
*Naval Base Unit-Marker
*Air Base Unit-Marker
*Army HQ Unit-MarkerFMG is this list correct?
wondering if this was confirmed by FMG?
This is correct.
This will be a good year, by all means.
FMG, Absolutely OUTSTANDING! I give you a 21 gun salute from the .50 on my HMMWV (And I mean from a real one and not a toy :-D)
FMG, Absolutely OUTSTANDING! I give you a 21 gun salute from the .50 on my HMMWV (And I mean from a real one and not a toy :-D)
That’s putting our tax dollars to good use. :-D
The detail is night and day.
WOTC is not capable of this quality.
This should be quoted on the FMG web site as an advertisement.
The detail is night and day.
WOTC is not capable of this quality.
This should be quoted on the FMG web site as an advertisement.
Thank you all for your appreciation of our hard work and commitment to quality. I am told more Naval units will be ready in a week… can’t wait to show you!
As for the above comment… We will never blast WOTC or their products. We love AAA. (and don’t want to get into any legal issues with a GIANT). We just want to make accessories to improve our gaming experience and share a love for the game!