• The design work on Flashpoint Middle East (near future war) is nearing completion and I’m looking to start designing my next map.

    I’ve decided that I’m going to stick to WWIIish and not stray too far from the basic A&A formula. This way anyone who has the basic A&A pieces can download my maps, have them printed and play the campaigns. They won’t need to come up with new pieces.

    So what shall my next design be?

  • I voted for Kursk, but Operation Market Garden and Stalingrad sound awesome aswell. Instead of Sealion how about an areial combat game covering the battle of britian or a game covering the battle of france.

    I like wargames to be either global/theatre level or campaign/battle level, not sub-thearte level. The North African and Italian campaigns were fought over years, why not just make a Europe game.

    I like Kursk though, because I think it would be pretty easy to take the elements from A&A battle of the buldge and transplant them into a game covering this battle. Your gonna use a hex map for this right? It also included the greatest tank battle ever, so how could anyone refuse!

  • For the tank and artillery lovers.
    Kursk is the best.
    What a battle!

  • I have always wanted to see a Mediterranean campaign…  from 1940 to the fall of ROME?  So I voted North Africa.

  • Spanish Civil War! I would KILL for that map.

  • I am all in favor and would like to see an A&A Crete, A&A Gazala, A&A El Alamien, A&A Sicily, and A&A Monte Cassino, but what would A&A Mediterranean have that AAE40 wont?

    The Spanish Civil War would be cool, especially with cool little interwar aircraft and tanks roaming the battlefield. I think it would be hard to do well though since it was a very complicated conflict in a very small area.

    Holden,  have you ever thought of doing a Winter War A&A?

  • I would like a battle at Okinawa.

    That could be a big battle, where Japan could send like rockets and US could send bombardments and stuff, I like that.

  • '10

    I voted for the North African campaign as well. I could always use another North African map with more land territories and detail. I am in the proscess of designing a game like this as we speak.

  • Customizer


    I have always wanted to see a Mediterranean campaign…  from 1940 to the fall of ROME?  So I voted North Africa.


    This version could also yield new Italian sculpts (not that they would be as good as FMG, but an exciting prospect nonetheless.)

  • Holden I haven’t seean anyof your games before can you post pics. I would sea lion that would be the coolest.

  • @finnman:

    Holden I haven’t seean anyof your games before can you post pics. I would sea lion that would be the coolest.


  • @cminke:


    I would like a battle at Okinawa.

    That could be a big battle, where Japan could send like rockets and US could send bombardments and stuff, I like that.

    what do you mean LIKE rockets. are they or not?

    Just throwing a bunch of h* at Okinawa.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I am all in favor and would like to see an A&A Crete, A&A Gazala, A&A El Alamien, A&A Sicily, and A&A Monte Cassino, but what would A&A Mediterranean have that AAE40 wont?

    The Spanish Civil War would be cool, especially with cool little interwar aircraft and tanks roaming the battlefield. I think it would be hard to do well though since it was a very complicated conflict in a very small area.

    Holden,  have you ever thought of doing a Winter War A&A?

    It will have supply lines, a Malta that isn’t easily captured, perhaps a special rule for Battle of Taranto, Italy as the primary axis; UK as primary ally

  • Did a quick rough test map for Stalingrad. This represents the city and surrounding area:

    The blue is the river Volga. The dark grey area’s are city / town area’s. The light grey are the road / rails. The Dark blue arrows are the river crossing area’s. Since most of the Russian forces crossed the river on small ferries and barges, naval units would not be used. I’d probably have a rule that allows the German player to place air units to attack the river crossings and inflict casualties on any units crossing over (something like the use of airpower in the D-day game).

    What do you think? Should I widen the scope of the map, and thus shrink the size of the city?

  • Here’s a rough sketch of a Med map. This map would use all of the military units and be much more strategic in scale:

    On both maps the hexes are scaled to be 3" wide. The whole map will be 35" x 23". This is the standard large poster scale that can be easily printed off from a variety of online print companies (cafepress for example).

  • I’m not comfortable with 1 hex having land and water. You’ll change the shapes like in your middle east map, right?

  • I don’t really like the idea of having hexes. You just do territories like flashpoint. You should call this came flashpoint too so you stick to the trend.

  • You should make these in store, like what do you have to lose, you mine as well give it a shot

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    I’m not comfortable with 1 hex having land and water. You’ll change the shapes like in your middle east map, right?


    I don’t really like the idea of having hexes. You just do territories like flashpoint. You should call this came flashpoint too so you stick to the trend.

    I don’t think the hexes will work very well for the Med map but I’m going to use them as a basis for dividing up the territories.

    As for the name I kinda wanted to stick to the Flashpoint theme for my maps, but I’m not sure if Flashpoint is a good enough name. Flashpoint Mediterranian? (Flashpoint Stalingrad sound cool though).


    You should make these in store, like what do you have to lose, you mine as well give it a shot

    Do you mean sell my maps in a store? I was considering it. But I’m not entirely sure what you meant.

  • @Holden:


    I’m not comfortable with 1 hex having land and water. You’ll change the shapes like in your middle east map, right?


    I don’t really like the idea of having hexes. You just do territories like flashpoint. You should call this came flashpoint too so you stick to the trend.

    I don’t think the hexes will work very well for the Med map but I’m going to use them as a basis for dividing up the territories.

    As for the name I kinda wanted to stick to the Flashpoint theme for my maps, but I’m not sure if Flashpoint is a good enough name. Flashpoint Mediterranian? (Flashpoint Stalingrad sound cool though).


    You should make these in store, like what do you have to lose, you mine as well give it a shot

    Do you mean sell my maps in a store? I was considering it. But I’m not entirely sure what you meant.

    Yeah sell them in a store.

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