It is normal cardboard like all proper game maps, but this is 5 x 4 foot map. Don’t draw on it, just buy HBG rail markers
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
I am a 40-year old traumatized veteran who sleep with a gun under my pillow, so take this for what its worth, butt I love you FMG, lots of karma’s from me. Guess what, I’ll double-applaud you 3 times each day, man.
I am a 40-year old traumatized veteran who sleep with a gun under my pillow, so take this for what its worth, butt I love you FMG, lots of karma’s from me. Guess what, I’ll double-applaud you 3 times each day, man.
Maybe one day that gun will accidentally discharge blowing that gray matter all over the place. What a mess that would be. Do be careful with that gun, because if something terrible were to happen, you would be sorely missed around here. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas FMG. Thank you for making me look forward to next year.
We fully intend to do a “Neutral” generic set last. It will be made of other sculpts and be a unique colour. It will be cheap, quick and easy but will get the job done and be the finishing touch to the whole set.
How about pieces that don’t fit into any nationality?
I’d really like armoured trains and rail guns (moveable only by rail), since for me rail movement is the most important of the generic flaws in A&A to change.
Hi Guys,
This is my first post and will pre order 3 sets.As a miniature gamer first,I can tell you if you needed extra metal minis(1/300 scale),GHQ would want $8 just for a 5 pack of WW2 tanks.
They are very nice minis,but I’ll take the plastic anyday.Actually,I’m sure I’ll need more than 3! -
Welcome and Merry Xmas, and buy lots of FMG.
FMG, It’s getting quiet on this thread. How about another test picture?
FMG, It’s getting quiet on this thread. How about another test picture?
You expect a lot of updates over the holidays? lol :-P
FMG, It’s getting quiet on this thread. How about another test picture?
You expect a lot of updates over the holidays? lol :-P
I wasn’t expecting. I was just hoping.
As requested… (and yes, I was having a Holiday with my family at Christmas)
This is the FINAL unit for ITALY tank #1 (each nation will have two)
These pictures compare the size and detail to standard AAA units. Units from AA50 shown.
FRICKIN’ SWEET! Eat that WOTC. Okay, now where did I put my $1,000,000 check for the guys at FMG…
The detail is night and day.
WOTC is not capable of this quality.
The detail is night and day.
WOTC is not capable of this quality.
GHQ isn’t capable of this quality even with lead!
Well done guys.
nice work FMG, quite amazing
cant wait to preorder.
looking very stylish indeed. fmg sets for each nation will look quite snazzy on our AA50 boards 8-)
That tank looks great! I can’t wait to get mine and begin painting them. I may have to order two sets so I can gave a set with and without paint. Thanks Jeremy.
Excellent pictures FMG!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on this beautiful set.
The juxtaposition of the WOTC and FMG pieces tells the whole story. I knew FMG was better, but I didn’t know just how much better until now. WOW is all I can say.
Oh my God, that is the best thing I have ever seen! Thank so much for posting this and sign me up for a pre-order! Praise be to Field Marshal Games! :lol: