• And after you watch Excalibur you must watch….

  • Brain, A couple of great choices. Excalibur is one of my all time favorites.

    Speaking of Monty Python… The Meaning of Life is a riot as well.

    Older Jim Carey movies like The Mask or Pet Detective 1 & 2 are quite hilarious as well.

  • If you like Monty Python, then you will also like:

  • Yes! I have seen it and I really did enjoy this one as well. I think you can’t go wrong with Monty Python! :-D

  • New Star Trek by JJ Abrams. Amazing. Just out on DVD/Blue Ray

  • This was released today:

  • @ZehKaiser:

    New Star Trek by JJ Abrams. Amazing. Just out on DVD/Blue Ray

    It’s a pretty good movie but I have a bit of a problem with the ending.

    I know, I know, it’s science FICTION, but some things still need to be logical at a certain level.

    while trying not to ruin the ending (and if you haven’t seen the movie yet, I’d suggest you stop reading here)


    You can’t take the batteries out of the Energizer Bunny and still have it move at warp speed!
    Take out the batteries and you WILL slow down!

  • @Brain:

    This was released today:

    I saw it in the theater, and while long, it was surprisingly good.  Not great, just solid.  Christoph Waltz should get an Oscar for his performance.  And that chick was smoking hot.  Not enough Basterds screentime though - that really cracked me up.

  • @dezrtfish:

    I would sugest Boondock Saints and Rocknrolla if you like Snatch and Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels

    I watch Dexter on Show every week.

    Rome was a series on HBO that I watched the first two seasons of in like two days, it was great if not completely acurate, I think it got canceled, but I’m not sure.

    What did you think of the season finale of Dexter?

  • @ZehKaiser:

    New Star Trek by JJ Abrams. Amazing. Just out on DVD/Blue Ray

    Well we obviously didn’t see the same movie. JJ Trek was the biggest crap fest of the summer. Would you like me to trash it on a purely cinematic level or on a long time fan of Trek level?

    I don’t often come out of movies wondering what film the critics watched but between this and Terminator: Salvation I had the displeasure twice this summer. Although I suppose since Terminator was not the travesty of cinema I had been led to expect it was one WTF??? and one well that turned out to be better than I was expecting.

  • @Jermofoot:

    I saw it in the theater, and while long, it was surprisingly good.  Not great, just solid.  Christoph Waltz should get an Oscar for his performance.  And that chick was smoking hot.  Not enough Basterds screentime though - that really cracked me up.

    Inglorious was a lot of fun and I suspect as time passes will be one of the films that is actually remembered from this year for the right reasons.


    The bit with everyone who wasn’t who they said they were, with cards on their head saying they were someone else, all the while arguing that they were who they in fact weren’t was great.

  • If you want a good Star Trek movie aside from the obvious Khan and First Contact, I recommend Galaxy Quest.

  • @frimmel:


    I saw it in the theater, and while long, it was surprisingly good.  Not great, just solid.  Christoph Waltz should get an Oscar for his performance.  And that chick was smoking hot.  Not enough Basterds screentime though - that really cracked me up.

    Inglorious was a lot of fun and I suspect as time passes will be one of the films that is actually remembered from this year for the right reasons.


    The bit with everyone who wasn’t who they said they were, with cards on their head saying they were someone else, all the while arguing that they were who they in fact weren’t was great.

    The tension created in those exhaustive dialogue scenes really made you squirm.


    My favorite scene was the Jew Bear beating the Nazi officer with a bat.  Not because I like violence, but because I think rag doll destruction is hilarious because it’s so cheesy.  My buddy and I were the only ones in a packed theater that cracked up on the bat beating part, however.

  • @frimmel:

    Well we obviously didn’t see the same movie. JJ Trek was the biggest crap fest of the summer. Would you like me to trash it on a purely cinematic level or on a long time fan of Trek level?

    Potential spoiler alert below

    Also, I’m a new poster, so all due respect is really intended, I don’t mean to come off as a jerk, but I would like to defend this movie, also no desire to start a big debate, so I will say what I will, and if you feel like you would want to respond that is fine, but I’ll leave it at that in order to not go too far off topic.

    Haha, I’m aware a lot of lifelong trek fans were dissappointed but I don’t know why. I love star trek. My favorite series is certainly DS9. I’ve literally have seen every episode that has been aired, all the movies too. (Thanks Spike syndication for the biggest chunk of that! And no thanks for CSI :P ) I’m certainly no fair weather trek fan or newb fan. I am just shy of 23 years old btw, so I wasn’t around for TOS when it first aired, I’m sure that’s important for most die hard trek fans to establish. I’m sorry I am saying all this but as a new poster I thought it was helpful to know who your talking to.

    I’m sorry to see you didn’t like the film. I thought it was massively entertaining. It was a very sleek looking movie with a sexy cast (a first for trek really, minus the 1 obligatory hottie per series). It had a good pace, comic relief that wasn’t forced, plenty of nice nods to TOS, an amazing soundtrack, good FX that weren’t overbearing, good acting, and some emotionally stirring scenes as well. Also it had a lot of motion, most trek is largely dialogue driven and has very little movement on the screen, they’re often more like plays than movies, which is great! I love all trek, but its certainly nice to see our beloved characters in more than one light. The cinematography looked good to me. Each shot, all the sets, and the costumes all seem very carefully planned out to put evocative images on the screen.

    The plot was something that is clearly subjective, but I must say that I liked it. While they used a pretty cheesy device to set up a semi-alternate trek universe/timeline, that was okay b/c imho it was in fact trekky of them, much of the series episode’s plots were easily as cheesy :P.  Also, this film did the grunt work necessary to set up a whole series of films with this cast and setting that is just as legitimate as any other trek series, and borrows the best elements of TOS while also not being saddled down with canon and detail that is half a century old now!

    But most importantly, the greatest accomplishment of this film, and the ironically the one reason why I think the real indignation and enmity amongst die hard trek fans exists towards it, is that it made the series accessible for the FIRST time to non trek fans. Someone who doesn’t know what trek is, or hasn’t seen the series can go see it and enjoy it. I don’t think that would be true even of First Contact. It was simultaneously not weighed down with plot that you had to be an “insider” to truly enjoy while still containing plenty of little bits and bobs that only trek fans would even pick up on, and the general audience was none the worse for missing.

    Simply put, if you check your geeky baggage at the door when you see this movie, you will likely enjoy it very much and have a great time. That’s what a great movie really is to me.

  • I like your name Kaiser!

  • I remember liking this but I have not seen it in decades.

  • Oh how did I forget

  • **I am going to talk freely about JJ Trek. This post will likeley contain spoilers for those who haven’t seen the travesty of cinema realeased in May of 2009.


    Simply put, if you check your geeky baggage at the door when you see this movie, you will likely enjoy it very much and have a great time. That’s what a great movie really is to me.

    And this is what angers me the most about the ‘gushers’ with regards to this film. That I didn’t like it because of some kind of baggage.

    If you are unable to recognize or are willing to excuse the plot holes and contrivances beyond any sort of set-up more power too you. Good for you, I’m glad you enjoyed the movie.

    But don’t make your willingness to accept lazy script writing, shallow characterization and shot for TV cinematography along with lots of overdone camera work to create faux action as some sort of high ground by calling my ability to think critically ‘geek baggage.’ I like me some big effects driven popcorn summer movies but filmmakers can’t abuse their ‘It’s a movie card.’ JJ and company did. That is not geek baggage.

    This is the geek baggage– they didn’t take any of their knowledge of Trek from actually watching Trek. They took it all from watching Futarama, or Shatner parody himself or other parodies. If these guys had ‘re-imagined’ Casablanca instead of “You played it for her. You can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can stand it. Play it.” Rick would say, “Play it again, Sam.”

    I’ve said my piece and am willing to agree to disagree from here on out.

  • Galaxy Quest is a classic. Tim the toolman is funny in this one. Ripley (Sigorney Weaver) is also quite good as the “dumb blonde” role.

    Phantasm series are dark and funny (in a macabre sort of way), I also enjoyed them when I was younger but have not seen in a long time.

    New Star Trek was okay and different. I did enjoy it but found some of the filming a little too cluttered. It had its moments but really does not stack up against the original Kirk and Spock movies or even Pickard for that matter. In my opinion the character interaction was good but not at the level of the others. Also the original Trek films have a lot of humor, this one only a little.

  • @frimmel:

    I’ve said my piece and am willing to agree to disagree from here on out.

    Agreed.  :-D  Also, the “geeky baggage” bit wasn’t directed at you specifically, so I apologize if it came off that way, I mean it for all of us, myself especially included as we’re all pretty geeky imho :-P  And the Casablanca metaphor was nice too.

    I hope you Live Long and Proser Frimmel (see geeky)

    And thanks IL!

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