Scramble question (on the way to combat?)

  • I’ll try to ask this question as unbiased as possible, since I’m sure my opponent last night will be on here later this morning looking for the same answer.

    A navy with transport(s) is on the way to an amphib assault. There are no fighters present where the attacking troops will land, nor any territories adjacent to where the troops will land. The sea movement during combat is “3”, since it’s originating from a territory with a seabase.

    The transport will be passing a territory during it’s combat movement that has an airbase and a fighter. Again, it will end the movement (and drop off the troops) at a territory without a fighter, and no fighter adjacent. It’s just passing one during the 3-territory movement.

    Can that fighter on the path of the movement scramble against the navy while it’s in movement? Or is my friend completely wrong and desperate for a hail mary because he knows this unexpected assault will most likely result in the loss of his game? Again, being as unbiased as possible…

    For reference, the amphib assault started in sea zone 109 and ended in 113 onto germany. there are no fighters in germany or western germany, but there was one with an airbase in Normandy, so he believes that fighter can intercept the navy in sea zone 105 on the way to 113. And yes, Allies control Denmark so the path to germany is otherwise open.


  • @Azpathfinder

    I’d say no he can’t for two reasons.

    1. Scrambling is a response to an attack, not a move

    2. Scrambling happens after a combat move is completed, so you can’t launch one against units that are mid-move.

    Even though I think he’s wrong, it doesn’t mean he’s desperate or trying to bend the rules. It possible he thought this was a legitimate move, considered the move you’re making and thought “well I can stop that with a scramble”.

    If so have pity. Losing a game because you misunderstood a rule is super frustrating, and can turn a player off of the game for good.

  • @PizzaPete Excellent point, thanks Pete!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    Actually a Scramble is a response to a Combat Move and declared attack. Combat has not started yet. This response occurs at the end of all Combat Movement, and not during.

    Axis Allies 1940 Europe Second Edition Rules: Page 16 (Combat Move Phase Section)

    Scrambling is a special movement that the defender can make at the end of this phase. It must be done after all of the attacker’s combat movements have been completed and all attacks have been declared. The attacker may not change any combat movements or attacks after the defender has scrambled.

    A quick reaction team of no more than 3 defending fighters and/or tactical bombers (strategic bombers can’t scramble) located on each island or coastal territory that has an operative air base can be scrambled to defend against attacks in the sea zones adjacent to those territories. These air units can be scrambled to help friendly units in adjacent sea zones that have come under
    attack. They can also be scrambled to resist amphibious assaults from adjacent sea zones, whether or not the territory being assaulted is the territory containing the air base. They may defend against the enemy ships conducting the amphibious assault even if friendly ships are not present.

    Per the scenario described, since once all combat movement has been completed the transports ARE NOT in an adjacent sea zone to an airbase no scrambling occurs.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    The people who responded above me are correct.

    Thanks for giving me an idea for a house rule though…

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