• '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    why is everyone encroaching on Russia? Stop it! Go home!

  • '20

    @redrum italy

  • TripleA


    Game History

    Round: 5
        Combat Move - Italians
            1 Infantry moved from Rome to 46 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 S.Submarine moved from 46 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 51 Sea Zone to Crete
                  Italians take Crete from British
            1 Infantry moved from Rome to 46 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 S.Submarine moved from 46 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 51 Sea Zone to Mersa Matruh
                  Italians take Mersa Matruh from British
            1 Infantry moved from El Agheila to Hun
            1 Tank moved from S.Tunisia to Hun
            1 Infantry moved from Tobruk to Kufra
                  Italians take Kufra from British
            1 Fighter moved from 48 Sea Zone to Hun
            1 Tank moved from S.Tunisia to Hun
            2 Transports moved from 48 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone
            2 Tanks moved from S.Tunisia to 47 Sea Zone
            1 Elite and 1 Infantry moved from N.Tunisia to 47 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Corsica to 46 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery moved from N.Tunisia to 45 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 5 Transports moved from 45 Sea Zone to 46 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from N.Tunisia to 46 Sea Zone
            6 Infantrys moved from Rome to 46 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Campania to 46 Sea Zone
            3 Transports moved from 48 Sea Zone to 49 Sea Zone
            4 Infantrys moved from Greece to 49 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Campania to 49 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery, 2 Elites and 1 Infantry moved from Tobruk to Kufra
            5 Infantrys and 3 Transports moved from 49 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone
            1 Elite, 1 Infantry, 2 Tanks and 2 Transports moved from 47 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 10 Infantrys and 6 Transports moved from 46 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys, 1 Elite, 16 Infantrys and 2 Tanks moved from 48 Sea Zone to Tobruk
            1 Transport moved from 48 Sea Zone to 46 Sea Zone
            1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 3 Destroyers and 2 Submarines moved from 48 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from Greece to 51 Sea Zone
            2 Fighters moved from Greece to Tobruk
        Purchase Units - Italians
            Italians buy 17 Infantrys, 3 S.Submarines and 1 Submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Italians
            Battle in Hun
                Italians attack with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks
                British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Italians roll dice for 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks in Hun, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Infantry in Hun, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Hun
                Italians win, taking Hun from British with 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Italians
            1 AAGun moved from El Agheila to Kufra
            1 Fighter moved from Hun to Tobruk
        Place Units - Italians
            1 S.Submarine and 1 Submarine placed in 51 Sea Zone
            3 Infantrys placed in Campania
            2 S.Submarines placed in 46 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys placed in Greece
            8 Infantrys placed in Rome
            4 Infantrys placed in E.Morocco
        Turn Complete - Italians
            Italians collect 76 PUs; end with 76 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : -0.50
    British regular : -0.33

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

    Game History

    Round: 5
        Combat Move - Yamamoto
            1 Infantry moved from Davao to 107 Sea Zone
            1 B.Transport and 1 Infantry moved from 107 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone
            3 Infantrys moved from Celebes to 111 Sea Zone
            1 B.Transport and 4 Infantrys moved from 111 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 1 Tank moved from Kwangsi to 92 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery moved from Kiangsi to 92 Sea Zone
            6 Infantrys moved from Hong Kong to 92 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Kwangtung to 92 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Kiangsi to 92 Sea Zone
            3 Artillerys, 1 B.Transport, 2 Destroyers, 8 Infantrys, 1 Tank and 4 Transports moved from 92 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            3 Artillerys, 12 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from 110 Sea Zone to Malaya
            1 Battleship moved from 107 Sea Zone to 85 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Tokyo to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Kiangsi to 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys and 2 Transports moved from 84 Sea Zone to 85 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 85 Sea Zone to Iwo Jima
            1 Transport moved from 85 Sea Zone to 86 Sea Zone
            2 Adv.Fighters moved from 84 Sea Zone to 86 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 107 Sea Zone to 86 Sea Zone
            2 Adv.Fighters moved from 107 Sea Zone to Iwo Jima
            1 Fighter moved from Bangkok to Malaya
            1 Bomber moved from Bangkok to Malaya
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Bangkok to Malaya
            1 Infantry moved from Samar to 93 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 T.Boat moved from 93 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 111 Sea Zone to Soembawa
                  Yamamoto take Soembawa from Dutch
        Purchase Units - Yamamoto
            Yamamoto buy 3 Adv.Fighters, 1 Carrier and 9 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Yamamoto
            Battle in 86 Sea Zone
                Yamamoto attack with 3 Adv.Fighters and 1 Transport
                Americans defend with 1 Cruiser
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 3 Adv.Fighters and 1 Transport in 86 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/3 hits, 1,50 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Cruiser in 86 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                    1 Cruiser owned by the Americans lost in 86 Sea Zone
                Yamamoto win with 3 Adv.Fighters and 1 Transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Cruiser
            Battle in Iwo Jima
                Yamamoto attack with 2 Adv.Fighters and 2 Infantrys
                Americans defend with 1 Infantry
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Battleship in Iwo Jima, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Americans lost in Iwo Jima
                Yamamoto win, taking Iwo Jima from Americans with 2 Adv.Fighters and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Infantry
            Battle in Malaya
                Yamamoto attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 12 Infantrys and 1 Tank
                British defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 8 Infantrys and 1 Tank
                    British roll AA dice in Malaya : 0/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 12 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Malaya, round 2 : 6/19 hits, 5,50 expected hits
                Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the British
                    British roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 8 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Malaya, round 2 : 4/11 hits, 4,00 expected hits
                    4 Infantrys owned by the Yamamoto and 5 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Malaya
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 8 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Malaya, round 3 : 6/15 hits, 4,83 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 3 Infantrys and 1 Tank in Malaya, round 3 : 3/6 hits, 2,33 expected hits
                    1 Bunker owned by the British, 1 Tank owned by the British, 3 Infantrys owned by the Yamamoto, 1 Artillery owned by the British and 3 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Malaya
                Yamamoto win, taking Malaya from British with 1 Adv.Fighter, 3 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 5 Infantrys and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 17
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 7 Infantrys
                Casualties for British: 1 Artillery, 1 Bunker, 8 Infantrys and 1 Tank
        Non Combat Move - Yamamoto
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Yamamoto from 110 Sea Zone: 2 Destroyers
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            2 Adv.Fighters, 3 Carriers, 2 Destroyers and 4 Submarines moved from 107 Sea Zone to 85 Sea Zone
            3 Adv.Fighters moved from 86 Sea Zone to 85 Sea Zone
            2 Adv.Fighters moved from Iwo Jima to 85 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Kwangtung to Kwangsi
            3 Tanks moved from Kwangsi to Kwangtung
            1 B.Carrier moved from 84 Sea Zone to 85 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter and 1 Fighter moved from Malaya to Banjarmasin
            1 Bomber moved from Malaya to Banjarmasin
        Place Units - Yamamoto
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Yamamoto to 85 Sea Zone: 2 Destroyers
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            3 Adv.Fighters and 1 Carrier placed in 85 Sea Zone
            6 Infantrys placed in Hong Kong
            1 Infantry placed in Davao
            2 Infantrys placed in Tokyo
        Turn Complete - Yamamoto
            Yamamoto collect 67 PUs; end with 67 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Yamamoto regular : 3,50
    Americans regular : -0,50
    British AA : -0,50
    British regular : 0,67


  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

    @dawgoneit China up

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

  • @elrood 3e104ca7-9e6b-43a5-8af7-76e98c2a99ec-China 5.tsvg

    Game History

    Round: 5
        Combat Move - Chinese
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Suiyuan to Chahar
            2 Infantrys moved from Shansi to Anhwei
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Hupeh to Chahar
            1 Fighter moved from Hupeh to Anhwei
            1 Infantry moved from Kweichow to Hunan
            1 Infantry moved from Hupeh to Hunan
            1 Artillery moved from Hupeh to Hunan
            1 Tank moved from W.Sinkiang to W.Tibet
            1 ArmoredCar and 1 Tank moved from Urumqi to W.Tibet
            3 Infantrys and 1 Tank moved from Sikang to E.Tibet
            1 Infantry moved from Sikang to E.Tibet
            1 ArmoredCar moved from South Gobi to Chahar
            1 Infantry moved from South Gobi to Suiyuan
        Purchase Units - Chinese
            Chinese buy 1 Elite, 1 Factory and 9 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Chinese
            Battle in E.Tibet
                Chinese attack with 4 Infantrys and 1 Tank
                Neutral defend with 2 Infantrys
                    Chinese roll dice for 4 Infantrys and 1 Tank in E.Tibet, round 2 : 3/5 hits, 1.17 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantrys in E.Tibet, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    2 Infantrys owned by the Neutral and 1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in E.Tibet
                Chinese loses 0 PUs for violating E.Tibets neutrality.
                Chinese win, taking E.Tibet from Neutral with 3 Infantrys and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Neutral: 2 Infantrys
            Battle in Anhwei
                Chinese attack with 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys
                Hisaichi defend with 1 Infantry
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Fighter and 2 Infantrys in Anhwei, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Infantry in Anhwei, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Anhwei
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Anhwei, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Infantry in Anhwei, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi and 1 Infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Anhwei
                Chinese win with 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                Casualties for Chinese: 2 Infantrys
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Infantry
            Battle in W.Tibet
                Chinese attack with 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Tanks
                Neutral defend with 2 Infantrys
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 ArmoredCar and 2 Tanks in W.Tibet, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantrys in W.Tibet, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 ArmoredCar owned by the Chinese and 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in W.Tibet
                    Chinese roll dice for 2 Tanks in W.Tibet, round 3 : 2/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in W.Tibet, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in W.Tibet
                Chinese loses 0 PUs for violating W.Tibets neutrality.
                Chinese win, taking W.Tibet from Neutral with 2 Tanks remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 ArmoredCar
                Casualties for Neutral: 2 Infantrys
            Battle in Chahar
                Chinese attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
                Hisaichi defend with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in Chahar, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in Chahar, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Hisaichi lost in Chahar
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in Chahar, round 3 : 2/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Hisaichi roll dice for 1 Artillery in Chahar, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Artillery owned by the Hisaichi lost in Chahar
                Chinese win, taking Chahar from Hisaichi with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
            Battle in Hunan
                Chinese attack with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys
                Yamamoto defend with 1 Infantry
                    Chinese roll dice for 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in Hunan, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits
                    Yamamoto roll dice for 1 Infantry in Hunan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Infantry owned by the Yamamoto lost in Hunan
                Chinese win, taking Hunan from Yamamoto with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Yamamoto: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Chinese
            1 Infantry moved from Shensi to Shansi
            1 Infantry moved from Szechwan to Kweichow
            2 Infantrys moved from Sikang to Lanchow
            1 Elite moved from E.Qinghai to Lanchow
            1 Infantry moved from E.Qinghai to Lanchow
            4 Infantrys moved from E.Qinghai to Ningsia
            2 ArmoredCars and 1 Tank moved from Ulan Bator to Suiyuan
            1 Fighter moved from Anhwei to Hupeh
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Chahar to Hupeh
            5 Infantrys and 1 Marine moved from Hsining to E.Qinghai
            1 ArmoredCar and 1 Tank moved from Urumqi to Gobi Altai
        Place Units - Chinese
            1 Factory placed in Hupeh
            1 Elite and 5 Infantrys placed in Hsining
            4 Infantrys placed in Urumqi
        Turn Complete - Chinese
            Chinese collect 39 PUs; end with 39 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Yamamoto regular : -0.33
    Chinese regular : 2.50
    Neutral regular : 0.33
    Hisaichi regular : 0.33
  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15


    I messed up my go and did not realize the passage between Ulithi and Woleai (Caroline Islands), I was just informed by my partners who have to put up with me! :-(


    Would it be ok if I did that attack from Yap to Ulithi now and with the Forum dice?

    I am very sorry, but please let my partners not suffer for my incompetence.

  • @elrood I don’t mind.

  • cool with me :+1:

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

    @dawgoneit thanks guys!

    Art and inf [dice 2d6]

    Inf [dice 1d6]

  • 2d6: 5, 1
    1d6: 5

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15


    UK inf [dice 1d6]

  • 1d6: 6

  • 2024 '22 '19 '17 '15

  • @Witt Game History

    Round: 5
        Combat Move - Hisaichi
            1 Cruiser moved from 110 Sea Zone to 105 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from S.French Indochina to 105 Sea Zone
            1 Cruiser and 1 Infantry moved from 105 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            2 Fighters and 1 Infantry moved from 110 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Banjarmasin to 110 Sea Zone
            2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from 110 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            1 Transport moved from 110 Sea Zone to 105 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 Tank moved from S.French Indochina to 105 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry, 1 Tank and 1 Transport moved from 105 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 Tank moved from 110 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 92 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 92 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from S.French Indochina to 92 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery, 1 Cruiser, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from 92 Sea Zone to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from Changchun to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery, 1 Cruiser, 2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from 84 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone
            1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys moved from 75 Sea Zone to Ayan
            1 Artillery moved from Shantung to Chahar
            3 Infantrys moved from Shantung to Chahar
            1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Shantung to Shansi
            1 Bomber moved from Liaoning to Kolyma
            1 Infantry moved from Changchun to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry and 1 T.Boat moved from 84 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone
            1 Infantry moved from 75 Sea Zone to Kolyma
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from 84 Sea Zone to Chahar
            1 Fighter moved from 84 Sea Zone to Shansi
            1 Infantry moved from Peking to Chahar
            1 Artillery moved from Chita to Ayan
            1 Infantry moved from Chita to Ayan
        Purchase Units - Hisaichi
            Hisaichi buy 1 Bunker, 1 Destroyer, 1 Elite, 11 Infantrys, 2 Submarines and 3 Tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat - Hisaichi
            Battle in Kolyma
                Hisaichi attack with 1 Bomber and 1 Infantry
                Russians defend with 1 Tank
                Hisaichi win, taking Kolyma from Russians with 1 Bomber and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                Casualties for Russians: 1 Tank
            Battle in Ayan
                Hisaichi attack with 2 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys
                Russians defend with 2 Infantrys
                Hisaichi win, taking Ayan from Russians with 2 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                Casualties for Russians: 2 Infantrys
            Battle in Sumatra
                Hisaichi attack with 2 Adv.Fighters, 2 Artillerys, 2 Fighters, 4 Infantrys and 1 Tank
                Dutch defend with 2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 4 Infantrys and 1 Tank
                Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Dutch
                Hisaichi win, taking Sumatra from Dutch with 2 Adv.Fighters and 1 Tank remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 2 Artillerys, 2 Fighters and 4 Infantrys
                Casualties for Dutch: 2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 4 Infantrys and 1 Tank
            Battle in Chahar
                Hisaichi attack with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Artillery and 4 Infantrys
                Chinese defend with 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
                Hisaichi win, taking Chahar from Chinese with 1 Adv.Fighter, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                Casualties for Hisaichi: 1 Infantry
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 ArmoredCar, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
            Battle in Shansi
                Hisaichi attack with 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry
                Chinese defend with 1 Infantry
                Hisaichi win, taking Shansi from Chinese with 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                Casualties for Chinese: 1 Infantry
        Non Combat Move - Hisaichi
            1 Fighter moved from Shansi to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Adv.Fighter moved from Chahar to 84 Sea Zone
            1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine moved from 84 Sea Zone to 86 Sea Zone
            2 Destroyers moved from 92 Sea Zone to 75 Sea Zone
            1 Submarine moved from 92 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            1 Destroyer and 2 Submarines moved from 107 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
            2 Adv.Fighters moved from Sumatra to 110 Sea Zone
            1 Carrier moved from 92 Sea Zone to 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Changchun to 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 84 Sea Zone to Shantung
            1 Bomber moved from Kolyma to Liaoning
            2 Infantrys moved from Liaoning to Heilungchiang
            1 Transport moved from 92 Sea Zone to 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from Liaoning to 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys moved from 84 Sea Zone to Shantung
            1 Infantry moved from Shantung to Anhwei
            1 Submarine moved from 110 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone
        Place Units - Hisaichi
            1 Submarine placed in 110 Sea Zone
            3 Infantrys placed in Banjarmasin
            1 Bunker, 1 Elite and 2 Infantrys placed in Heilungchiang
            4 Infantrys placed in Liaoning
            1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine placed in 84 Sea Zone
            2 Infantrys and 3 Tanks placed in Changchun
        Turn Complete - Hisaichi
            Hisaichi collect 69 PUs; end with 69 PUs

    Territory Summary for Hisaichi :

    Vladivostok : 1 flag
    Okhotsk : 1 flag
    Chita : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
    Ayan : 1 flag, 2 Artillerys and 3 Infantrys
    Khabarovsk : 1 flag
    Kolyma : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
    S.French Indochina : 1 flag
    Shansi : 1 flag, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
    Shanghai : 1 flag
    Chahar : 1 flag, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys
    Anhwei : 1 flag, 1 Infantry
    Liaoning : 1 Bomber, 1 Factory and 4 Infantrys
    Peking : 1 flag
    Shantung : 1 flag, 1 Artillery, 4 Infantrys and 3 Tanks
    Changchun : 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 2 Infantrys and 3 Tanks
    Heilungchiang : 1 AAGun, 2 Artillerys, 1 Bunker, 1 Elite, 1 Factory, 10 Infantrys and 3 Tanks
    British Borneo : 1 flag
    West Borneo : 1 flag
    Sumatra : 1 flag, 1 Tank
    Banjarmasin : 1 flag, 1 AAGun, 1 Factory, 4 Infantrys and 2 Tanks
    Mindoro : 1 flag
    Panay : 1 flag
    Manila : 1 flag
    112 Sea Zone : 1 Submarine
    110 Sea Zone : 2 Adv.Fighters, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 4 Submarines and 3 Transports
    75 Sea Zone : 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 T.Boat and 1 Transport
    84 Sea Zone : 1 Adv.Fighter, 2 Carriers, 1 Destroyer, 1 Fighter, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
    86 Sea Zone : 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine


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