@Panther thank you
help with Triple A
@panther thanks. I’m aware of the issues with posting on the forum and have been saving my files and then manually posting the turn.
The problem I’m having now is that I can’t open the previous players turn file. When I click on the play by forum button all the info is there except my password. I enter my password and when I hit “play” is when the error message pops up.
I didn’t have this problem in previous turns I did in the same game so something has changed on my end and I’m trying to figure out how to solve the issue.
Could this be caused by a password issue? -
I’ll try something out, hold on.
Using the current stable it happens to me the same way as it happens to you.
When sticking to the current stable that seems to limit the options to use the local mode, unfortunately.
@panther I tried starting a new game and got the same error message.
I could do my turns in local but the following player wouldn’t be able to open the file in pbf… so they have to go back to the file I used and edit all my moves, etc.
I’m not sure how I should proceed with the game now… -
I am sorry I have no easy solution for you. It is all a mess.
I see you are playing with @redrum. Maybe ask him, as he has been closer into the TripleA software devolpment.
I can only repeat that it should be fixed with the 2.6 pre-releases. But we have been waiting for a new stable release for a long time, now. It was supposed to be released “soon”, months (I don’t remember exactly when) ago …
@panther Thanks, I appreciate your help. I’ll get with Ron and see what he suggests.
@captainwalker Try using PBEM instead of PBF. That will still roll dice and should avoid the forum error.
@karl7 Find them here:
Just FYI, I cued up the patch version and was able to post but when i tried to download the file I got this:
basically no file was saved… it was “null” as you can see…
@Karl7 The current pre-release should work, now.