Oh quite. It seems that 32bit Windows doesn’t allow Java to use more than 1100MB or so.
Yes, 32-bit Windows has some RAM limitations/restrictions.
@panther I tried starting a new game and got the same error message.
I could do my turns in local but the following player wouldn’t be able to open the file in pbf… so they have to go back to the file I used and edit all my moves, etc.
I’m not sure how I should proceed with the game now…
I am sorry I have no easy solution for you. It is all a mess.
I see you are playing with @redrum. Maybe ask him, as he has been closer into the TripleA software devolpment.
I can only repeat that it should be fixed with the 2.6 pre-releases. But we have been waiting for a new stable release for a long time, now. It was supposed to be released “soon”, months (I don’t remember exactly when) ago …
@panther Thanks, I appreciate your help. I’ll get with Ron and see what he suggests.
@captainwalker Try using PBEM instead of PBF. That will still roll dice and should avoid the forum error.
@karl7 Find them here:
Just FYI, I cued up the patch version and was able to post but when i tried to download the file I got this:
basically no file was saved… it was “null” as you can see…
@Karl7 The current pre-release should work, now.