Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @victoryfirst

    Hi Victory,

    Great Game Report:+1:

    Did you use the German Battle of the Atlantic strategy?

    Which units are included in your Waffen-SS Armies?

    I assume that the Soviet Army Corps that was destroyed took out lots of German troops?

    I look forward to what happens next.

    If possible, you should also post pictures to back up your Game Report.

    By the way, I have lost a few games to some of our Veteran Players.

    Even though the majority of the Rules Developement is designed by me, we have 53 registered players - all using the Axis & Allies Global 1940 Expansion series.

    And most of these players have contributed to the Expansion Rules, with comments, questions and feed back. Just as you have contributed by yourself with questions, that are now part of the Rules Clarification:+1:

    So, when we play - victory depends on which strategy you plan - and how you manage to adapt to the situation depending on combat results.

    This includes critical decisions on which units to produce - in which numbers - and in which combinations you deploy those units.

    The better you have prepared - the better are the chances for succes.

  • @victoryfirst

    Good question…

    What is the situation in the Atlantic and Western Europe?

    I suggest that Germany try to hold the line with only small scale attacks on the Eastern Front - until you can heavily re-inforce the German frontline units with mass production of infantry.

    Japan must have their entire fleet concentrated in sz 35 - to fend off the Allied navies.

    Also, Japan should launch an amphibious assault against Aleutian islands and/or Alaska - to force the US troops to focus on “cleaning up” rather than offensive operations in the Pacific.

    China must be wiped out - fast.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    Also, Japan should launch an amphibious assault against Aleutian islands and/or Alaska - to force the US troops to focus on “cleaning up” rather than offensive operations in the Pacific.

    yea, this good advice if the opportunity is there. It’s a strong move that doesn’t cost much. Throw an Escort in for another 6 bucks and you got a 50% chance of killing something better unless it’s a Sub or Escort fodder unit, which is a wash. Make them react to you a little bit.

    Also, you kill a National Advantage and activate the Pacific Islands bonus. Although might wanna be careful activating AK. USA end up getting more dough in the long run.

    Sounds like a fun game. Looking forward to how it turns out.

  • These photographs are even worse than before! Anyway, Early 1942, I did the Japanese turn. At first, I thought this didn’t look so bad. The Japanese transports masses around Okinawa. With a naval base built in Kiangsi and lots of troops built in the factories of shantung and Kwangsi, these fellows can take Malaya, Borneo, and Celebes. China got eliminated, and the freed-up troops can now take up the fight with the British


  • But, of course, after the American turn, it looks even worse. The Americans massed their fleets around the Carolines and took it. Although this fleet is vulnerable to a Japanese counter-attack, the ANZAC forces will reinforce this fleet on their turn, making it impenetrable. And more American reinforcements are on their way. The Japanese need to think hard in order to have a chance. (I did the Japanese turn before I read your comment @The-Captain, attacking Alaska would be a clever move, but I am now a bit out of position…)


  • And I found a new strategy for Axis-Italy! Building Para’s is the way to go! This way you can take a lot of places that you otherwise need a transport to take it. The Italians built some paratroopers and flew to North Africa. These were able to finally conquer all of Africa, and after that, they were able to fly to Gibraltar and take it. They also flew some of them to Syria, threatening to take the Middle East. They just collected all of their bonus income. If they start to build up a lot of infantry, the Germans will have a lot of spare forces once they take over Italy.


  • This is the situation on the Eastern Front, Late 1942, after the German turn. Using paratroopers, they blocked the Soviet armies in Archangel to counter-attack the two German armies in Bryansk. (I forgot to move the two AA guns in Bessarabia to Ukraine, I corrected that later).

    The situation in the Atlantic? Well, the British have built up a large task force with a Carrier, a Battleship, two Cruisers and four Destroyers. The Americans are still on the east coast, but they have two Carriers and three destroyers. So seeing this, the Germans retreated their last six subs to the med, in order to hinder the Allies there. The battle of the Atlantic is lost to Germany.


  • And while I am doing the Soviet turn, what happens if an Army takes casualties? Are the extra dice cancelled immediately?
    Example 1: A Panzer Army is attacked. The attacker scores three hits. Three Panzers are selected as a casualty. Is the army now disrupted, and will the defender only roll six dice, or the full ten?

    Example 2: Same example, but now the defender gets six hits, immediately destroying all the units in the Army. How many dice gets the defender to roll?

  • @victoryfirst

    The game mechanism concerning combat casualties for an Army - or even an Army Group - is the same as with other combat casualties.

    In other words: if a defending Army takes casualties, the Army still has to fire back as an Army during that round of combat.

    After this Army has fired back - and removed its casualties, the Army is no longer intact - and the remaining units from that Army are returned from the Army Board to the game board.

    As mentioned above - this rule also applies for an Army Group (you get 2 extra dice at “5” for an Army Group defending).

  • @victoryfirst

    I’m glad you found that Italian strategy! Please let Japan win-why do they often do worse than Germany?

  • @the-captain

    Maybe you can post a few of the games that you lost in, especially if the Axis won those. Alternatively, you can just post some games where the Axis won. I just want the Axis to win!

    Anyways, I always thought that you would have lost a few games, considering you’ve played thousands, and you metnioned before how these rules were a group project.

  • @victoryfirst said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    And I found a new strategy for Axis-Italy! Building Para’s is the way to go!

    heh heh yea i dig those Italian Paras. Cost and defend the same as a mech with equal or greater range and attack. Too bad can only have 4 : )

  • @barnee

    Exactly! The same applies to all other nations that can build paratroopers!

  • Start of Early 1943, things are looking really bad for the Axis. Allied navies entered the Med. On top of that, during the Soviet turn of Early 1943 (no picture yet) the Soviet sub killed an Italian blocker. That means Rome is invadable, but I am not sure if the Americans have enough stuff to take it.

    In the Pacific, the Japanese consolidated around the Philippines blocked the way into SZ 6, took most of the Strategic Important Islands as well as Malaya. On the Allied player’s turns, they killed the Japanese blockers and took most of the Important Islands back (as well as Malaya and Kwangtung). The Axis reached their peak in Late 1942, having 180 income together (including Bonus Income), while the Allies only had 185. They were just 16 away of 148 for an Axis Victory at the end of the Japanese turn, but the Allies did a good job and dropped the total number down to 150 (with Bonus Income again). DSC00516.JPG

  • Situation on the Eastern Front in Early 1943, after Soviet turn. The Soviets attacked Bryansk with a tank army and an infantry, in order to destroy the German units and then retreat to Moscow again. But they accidentally took the territory, which meant the Russians needed to stack Bryansk as much as possible, otherwise the Tank Army would be destroyed by the German counter-attack. They were just not able to hold AND Archangel AND Bryansk, so they moved their Armies from Archangel to Bryansk, stacked up Smolensk and stacked up Bryansk. This way, they hope to hold on to forward positions as best as possible, although they had to give up Archangel (which gave the Russian player five bonus income every time). The Soviets are feeling the German pressure and a lot of destroyed German Armies are coming to reinforce the Eastern Front, including Waffen and Panzer Grenadier units.


  • @victoryfirst

    Noooo! I guess that means if you’re playong by yourself you’re not willing to make “creative movements” in favour of the Axis. I almost don’t want you to post more. It’ so sad for the Axis. Almost.

    Anyways, great reports! I look forward to more reports (which hopefully are nicer to the Axis).

  • Early 1943, Japanese turn, the Axis capitulate. The Japanese tried to crack Yunnan and really could do so with all their airpower. But they had to do other important stuff as well like destroying some transports and units in sz’s that had to be blocked. Each time the Japanese had to send one aircraft that could reach Yunnan on another mission. Eventually, the attack against Yunnan wasn’t that strong. It could be made stronger because I overlooked some subs that could reach the Malayan sea, which could free up other ships that attacked the fleet there, which could free up aircraft that could reach Yunnan. But that didn’t happen so the attack failed, China is about to get liberated, and sz 6 is going to get attacked with ships from Hawaii, and airpower from the Carolines. Then, the allies could non-combat their fleets to sz 6 and blockade Japan. then Japan would be doomed.
    This is the final situation:

    DSC00522.JPG DSC00523.JPG DSC00524.JPG

  • 2024 2023 '22


    There really needs to be some Axis victories on this topic. You should have had the Allies invade Columbia and only that territory. This will allow a massive infantry boost for the Axis. This won’t save Japan though. Thank you for the report! It’s always nice reading these.

  • @The-Captain

    Game report from Holland,

    Just played my second game with the global expansion house rules.
    this brings the game absolutly to another level!

    First off all i made a lot of markers, and painted all the special units with his own special color.

    for example,

    all waffen units with the color red.

    all elite infantry with the color green.

    axis.jpg axis and allies.jpg axis and a.jpg

    Unfortunalty Germany lost his army by a mistake in Russia so the Allies won the game in round 12.

    So next time Germany will gain a victory.
    You can only learn from you’re mistakes;)

    So to every Axis and Allies fan i say this,

    If you are looking for a great and cheap way to improve you’re game massive.

    Go for the Global House Rules collection!!!

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Germany died again-I guess that’s just life. Hopefully Japan fares better.

    I’m interested in close up photos of your special unit pieces.

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