The example of a bad player getting LRA+HB and winning against a good one is EXTREMELY improbable. First, you have to miraculously get both technologies early enough in the game for them to be some use to you. If you are up against a good player, that really limits your time frame. Second, you have to know how to use them, if you are a bad player, that is very improbably. Third, you have to be able to get them where you need them, if you are against a good player, that is improbable. Fourth, you have to still build ground units since even LRA HBs only defend with one die at 1. A single tank could, theoretically, take out a dozen HBs if the tank is attacking. Fifth, you’re good player has to make a number of mistakes, even if he does not go technology, in order for the bad player to win.
More likely, you have two bad players, one who went tech, one who either did not, or did and didnt get good ones. Or you have two good players, one who got the techs but faces someone who also got them or knew how to neutralize them.
Remember, in previous incarnations of the game, a technology was a HUGE boon to the side that got it. In this version, every technology nerfs a different technology. It’s balanced.
Lastly, I say that it is my opinion that players who are not as good as others at the game, refuse to play with technologies because it adds depth to the game, a depth they cannot handle. If we have player A with a 7 wins per loss ratio who loses to player B with a 1 win to 7 losses ratio because player B played player A in a tech game, then I have to think maybe the better player did win, and the worse player lost.
Hasbro will not release a game of this. I think they only released the CD Rom before so they had ammo in court against Dogs of War. That way they could tell the judge “hey, we have a game, they are infringing on our copywrites by giving this one away!” That’s why it was never really supported and was buggier than shizzit.