• OK, I posted this on the Italian fleet thread but I do it again in a revised format to get some feedback. The fastest and quickest way of killing the Italian fleet should be:

    1. On US1, build 1 CV +1 DD +1 sub + 1 bom -> EUS/sz10.
    2. On US2, move 1 sub, 2 DD+1 fully loaded CV to sz12, move 3 bom’s to French West Africa (note: safe from attack from Egypt and can reach East Med., if Axis has tanks in range, place bom’s in Belgian Congo covered by UK troops, i.e. 2 inf from SAF). Sz12 might be bolstered by UK fleet if needed for defence against German air strike.
    3. On US3, strike Italian fleet with either: sz15 or sz16 2 figs, 3 boms, or: sz13 or sz14 1 sub 2 DD 1 CV 2 fig 3 bom. If the Italians builds a fleet of 1 DD+1 fully loaded CV in sz14 you still have 1 sub 2 DD, 1 CV, 2 fig, 3 bom vs. 1 DD, 2 CA, 1 CV, 2 fig, 1 BB, a 70%+ attack.

    The only way for Axis to counter this strategy seems to be to build even more fleet and in that case a combined US + UK strike should be enough to finish it off. I doubt if an Italian fleet build is even worth it with this US strategy, it’s probably a waste of IPCs that will be at the bottom of the sea! If the Axis survive with 2 tanks in EGY on turn 1, 2 infs might not do it to protect your bombers, and in that case using Russia as the bomber base works as well.

    With a SAF IC and landings in Algeria, Africa will be secure quite quickly and UK’s vital IPCs saved from dwindling too low. The stage is set for Allied success.  :-D

  • @Lynxes:

    With a SAF IC and landings in Algeria, Africa will be secure quite quickly and UK’s vital IPCs saved from dwindling too low. The stage is set for Allied success.  :-D

    That’s a large allied investment in Africa.  Are you sure the UK IC is needed if you plan on removing the Axis ability to reinforce africa by the end of round 3?  I think the UK navy is better served with the $15 (could be another tpt with inf and tank).

    Just some food for thought…

  • That seems like it would seriously hamper the allies in Europe, I fear Russia would be in too much trouble.  The other problem I would see is the potential to have Japan start hitting Africa fairly hard if the Axis player became familiar with that strat.  Use a delay w/ Italy, then follow up with Japan.  Also of note the Japanese Carrier can get re enforce Italy T3 and maybe even a few surviving German subs.

    Clearing the Med seems to be a living logistical Hell for the Allies.  Latley, I have been more concerned with just a US fleet that Italy can’t sink/ is resticted a little (due to US bomber pressure).  Getting money and pressure on Europe seems far more profitable than worrying about wasting valuable turns/time in Africa sometimes. If the Axis want they can make the Med a living nightmare, on top of that taking Italy itself can sometimes be of no use as it is too difficult to trade most of the time due to the location.

    I think the Allies should just worry about France 1st and foremost (easier to hit and hold PLUS you get an NO for US and UK), have America send in a very few “suicide trannies” w/armour into Africa to disrupt the Italians a bit.  But for the most part threaten France w/ a united fleet, be in a position to double hit Germany to keep German supply lines to Russia severly ltd, and hit Poland/NW Europe/Karelia at will. Another benefit to this is if the Italians usually build a fleet (particularly a defensive carrier) they have essentially just wasted money and time.

    This game is still about relieving Russia as quickly as possible and trying to prevent Japan from getting uncontrolably big.  A large Allied commitment to Africa does not seem like the way to acomplish this goal.

  • I can’t see a quick strike at France succeeding if Axis plays well, builds an extra IC as Germany and then uses both Italian and German inf to make landing very expensive indeed. If UK looses Africa they will be down to the low 20s in IPCs and won’t be very threatening. The SAF IC can be used against Japan in the later game, channelling tanks through the Middle East and relieving pressure on Caucasus.

    As for invasions of northern Europe, they are important and that’s why I think USA should take the main responsibility for destroying the Italian fleet. Typically you land in Norway on UK2 and then somewhere on the continent on UK3, and that pretty much is what you can do early on. After the first US buy oriented towards Africa, they can start building up for the ECA/FRA shuck and maybe some Pacific builds. Those bombers in Africa of course transfer back to Europe after doing their job! It’s not an all-out anti-African campaign that I’m advocating, it’s just that in a long game IPC-balance is vital and Africa tips the scales.

  • Buy 3 bomber with UK turn 1, sink it turn 2 with 4 bombers.
    That’ the best way I found.

  • @Lynxes:

    I can’t see a quick strike at France succeeding if Axis plays well, builds an extra IC as Germany and then uses both Italian and German inf to make landing very expensive indeed. If UK looses Africa they will be down to the low 20s in IPCs and won’t be very threatening. The SAF IC can be used against Japan in the later game, channelling tanks through the Middle East and relieving pressure on Caucasus.

    As for invasions of northern Europe, they are important and that’s why I think USA should take the main responsibility for destroying the Italian fleet. Typically you land in Norway on UK2 and then somewhere on the continent on UK3, and that pretty much is what you can do early on. After the first US buy oriented towards Africa, they can start building up for the ECA/FRA shuck and maybe some Pacific builds. Those bombers in Africa of course transfer back to Europe after doing their job! It’s not an all-out anti-African campaign that I’m advocating, it’s just that in a long game IPC-balance is vital and Africa tips the scales.

    The UK owning France= All of UK Africa + being in an already relevent position.  There is also a good chance you will own Norway/Finland.  Plus there is a good chance of being able to trade Poland and/or NW Europe.  These territories put the UK at around 25-28 IPC’s per Turn, that’s not bad.  Plus you are in a much more relevant position.

    I would think Germany building an IC on France T1 would cost it dearly.  Now the UK/US would have free SBRs and could potentially do  32 IPC worth of bombing damage (counting Germany/Franc.  44 with Italy).  More importantly Germany moves before UK, if Germany builds a T1 IC the UK can always adjust its strat at this point.  Also Germany just spent 1/2 of her income on a non attacking/non defending piece in the far reaches of the Western Front.  I would think Russia could make Germany pay dearly for this.  If Italy is planning on buying a navy, that would mean that Germany/Italy probably only bought, at most, 24 IPC worth of ground units on Europe T1 which is less than what Russia alone is going to put on the board.

    Also I don’t say abandon Africa completley, once in awhile send the US down there with an occasional transport to keep Italy occupied and MAYBE even a few Russians via Persia/the Caucauss.

    I just see the UK factory hurting the UK on building a decent Navy on time from the Germans. To me an unsinkable Allied fleet is priority #1, without it the Allies are worthless. Many times the UK won’t be in a position to make a drop in Europe untill UK3, why should I make that more difficult on myself by putting an IC in SAF.  \I say this assuming the UK has to spend all of UK1 buying capital ships just not to get sunk/be a non worthless player, and AT MOST will have only 1 Transport (though may not have any transports at all by the end of UK1, because all IPC’s had to be invested in capital ships)

  • An unsinkable fleet is so terribly cheap for the allies its not even funny.  Allies have 6 fighters on T1.  With a simple investment of 14 IPCs those turn into 2/4/4, up to 3 of 'em, for just 42 IPCs.  It would take G to kill 3 loaded carriers plus the 2 destroyers allies have at the end of turn 1 4 fighters and 7 bombers to have odds to win against that fleet.  Now if your purchasing the craptastic cruiser than yes, getting an unsinkable fleet is insanely expensive, but destroyers and carriers are crazy good at defending transports.

  • the cruisers offshore ability makes it far from “craptastic” and at $12 it is easily affordable. (I still love the BB though, something about turning her on her side :wink:)

  • Sure taking one shot at a 3 for a boat that defends worse than the same priced bomber attacks while the enemy is making more money than you is awesome, so is my fig that attacks all combat at a 3 =).

  • @bugoo:

    Sure taking one shot at a 3 for a boat that defends worse than the same priced bomber attacks while the enemy is making more money than you is awesome, so is my fig that attacks all combat at a 3 =).

    ships have always been more expensive than air for comparable firepower, just as air (fig attack @3. $10) is more expensive by comparison than ground (tank @3, $5) air has unprecedented mobility to offset that and navy is the only way to get units into the action for some nations so I don’t think that is a good comparison.

    comparing the relative value of the different ships (like your earlier post) is however an excellent topic for discussion. does this mean you invest in carriers and fighters to support you landings and find that a more effecient approach than building capitol ships and bombarding?

  • Yes, i typically invest in 2-4 carriers with a sprinkling of destroyers.  This is the only way to get the troops into the fight in large quantities quickly.

    Look at it this way, on UK1 I can buy a carrier and 2 or 3 transports and land the US fighters on her.  This, with the destroyer pair I start with, gives me a 2, 2, 4, 4 to defend with.  It also forces Germany to either stack france hard, or begin trading it turn UK2.  On US1 I can buy a carrier, transports, and/or bombers.  Then, on allied turn 2 G has alot of troops coming in to say hello.  Because UK typically has 30-35 IPCs to spend on turn 2 if I need to I can land in Norway, France, or NWE and build another destroyer or two, or even another carrier, or I can send said fleet down to SZ 12 and land 6-8 UK units in africa and join up with the US fleet.  The big thing about the carrier build though, is it allows me to land between 10-14 units into Europe/Africa, on turn 2.

    Typically though I keep the UK fleet in the north (landing in Karelia typically, as G has a hard time keeping figs in range to strike SZ 4), and the US fleet in the south (landing in Africa, sending armor on a race to Persia to help hold against Japan).  This takes pressure off of Russia beginning turn 2, keeps G’s income a little lower, and threatens France and Italy.

  • '16 '15 '10

    I like this.  The idea of buying bombers UK1 to sink the fleet UK2 isn’t bad either, but depends on what Germany did and bought G1.  USA3 is probably a better idea in most cases.  But an attack needs to be made by USA3 otherwise Allies are asking for trouble.  At that point it’s tough to prevent a Jap carrier coming through unless the Allies have stacked Jordan.

  • I also like the carriers and fighters approach if I am landing in heavily contested areas that require more than one round to clear since the air remains round to round. I prefer bombards if I am strafing (no risk to planes) or if I expect to clear the TT in one round of combat

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    How does your attack hold up under an Italian Destroyer buy?  (Or Aircraft Carrier + Fighter buy adding the second fighter they start with to the fleet defense?)

  • Best thing to do in that case, in my opinion, is to stack SZ 12 with combined US/UK fleets while US builds up her bomber fleet.  US and UK can land many more troops into africa than Italy could ever dream of, and the IPCs spent for boats means fewer Italians on France.  Combine that with ample US bombing of germany and building up for a ‘take and hold drop’ of france or Italy should allow you to push back.  The biggest weakness, esp with my typically 3 trannie buy, is the UK fleet is vulnerable in SZ 12 by itself on UK2 as it consist of only a destroyer and loaded carrier.  Because of this it is a good idea to suicide a tranny to take Norway or use the US one, but mostly to only send 1 or 2 trannies with the fleet into SZ 12, and purchase more tannies and troops into SZ 2 to give you a possible threat of around 12 ground pounders on UK3 into france.  G3 is not a good turn to have to move half your purchased units in the wrong direction  8-)

    This puts I2 in an strange position, as she can kill the UK fleet, but then she will most likely loose her fleet on US2 and the UK should still have 2-4 transports anyway that can rally under US carrier cover.  Or she could keep her fleet, but if the allies take africa anyway, as US2 should drop around 4-6 units in along with a large potential UK drop on UK3, what is the point.

    Another fun thing to do with this on allied turn 3-5, is instead of hitting france, land on NWE in force while purchasing destroyers with the UK.  This allows the US to reinforce with fighters from the carriers on her turn and allow you to start scaring Germany, remember NWE is worth the same as Karelia to Germany!  Along with an aggressive Russia you can really put Germany in a tight spot.

  • @Cmdr:

    How does your attack hold up under an Italian Destroyer buy?  (Or Aircraft Carrier + Fighter buy adding the second fighter they start with to the fleet defense?)

    Ignore the fleet.  As long as you have a big enough fleet that can’t be sunk what’s it matter?  If the Western Axis want to waste money on building defensive fleets make them pay by building ground units.  The game is simply not designed for the Western Axis to effectivly rule the waves.  If it was it would be a serious design flaw, making the game virtualy unwinnable for the Allies.  If the Western Axis manage to overpower the Allies in the Atlantic it is simply because the Allies are allowing it due to mistakes/poor play/ very bad luck/ or some other strat the Allies are employing that willingly does not involve dominating the Atlantic Ocean.

    The Allies’ mistakes/willing concessions cause the Axis to win the Atlantic, not superior Axis play.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Well I can agree with that only if the Allies are preventing Italy from achieving NOs.  Sure, if Italy pours all its income into carriers that’s pretty inefficient purchasing and maybe its better to let the fleet stand.  But honestly if Axis is going to put fighters on those carriers I wouldn’t mind buying even more bombers as USA and bagging the whole shebang.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d throw 8 IPC into the water if it meant I kept both Italian NOs (10 IPC a round.)  I was just wondering if you played against a destroyer build. (Or even a carrier build since you have a fighter that can land on it, and Italy could really use the fighter starting in the med so it can attack both theaters of operations.)

  • @Zhukov44:

    Well I can agree with that only if the Allies are preventing Italy from achieving NOs.  Sure, if Italy pours all its income into carriers that’s pretty inefficient purchasing and maybe its better to let the fleet stand.  But honestly if Axis is going to put fighters on those carriers I wouldn’t mind buying even more bombers as USA and bagging the whole shebang.

    My theory is if the Western Axis are putting money into defensive naval units, it would probably be best for the Allies to get very aggressive with land units.  This would probably lead to a more unified fleet, rather than UK up north and the US down south.  
    It is kind of seen as a window of opportunity to put as much pressure on France as possible while simultaneously being able to double hit one Axis capital.  If the Axis put money into a defensive fleet that can be succefully ignored, you may as well ignore it. It would mean the Axis wasted money on a unit that does next to nothing for them.  My guess would be that the Axis power that would buy the naval unit essentially just volunteers itself for the Allied SBR campaign to exploit their purchass even more.

    Let’s say Italy decides to build a Destroyer.  The Allies would then Unify the fleet on Algeria and open their SBR campaign against Italy.  Italy would probably not be able to move the fleet due to fear of invasion, they would be lacking in ground units, and France would be threatend.

    To be fair though this would not be as amplified as Axis Carrier builds.  I think that is something that the Allies could really exploit.  Ex: if Germany bought a carrier, it just spent 1/2 of it’s T1 income on a unit that can not attack/bombard/and without an airplane it only defends at 2 and is only good for expensive fodder if it attacks; this seems like something the Allies could use to their advantage by simply ignoring it and SBR Germany while putting heavy pressure on France from algeria quickly, while once again double threatening Italy. The Allied fleet is maintained, it has a better chance at holding France sooner because of a unified fleet (which allows more land units to be built) and Germany would be lacking the ground/air units she would normally build due to the Carrier build/SBRing.

    It’s not that I think there is never a reason to build Axis naval units, I would just rather wait until after US1 to decide if I wanted to build ships or not.  Even if my Allied strat is completley wrong, I don’t think there is much reason to build naval units for the Western Axis T1. And even if one insists on a naval build it should probably be a more aggressive ship.  A Cruiser allows for land bombardments at least.  Subs can be clever builds too I suppose.  Like I said, even if I am dead wrong, I can’t shake the feeling that defensive T1 fleet builds by the Western should be something an Allied player could somehow exploit.

    And as far as keeping 10 Italian NO’s, can you?  What goes on in Egypt/ Central Asia is probably one of the bigger variables of the game.  But as far as T1 or even T2 is concerned I don’t see Italy having 10 NO’s a forgone conclusion in the early stages of the game.  A UK stack in Persia, a UK1 counter attack on a German Egy, A UK1 Attack on Libya, Germany not attacking Egy G1, Russian tank/air/inf counter attacks on R2 are all very real possabilities.  That coupled with quick unified pressure would keep Italian movement greatly mitigated.  Also note that the UK may be able to  afford sending her 3-4 ships worth of gear towards Egypt every turn while the US just builds up an invading force, making it impossible for Italy to do anything of note in Africa, even with a navy.  The UK force could then continue to head towards India/Persia/Cauc making the marching forces still very relevant and useful.

    And yes, I have played against such builds, and have won and lost against them.  I most certainly have not played any 1 strat with much consistancy though to show any empirical evidence.  Which is odd considering I have probably played around 30-50 games of the Aniversery edition.

  • I’d throw 8 IPC into the water if it meant I kept both Italian NOs (10 IPC a round.)  I was just wondering if you played against a destroyer build. (Or even a carrier build since you have a fighter that can land on it, and Italy could really use the fighter starting in the med so it can attack both theaters of operations.)

    CmdrJennifer, I modified the build which was from the start 2 bombers and 1 carrier, in order to have some fodder units instead. It is true of course that Italy has three builds before US3 and can build more than 1CV+1DD which US alone can beat with my proposed US1 build. My idea then was to use the UK navy to finish the attack, probably on the turn after US strikes, UK4. You then send in air and fodder units, 3-4 DDs or subs, and spare your CV and CAs in sz12 to minimize losses to the UK invasion fleet. (A Russian blocking attack against TRJ is then needed to hinder Japanese deployment into the Med., and if Italy survives with a CV don’t forget that figs can be flown onto it before UK moves!)

    This is a simplification, of course, because you might try to hide ships in sz15/sz16 as Italy and so forth. I haven’t played this myself that much yet, when I tried it Italy has acquiesced in losing their fleet but for one game where I built two bombers US1 and didn’t have enough fodder units.

    UK doing the killing alone I think is a bad idea. They need to be invading and sending the fleet into battle first does too much harm to it. In the example above of a double US/UK strike at the Italian fleet, you can survive with the core of your Royal Navy if you play well. In this scenario you can’t invade FRA/NWE for a turn or two for a long-term benefit of destroying plenty of Axis IPCs.

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