@general-LD yes. The Sub would get to roll first and any hit would have to be allocated , before the attacker rolled his dice.
What is the USSR sub useful for?
The option suggested by Cmdr Jennifer is a useful and interesting employment for the russian sub.
However, it requires some back up from Russian air force. Usually I do not buy aircrafts with Russia in Anniversary, I buy mix of infantry, tank and artillery.
Maybe this potential use is another positive point of buying a russian fighter or better a russian bomber. I should try! :)
Yea, it does, virtually, require a purchase of air power for Russia, but to be honest, I almost always buy some air power for Russia anyway so I don’t have to spend expensive artillery and armor trading land. If you use a fighter instead of an artillery in 10 combats, you’ve paid for the fighter, right? (2 Inf + 1 Fig or Inf + Art.) Not to mention, you have better odds of success!
And yes, as I said, there is a use for it, but how often do you get to use it? Generally, the submarine sits there as a potential threat convincing Germany not to even build the destroyer and allowing England or England + America to conduct their bombardments. But even then, is it not serving a purpose? I mean, since it’s there and we’re kinda stuck with it!
On another note, why did Russia lose the transport after Classic???
Yea, it does, virtually, require a purchase of air power for Russia, but to be honest, I almost always buy some air power for Russia anyway so I don’t have to spend expensive artillery and armor trading land. If you use a fighter instead of an artillery in 10 combats, you’ve paid for the fighter, right? (2 Inf + 1 Fig or Inf + Art.) Not to mention, you have better odds of success!
And yes, as I said, there is a use for it, but how often do you get to use it? Generally, the submarine sits there as a potential threat convincing Germany not to even build the destroyer and allowing England or England + America to conduct their bombardments. But even then, is it not serving a purpose? I mean, since it’s there and we’re kinda stuck with it!
Agreed! But still I like to buy artillery with Russia, that potentially may be forced to trade up to four territories in a turn and so having a couple of artillery at hand is good in addition to some air force.
Oh, I did not mean to sound like I was dissing the idea of buying artillery with Russia altogether, I do purchase artillery with Russia periodically. No, what I meant was that Russia REALLY needs to have some air power and it’s not hard to spread the purchases out.
I like Bomber Round 3, Bomber Round 5 which means the first bomber cost 4 IPC a round and the second 6 IPC a round.
Definitely your idea is interesting and worthy to be used.
I agree with comic relief. I have yet to play the AA50 against a human (because I’m waiting for the reprint). But in the old school A&A games, we used the sub to crack jokes about. We called it the Red October and that alone made anything done with it funny. Also, any time the sub amounts to anything is a cause for mass celebration, if it doesn’t amount to anything, no biggie.
I agree with comic relief. I have yet to play the AA50 against a human (because I’m waiting for the reprint). But in the old school A&A games, we used the sub to crack jokes about. We called it the Red October and that alone made anything done with it funny. Also, any time the sub amounts to anything is a cause for mass celebration, if it doesn’t amount to anything, no biggie.
Why not play here on this forum using Battlemap?
It has varying degrees of uses. If there is a fleet perched by a still living Italian fleet it can be provided as very useful foder. Also, if the UK decides not to kill the German cruiser UK1 the Sub (particularly if you bought russian air R1) can be used as an attack on the cruiser, this could leave the UK with much better options UK2 and the UK does not risk losing a valuable plane. It can also slip through the med or the panama canal in some games and screw around with Jap shipping and/or provide the US Pacific fleet (perhaps linked with the UK Aussie fleet) with a potentialy important fodder unit .
Both of those options are semi common. The sub is certainly not universally useless, nor do I think it’s a fringe piece that provides virtually no value in an overwhelming majority of games. It is a fairly useful and unique unit so long as the Soviet player wishes to dedicate time and thought into using it (and there is NO reason not to), I am glad the soviets have it. I wouldn’t be suprised if it would contribute to a definate game winning strat in a few cases.
In games where I have been the U.S.S.R I have used the sub, which I quicky announce to the world as Red October, to tour the world’s oceans. It always ends up in the Pacific awaiting for unescorted Japanese supply ship.
the russian sub is useful for the simple reason that you can attack the german cruiser if it ventures to attack the the UK destroyer on G1. after that, it will be useful on a case by case basis.
if the german cruiser fails to attack the destroyer on G1, then the UK has gained by implication, and the sub can perhaps attack the cruiser on R2 if the UK can’t (or chooses not to) attack the germany navy on UK 1.
interestingly, an attacking sub versus a crusier is a 50-50 battle, despite the 2 to 3 difference in combat values, due to the sneak attack capability.
My last russian sub attacked a Jap. DD in the pacific with the help of a bomber.
This allowed the USA fleet to be unblocked and destroy the Jap. fleet. :evil: