China Free Mod version 0.1

  • I really like the idea behind this. China should be an independent power, and Japan should not be able to wipe them off the map in a couple turns.

    However, the Axis are at a severe disadvantage with these changes. Which is not good, because many people (including myself) feel that the Allies may already have a slight edge. Yes, there are more IPCs in Asia for Japan to conquer now. Yes, they have a capital to sack. But the this just does not make up for the fact that by the time Japan finally overcomes China, the Allies will be throwing a V-E day parade in Berlin.

    I think you need to beef Germany up significantly for this to be balanced. In fact, I’m not even sure you can balance this without rewriting the victory conditions. But I do like the idea as part of bigger, all-encompassing mod, perhaps.

  • Well, I’m one of the guys thinking axis has a great advantage, as I said in my 1st post, and that is the strongest reason to make this mod. If finally allies would have the advantage, this mod would not be needed.

    Any case, I would prefer delete that starting USA bombers than giving more power to germans (if allies have advantage with the mod), or we could end with a german parade in Moscow too soon.

    Let’s see if I find the time to make a AABattlemap module of the mod …

  • A note: I’ll send by e-mail a file with chinese tanks, artillery or such to anyone willing to test this mod with AABattlemap. It’s an old file, but it should work.

  • Ok, here is the map with Funcioneta’s China Mod 0.1. 
    I probably did not complete everything, exactly, the way you wanted,
    but I hope it captures your intentions for the Variant; 
    It can be found here under the folder AA50 Variant maps
    as AA50FuncionetaChinamod;

    Please review so I can edit my errors,


  • Yaaai! It’s super good!  :-) I like how Burma Road continues to Chongquing (after all, you cannot collect money without the capital) and also the cities in it. Commie China roundel is good also, and the mentions of KMT and CCP in their bases

    I also like very much China added in order of turns and starting cash spots. Both NOs marked in yellow also good.

    But the better is the now greater territory of Sikang. This is very needed, because in the two games I played the mod using the real board, Sikang was full of units from the begining.

    Excelent work! You get a +1 karma.  A great work as always :-)

  • @Funcioneta:

    Yaaai! It’s super good!  :-) I like how Burma Road continues to Chongquing (after all, you cannot collect money without the capital) and also the cities in it. Commie China roundel is good also, and the mentions of KMT and CCP in their bases

    I also like very much China added in order of turns and starting cash spots. Both NOs marked in yellow also good.

    But the better is the now greater territory of Sikang. This is very needed, because in the two games I played the mod using the real board, Sikang was full of units from the begining.

    Excelent work! You get a +1 karma.  A great work as always :-)

    Great, glad you like it, thanks for the ideas.
    I am making a MaxiumBlue map with all the ideas I like from online. 
    I would like to add this idea, I of course would list you for your credit,

  • That would eat japanesse forces for breakfast. You really could only attack the UK or China and not both. China could only make one unit per turn.
    Mabye with a Japanse tank and 2 art on the mainland to compensate
    that woud make it a more even battle but you would also have the CCCP breathing down your nech with up to 9 inf. Thats bad for teh lighting war japan needs to out IPC the US.
    Looks good on paper. tweek it a bit more see if its possible to give china a fighting chance without tottaly bogging down the jappanesse.

  • @Pvt.Patterson:

    that woud make it a more even battle but you would also have the CCCP breathing down your nech with up to 9 inf. Thats bad for teh lighting war japan needs to out IPC the US.

    That’s the point.  Without this mod, Japan out-IPCs the US while easily crushing East Asia, which is highly Unrealistic.  This makes China both a significant threat and a more valuable target


    Looks good on paper. tweek it a bit more see if its possible to give china a fighting chance without tottaly bogging down the jappanesse.

    In case you don’t remember, getting bogged down is exactly what happened to the Japanese, not Japan going Hulk Smash and conquering Eurasia by itself.

    Japan needs no extra troops.  Capturing China is much harder, but doing so allows them to win even if the US is closing in.  Their best bet would be to not capture the Philipines, instead landing those 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, and 1 Tank into East Asia, while producing 3 Tanks.  Following turn, they land 3 Infantry and 3 Tanks into East Asia while capturing the Philipines.  They focus on capturing Suiyan, Fukien, and Kwantung turn 1, then move those guys to Hupeh turn 2 and Sinkang turn 3.  Excluding losses, you will have 12 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 4 Tanks, and an indeterminate number of Air units to hit Sinkang.

  • Sounds pretty good but i still think that an art or two on the mainland would help it a bit. Mabye the Phip would not fal but they should be threatened by sometihng alon with India.
    Mabye slow the japanesse down two turns trowdrs india or asue land or phip

  • In fact, I’m a bit worried of China being still in trouble without the aid of the good old India IC in 1941 scenario (that can fall easy anyway), but that is for testing is needed

    1942 should be balanced now, but It needs testing to confirm

    Note that you can still kill 4 chinese territories at start, the difference is that now have a opponent for Japan instead a mere sparring. Japan’s strats should involve cutting Burma Road as soon as possible (and maybe a SBR campaign on Chongquing), so maybe it’s better kill 3 of China and Burma in J1 instead 4 of China

    AABattlemap module will be soon. I only have to add the NOs boxes and I’m done. Thanks, Holkann!  :-)

  • The China Free Mod, 1941 scenario module for AABattlemap is ready! I checked it and it’s fully operative. I need learn how to work with mediafire or such to upload files, but until that, you can ask me sending you the module by e-mail

    I must give credit to Holkann for aiding me in the art of modding AAbattlemap. Thanks, Holkann!  :-)

    In advance to any willing test the mod: the space in bottom of screen for cash, tech and such must be shared for China and USA; there is no problem about that (there is room for both). Also, damage counters must be represented as chinese ICs as it uses old tools file (use jap ICs for damage in chinese ICs).  The module needs some more polishments, but I’ll wait until the final version to do it. Anyway, it works and it will show all proper sums of IPCs rightly

    Test it and have fun!

  • I vote that the China Free Mod should be combined with the mod that gives Italy control of Italian East Africa, Germany control of Northwest Africa and Madagascar, and puts Infantry in all territories of Africa.  Just as the China Mod makes China into a legitimate front, the other mod makes Africa into one, rather than a simple Axis push through Egypt while Allies push in through Algeria.  As a result, you get to have 3 large ground battles going throughout the game instead of just 1.

  • It can be an option if the mod finally shows giving advantage to allies. Another option would be deleting starting all USA’s bombers

    Also, it’s a good idea for a 1940 scenario (after the fall of France)

  • The mod is now available to download in this link. It includes rules (in a text file) and the module for AABattlemap  :-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Nice Functioneta!

  • China wasn’t even that powerful in the Korean War.  Remember the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979?  Vietnam was invading Cambodia when China invaded from the North, and Vietnam won!  They held off the Chinese, and held Cambodia.  This Mod China seems like it could invade Japan by itself!

  • If China manages the fading sun NO, the chances are that USA will be able of invade Japan first

    But I don’t think China is so powerful. After all, Burma Road should not be able of hold more than two rounds if Japan makes a sustained assault, even with USA building fleet. 3 or 4 infs each round is not much, China spammed Japan with tons of soldiers in real life, and for sure this is more realist than a Japan that can kill China round 1 and blitz tanks for mountain areas of inland China  :|

    Also, compare this new China with Italy. In vanilla, the minimal for Italy is 3 infs/round, and in first rounds they can build even 6. Compare this with the probable maximun of 1 if Japan spares a bit them, and zero if Japan does that they must do. I cannot conceive a Italy building 3 to 6 times more inf than China in real life, and even a 1 to 1 basis as in this mod is not realist

    And we need a boost for allies in this theater, so add balance reasons to historical reasons

  • How about restricting China to just purchasing infantry to account for them not being an industrialized nation?  I know they used a few crappy early war Russian tanks but I wouldn’t count that as a full tank unit on the battle board which is probably representative of a corps.  And perhaps let them ‘repurchase’ the Flying Tigers if they are ever destroyed.  This makes China a mainly defensive force unless Japan goes light into China (due to a heavy US push) or the SU or UK give assistance for real offensive capabilities (after the Japs have been softened and thinned out by attacking the hordes of defending Chinese conscripts).

  • It’s better keeping same rules for all nations or different rules for all nations. For historical accuraccy we should also forbid jap tanks blitzing chinese mountain zones (or even russian marsh or Siberia). Making China the only exception to normal rules (and only to give them disadvantages) is bad. As we Spanish say: or all moors or all christians

  • '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Hi  Funcioneta,

    thanks for designing this. It looks like it is going to solve the problem I was going to have tomorrow of having too many players. I was just curious if htere were any updates on this, any tweaks or a sense of how it effects game balance?

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