• I am sure this has been asked before, but unable to find it…

    When an attacking forces wins a battle, can they retreat without taking the territory if no defending units are left?

    And another aspect of it, what if the only defending unit left is an aa gun?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  You can’t retreat if there’s nothing to retreat from.

  • @Ol’:

    And another aspect of it, what if the only defending unit left is an aa gun?

    AA guns are not considered defending units and so don’t count.

  • @Krieghund:

    No.  You can’t retreat if there’s nothing to retreat from.

    Thank you sir

  • Hey guys,

    Same as last poster…im sure this has been asked but cant find it or haven’t looked enough  :-P.
    I am confused abound liberating a territory in the 1942 set up :?.
    Lets say the UK does an amphibious assault on german occupied baltic states or eastern poland, Does the IPC(s) go to the UK or Russia.?
    Thanks 4 the help  :-D

  • @514bishy:

    Hey guys,

    Same as last poster…im sure this has been asked but cant find it or haven’t looked enough�  :-P.
    I am confused abound liberating a territory in the 1942 set up :?.
    Lets say the UK does an amphibious assault on german occupied baltic states or eastern poland, Does the IPC(s) go to the UK or Russia.?
    Thanks 4 the help�  :-D

    Hi, and welcome to the forums!

    Even though it’s the 1942 scenario and the Germans start with Baltic states and Eastern Poland, they are still considered original Russia territories.  If UK does an amphibious assault on Axis occupied Baltic States and wins, they have liberated it for RUSSIA.
    Also, for the UK NO purposes, any ORIGINAL Japanese territory that’s taken by the Allies will give this NO.
    For example, taking over Sumatra (er - East Indies on the actual game board) or Borneo does not count.  Although Japan starts the 1942 scenario controlling Sumatra, it is not an original Japanese territory.

    Fortunately, you will always be accurate going by this rule:
    Always go by what is printed on the map and not by who controls what at the beginning of the 1942 scenario.
    Sumatra is British.
    Baltic States is Russian.

  • Thanks Gamerman  :-D

    So just so Im sure, if Japan were to find their way to Russian occupied baltic states, then Japan would get the IPC correct?

  • @514bishy:

    Thanks Gamerman :-D

    So just so Im sure, if Japan were to find their way to Russian occupied baltic states, then Japan would get the IPC correct?

    Assuming Japan is wresting it from an Ally of course, yes! Baltic States is a Russian territory no matter whether you are playing 1941 or 1942 scenario, and this is the same for all territories on the map. Go by what is printed (so basically 1941 scenario original ownership holds for 1942 as well)

    Note also that Japan taking Baltic States would help Germany get her NO for the 3/5 Russian territories.

    Any time - my pleasure

  • I understand what you mean Gamerman. Its just that in previous 1942 games I have played those territories are German and thats what was confusing me but like you said, the map will tell all  :-D

    Another quick question:
    Can you save some $ for your next turn?

    Thx again

  • @514bishy:

    Another quick question:
    Can you save some $ for your next turn?

    You can save it all if you want to.  You can save it the turn after that too.  Can make for interesting strategies.  One of the most under-used or under-rated strategies.

    Keep those questions coming!

  • So you’re telling me that if Britain has 27$ it can buy 8 men and save 3$? If thats the case then why the hell would anybody buy 9 men with only one idustrial and leave the last infantry for the next round? Is it because they didnt realize that Britain only has a value of 8? Usually with 27$ I would have bought a tank, artillery & 6 infantry to make 8 units but this news changes a lot!  :-o

    Im happy to ask more questions. I have read the rule book and most of my questions would be answered in it but I have np double checking to be sure that I have the rules down pact. The question is do you want one at a time or all together?  :-P

    Cant thank you enough  :-D

  • If your opponents has like a 30% shot on your capital, but that you’re ready to take the risk, it can be better to buy one too much infantry that will be used the next round if the opponent does not take his chance or did not succeed. Why ? If he take the capital, he will not get the 3$ that you used (and that he would have if you saved it).

    But usually, it’s more a mistake ;)

  • @514bishy:

    Im happy to ask more questions. I have read the rule book and most of my questions would be answered in it but I have np double checking to be sure that I have the rules down pact. The question is do you want one at a time or all together?  :-P

    Cant thank you enough  :-D

    Either way.  You’re welcome.


    1)Can a sub move freely through a sea zone consisting of only an enemy sub, and ignore it the same way other ships can?

    a)If you have a sub on sub only battle do both sides get to fire?
    b)Consider there is no destroyer present for the attacker can the defending sub just choose to submerge instead of being attacked?
    c)Consider the defending sub has no friendly destroyer can the attacking sub choose to submerge or retreat into an adjacent territory after it chose to attack?

    a)If a sub and a destroyer are attacking a sea zone with only an enemy sub does the attacking sub get a surprise attack where the defending sun cannot fire back if it is hit?
    b)What if it the reverse and the sub only is attacking a sea zone with a sub and destroyer, what is the procedure then?

    4)Lets say 2 subs attack a battleship only and both hit, the battleship cannot fire back correct? If it was only one sub firing and hit then the battleship gets to fire back correct?

    AC question
    Lets say your Japanese fleet attacks an american fleet in sea zone 12. In that battle you end up losing your only aircraft carrier. Now either winning the battle or retreating can your planes land in axis controlled Algeria?

    Thanks 4 the help  :-)

  • @514bishy:


    1)Can a sub move freely through a sea zone consisting of only an enemy sub, and ignore it the same way other ships can?


    a)If you have a sub on sub only battle do both sides get to fire?

    Yes.  But if the defender chooses to submerge immediately, then no shots will be fired at all.

    b)Consider there is no destroyer present for the attacker can the defending sub just choose to submerge instead of being attacked?


    c)Consider the defending sub has no friendly destroyer can the attacking sub choose to submerge or retreat into an adjacent territory after it chose to attack?

    Yes.  Although remember the “attacking” sub may choose to simply ignore the defending sub in the first place.  Or, if neither submerges before the first round, the attacker or defender may choose to submerge at any time (but not between attacker and defender die rolls - they will always roll the same number of times)

    a)If a sub and a destroyer are attacking a sea zone with only an enemy sub does the attacking sub get a surprise attack where the defending sun cannot fire back if it is hit?

    That’s right, this is a deadly combination.  You should roll the attacking sub and destroyer separately because of this.  If the SUB hits, the defending sub does not get to fire back, that’s right.

    b)What if it the reverse and the sub only is attacking a sea zone with a sub and destroyer, what is the procedure then?

    Defending sub gets a surprise strike every round.  It rolls first every round, and if it rolls a 1, the attacking sub is sunk without getting a chance to fire.  But if the attacking sub hits and if the defender were to lose the destroyer first, then you would have a sub on sub battle as in #2 above.

    4)Lets say 2 subs attack a battleship only and both hit, the battleship cannot fire back correct?


    If it was only one sub firing and hit then the battleship gets to fire back correct?

    Correct.  The ability of the battleship to soak a hit effectively nullifies 1 sub surprise strike hit.

    AC question
    Lets say your Japanese fleet attacks an american fleet in sea zone 12. In that battle you end up losing your only aircraft carrier. Now either winning the battle or retreating can your planes land in axis controlled Algeria?

    The Japanese planes have to have movement points remaining either way.  If a plane flew 4 spaces to get to Z12 and the carrier is sunk, those planes that have no movement points remaining will splash.  If planes only flew 3 or less spaces to get to Z12, they can definitely land in Axis controlled Algeria (if controlled by Axis before this Japanese turn started) after either a retreat or a victory, yes.

  • Amazing thx Gamerman!!

    Okay here’s a couple more AC question:

    a) A fighter can attack a seazone on its 4th move and land in that seazone on a friendly AC correct? (presuming it won the battle of course)
    b) What if both fighter and AC want to retreat? Can they both move back into an adjacent seazone? And does that seazone have to be where they came from like on land?

    Lets say a japanese fighter is defending with its AC in Z12 and in the battle it loses its AC. Can it then land in Algeria if it is controlled by the Axis?

    Land retreating questions
    a) Lets say german forces attack russian forces in east poland from western poland and baltic states. If germany wants to retreat do they have to move all together into either west poland or baltic states.
    b) Lets go with the same scenario but germany is only attacking from baltic states and control west poland. Can they retreat to west poland?

  • @514bishy:

    a) A fighter can attack a seazone on its 4th move and land in that seazone on a friendly AC correct? (presuming it won the battle of course)

    Yes, and the aircraft carrier does not HAVE TO be sent there on the combat move - it just has to be within 2 spaces and COULD move in during noncombat.

    b) What if both fighter and AC want to retreat? Can they both move back into an adjacent seazone? And does that seazone have to be where they came from like on land?

    Boats retreat like land units - all have to go back together to a zone one of them came from.  Air is different - they have to have the movement points, but can go wherever they want in noncom if they have the movement left.

    Lets say a japanese fighter is defending with its AC in Z12 and in the battle it loses its AC. Can it then land in Algeria if it is controlled by the Axis?

    Yes.  Note that you were asking about attacking in b) above.  If a carrier is lost by a defender, the aircraft aboard it can move 1 space to a safe landing zone.  This could include a DIFFERENT carrier one sea zone away, in any direction.

    Land retreating questions
    a) Lets say german forces attack russian forces in east poland from western poland and baltic states. If germany wants to retreat do they have to move all together into either west poland or baltic states.

    Right.  All LAND forces.  Air units can go anywhere according to normal restrictions.

    b) Lets go with the same scenario but germany is only attacking from baltic states and control west poland. Can they retreat to west poland?

    No.  But if they have a tank in Baltic states, they need to state that a tank is moving through friendly Poland, thus establishing another retreat route.

  • You play the 1942 scenario, right? It is not uncommon on J1 to attack Z53 with the fighter from Japan. This is 4 movement points.  The Japanese player will take off this fighter first if hit, and then the carrier no longer has to move to Z53. (This would be what the Japanese player is hoping for, because the carrier is dead meat if it has to go to Z53) If the Americans don’t score any hits, then the Japanese player MUST move a carrier into Z53 to catch this plane. These rules are fairly clear in the rulebook… Do you have a rulebook?

    Note that in the example above, it is illegal to attack anywhere other than Z53 with the carrier in Z51, because it would then be impossible for the carrier to catch the fighter in Z53.  There has to be a possible way for the fighter to land safely if it survives, no matter what the odds are.

  • I do have the rule book but I am really enjoying clarifying things because sometimes the scenarios are so different and the rules can be a little confusing although most are pretty straight forward.

    -When you are declaring your attack with a plane you must declare where it will land correct? And even if it is retreating it must continue that path correct?
    -If the destination path was on an AC that has been sunk in battle and the fighter still has a move left, that’s when it can retreat to an adjacent territory correct? -What if it had 2 moves left, can it retreat 2 moves away or still one friendly adjacent territory?

    In your example above the/an AC is the only ship that can enter Z53 in non combat correct? (basically the only ship that can enter a seazone after there was an attack made in that sea zone)

    Sorry if it sounds like Im repeating myself or what u said. I just like to be 100% :oops:
    thx again

  • @514bishy:

    I do have the rule book but I am really enjoying clarifying things because sometimes the scenarios are so different and the rules can be a little confusing although most are pretty straight forward.

    OK, thanks, that helps.  Then I can refer to page numbers for you.  And I understand the need for clarification and am happy to help

    -When you are declaring your attack with a plane you must declare where it will land correct? And even if it is retreating it must continue that path correct?

    No.  You never have to declare paths with planes and never declare where it will land.  You land it when the time comes (noncombat movement).

    -If the destination path was on an AC that has been sunk in battle and the fighter still has a move left, that’s when it can retreat to an adjacent territory correct?


    -What if it had 2 moves left, can it retreat 2 moves away or still one friendly adjacent territory?

    Two.  Planes don’t really “retreat”, they disengage.  They do not retreat like land and naval units do.

    Sorry if it sounds like Im repeating myself or what u said. I just like to be 100% :oops:
    thx again

    Understood, and you’re most welcome.  Keep 'em coming

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