• Congrats!!!

    When my son was born one of the first things my wife asked me was “how long until you indoctrinate him with A&A?”

    I told her he will have to start with Risk.  I was serious… She wasn’t  :|

    Any way Congratulations and get cought up on your sleep.


  • Congrats dude.  You will find parenthood is the greatest adventure of life.  And the greatest curse…but you didn’t hear that from me.  :wink:

    And the only reason I had my son was that I could game A&A since his mom never would.  :lol:

  • Congrats! That’s a great due date… or D-Date…

  • Well my wife did not hit the target day of June 6th. Yesterday, she gave birth to a 9 lb 11 oz. boy!

  • Well you could call him Napoleon because Waterloo was June 16th, or Wellington

  • @ABWorsham:

    Well my wife did not hit the target day of June 6th. Yesterday, she gave birth to a 9 lb 11 oz. boy!

    Woo Hooo!!!

  • Wow, that’s a big boy!  My son was about 10 oz. smaller than that, and he’s bigger than most kids twice his age.

  • Congrats!

  • Moderator

    Congrats! Another Axis and Allies player added to the fold…  :wink:


  • @Guerrilla:

    Congrats! Another Axis and Allies player added to the fold…  :wink:


    I have two other sons, ages 6 and 4, they are already asking to play ‘Alex and Alex’.

  • Moderator


    Yes.  :evil:


  • '19 Moderator

    Congrats, when I get home from Iraq, my 10 year old is ready to graduate from Risk to A&A, It happens fast.

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