• http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/apistons

    And we know who to blame this on, right? Our evil, poor-hating, rich-loving, President, and his nasty tax cuts ;).

  • Take the period off the end of the link, works just fine then.

    Also, reading the story, it sounds a lot like 1998, before the Tech Bubble burst.  Super economy, wage and job creation growth, high investment yields…

    If past trends are any indication, 2006 will see a serious “bust” in the economy.  I am betting on a collapse of specific areas for the real estate bubble that will trickle into other areas of the economy, combined with a repeat rise in liquid fuels prices after a winter of extremely elevated consumer expense on heating fuels that will slow consumer spending in 2006.

    Increasing instability in the Middle East will further strain fuel prices and guarantees of supplies, further slowing the economy.

    Anyone care to lay odds?

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