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Paratroopers and blitzing tanks.
A tank blitzes Territory A into territory B. Bomber picks up infantry to fly the same route as the tank. Are they requried to stop and attack Territory A since it was hostile before the tank blitz, or does the blitz allow the paratrooper & bomber to continue into territory B to attack since the territory became friendly by the tank?
The blitz makes Territory A friendly as soon as the tank enters it, so the bomber can keep going. Note, however, that if Territory B were also unoccupied, the bomber could not keep going into Territory C. Since Territory B is not “blitzed”, it doesn’t become friendly until all combat movement is completed.
Destroyer and transport attack Destroyer and transport.
Scenario A: Attacking destroyers hits, defending destroyer also hits, both transports survive.
Correct. The attacking transport now has the option of either staying or retreating.
Scenario B: Attacking destroyer misses, defending destroyer hits. Does the attacking transport have the option of retreat if a valid sea zone is available?
Yes. However, if there is nowhere to retreat, the attacking transport is destroyed.
Scenario C: Attacking destroyer hits, defending destroyer misses. Does the defending transport automatically die or are the attackers allowed to retreat since they only scored 1 hit on the defending destroyer? (General combat, step 5 page 19 of the rulebook)
The attacker still has combat units, and there are no defending combat units to retreat from, so the attacker doesn’t have that option. The defending transport is destroyed.