• @Dylan:



    Just wondering why does everyone want the anniversary one so much? Whats wrong with Global 40’ can’t you just get the two, because

    A. There fun games even when not together
    B. The two put together are about the same price as the anniversary
    C. More fun game
    D. Auzzies and Frenchies  8-)

    One full game of Anniversary edition = approx 6 hours.
    One full game of Global 1940 = approx 18-36 hours.

    Anniversary edition rules/setup = amazing (fairly close to even)
    Global 1940 rules/setup = “broken” and favor one side or the other too heavily (admitted by LH himself, thus the Alpha rules being developed, still).

    Anniversary : you can play on your dining room table
    Global 1940 : you’d be hard pressed to find a table big enough to play it on without building one.

    It doesn’t take that long once you get into it.
    Then make house rules or wait for the alpha rules  :x
    Ever heard of a floor?

    The FLOOR?  Sorry, no.  That may be ok for kids like yourself but for 40 year olds (+), it just isn’t going to happen.

    As for house rules and/or alpha … why wait when there is a perfect set of rules in a perfectly (as near as possible) balanced, workable game available already? (AA50)

    Length of time … That’s going to remain open for debate forever since different groups of players of different skill levels (and different levels of stubbornness) will all have different play-times.  But it’s certainly WAY more than the time it takes to play AA50 (Every game of AA50 I’ve ever played afte rthe first one has taken 6 hours +/- an hour.  Without fail.

    No matter how you put it, AA50 is, out of box, the best A&A game that was made to date.

  • @Rorschach:




    Just wondering why does everyone want the anniversary one so much? Whats wrong with Global 40’ can’t you just get the two, because

    A. There fun games even when not together
    B. The two put together are about the same price as the anniversary
    C. More fun game
    D. Auzzies and Frenchies  8-)

    One full game of Anniversary edition = approx 6 hours.
    One full game of Global 1940 = approx 18-36 hours.

    Anniversary edition rules/setup = amazing (fairly close to even)
    Global 1940 rules/setup = “broken” and favor one side or the other too heavily (admitted by LH himself, thus the Alpha rules being developed, still).

    Anniversary : you can play on your dining room table
    Global 1940 : you’d be hard pressed to find a table big enough to play it on without building one.

    It doesn’t take that long once you get into it.
    Then make house rules or wait for the alpha rules  :x
    Ever heard of a floor?

    The FLOOR?  Sorry, no.  That may be ok for kids like yourself but for 40 year olds (+), it just isn’t going to happen.

    As for house rules and/or alpha … why wait when there is a perfect set of rules in a perfectly (as near as possible) balanced, workable game available already? (AA50)

    Length of time … That’s going to remain open for debate forever since different groups of players of different skill levels (and different levels of stubbornness) will all have different play-times.  But it’s certainly WAY more than the time it takes to play AA50 (Every game of AA50 I’ve ever played afte rthe first one has taken 6 hours +/- an hour.  Without fail.

    No matter how you put it, AA50 is, out of box, the best A&A game that was made to date.

    Then find a store that does sell a reasonable size table.

    Well if you wait better will come.

    Then make time!

  • Customizer

    No… I don’t have trouble with accommodating the table size, but acknowledged that as a possible problem for others.  And yeah… no worries there, I’ll wait (I’ve been playing the game since its release by Nova Games, still have my copy, and most of the other releases - so you could say I’m a bit of a die hard fan  :-D).

    As far as making time… yeah, hear ya.  :|

  • Re: Looking for a copy of AA50- New or Used

    « Reply #9 on: June 26, 2011, 05:36:44 pm »



    Seriously, your best bet to get this fantastic version of the game is to download the maps that IL has made and have it printed out.  Combine that with the wonderful player made setup-charts.

    Then, buy yourself 2 copies of AA Spring 1942.

    Take the Germans from one copy, spray them brown for Italy (Start with several light coats of Krylon fusion primer followed by several light coats of Krylon fusion brown).

    Viola, you have yourself AA 50th Anniversary Edition.

    Finding one for cheap any more is going to be ridiculously hard with it having been a limited production.

    Where can I find “the maps that IL has made”?
    Are these something that can be printed and then laminated?
    I too love this game and cannot find a copy for a resonable price.
    I like the idea of making the italians by painting them.  I’m just not sure where to get a copy of the actual map.
    any help or links would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks in advance.

  • @Red:

    Re: Looking for a copy of AA50- New or Used

    « Reply #9 on: June 26, 2011, 05:36:44 pm »



    Seriously, your best bet to get this fantastic version of the game is to download the maps that IL has made and have it printed out.  Combine that with the wonderful player made setup-charts.

    Then, buy yourself 2 copies of AA Spring 1942.

    Take the Germans from one copy, spray them brown for Italy (Start with several light coats of Krylon fusion primer followed by several light coats of Krylon fusion brown).

    Viola, you have yourself AA 50th Anniversary Edition.

    Finding one for cheap any more is going to be ridiculously hard with it having been a limited production.

    Where can I find “the maps that IL has made”?
    Are these something that can be printed and then laminated?
    I too love this game and cannot find a copy for a resonable price.
    I like the idea of making the italians by painting them.  I’m just not sure where to get a copy of the actual map.
    any help or links would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks in advance.


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