• Allright, work’s done, updated version in 1st post of this thread (since I’m expecting no more major changes :) ).

  • sets off to try and break it    :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Null Perspiration Holkann!  All I did was beatification, you did the hard work of getting it coded right!

  • uh… a few more minor errors i think. I think the symbol for Trans-Jordan when hovering Trans-Jordan is Trj, but when hovering Italian NO next to it it is Tra.

    the chart in the bottom right lists fighter’s movement as 4/5*… it should be 4/6*

    a bit more significant… I think the labels for “Black Sea Seazone (BLA/Z16)” and “East Mediterranean SZ (EMD/Z15)” are swapped.  For a while there I was confused why Italy should need to control the Black Sea for its NO but the the East Med!  Thanks!

  • @Stoney229:

    uh… a few more minor errors i think. I think the symbol for Trans-Jordan when hovering Trans-Jordan is Trj, but when hovering Italian NO next to it it is Tra.

    the chart in the bottom right lists fighter’s movement as 4/5*… it should be 4/6*

    a bit more significant… I think the labels for “Black Sea Seazone (BLA/Z16)” and “East Mediterranean SZ (EMD/Z15)” are swapped.  For a while there I was confused why Italy should need to control the Black Sea for its NO but the the East Med!  Thanks!

    It is a very keen eye you have! But you missed the sub’s attack upgrade wasn’t shown :p Anyway, things are fixed.


    sets off to try and break it    :-D

    crosses fingers and hopes it holds :roll:


    Null Perspiration Holkann!  All I did was beatification, you did the hard work of getting it coded right!

    Lol, needed wikipedia to understand this sentence; you’re welcome :). Who did you make a Saint btw?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Beautification, way to pounce on a misspelled word. :P

    So the sea zones and the super submarine upgrade has been repaired?

  • Well I guess I could mention that in the NOs North West Europe is den and in the hover it is nwe or that Borneo is brn in one place and bor in another

    but I think those are small enough issues to let slide.  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    They confused me at first, but if you are not playing illegally and actually own the game, then you have a rule book to refer too.

  • also ukr is listed twice when hovering Germany’s NO… again no big deal

  • @a44bigdog:

    Well I guess I could mention that in the NOs North West Europe is den and in the hover it is nwe or that Borneo is brn in one place and bor in another

    but I think those are small enough issues to let slide.  :-D

    Blast, you did brake it (even though just a little  8-) ). And it’s minor, true, but fixed nonetheless (life would be much easier if I wasn’t a perfectionist in some ways ;) ).


    also ukr is listed twice when hovering Germany’s NO… again no big deal



    So the sea zones and the super submarine upgrade has been repaired?

    Yes, just as the double Ukr and Bor/Brn or Den/Nwe.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What file controls that, Holkann?  I’ve kind of edited my map considerably and it’s a continual work in progress, same with my toolpieces.  I’m trying to make ABattlemap prettier so we can get the art addicts off TripleA and return them to the one true path of Battlemap!

  • @Cmdr:

    What file controls that, Holkann?  I’ve kind of edited my map considerably and it’s a continual work in progress, same with my toolpieces.  I’m trying to make ABattlemap prettier so we can get the art addicts off TripleA and return them to the one true path of Battlemap!

    Lol, I second that :D

    Now, as for the file used to change names and values of territories: it is sektorinfo.txt/.sek. But to understand how it works, you need to understand the whole program. I’ll give an overview of all files and their function in an ABattlemap module, but it’s not easy, so be warned:

    is the visual image of the map that will be shown on the screen.

    contains the name of the module (+ some extra info, but that I don’t understand)

    contains the starting position of the units.

    the amount of rows decides the amount of nations playing. The amount of columns decides the amount of units in play. The first column is regarded as the “flag”, or the token which decides which country owns what territory. The size of a row or column may not be altered, but new columns and rows may be added.

    essentially the same as toolpieces, but with a bigger size of the rows and columns

    lists the properties of each column/unit of toolpieces.bmp (or bigpieces.bmp). Those properties are: name, IPC-value, “navality” (= 1 if the column represents a naval unit, 0 if the column does not).

    is a bmp-file representing the territories available on the map. Those territories are separated by black (RGB= 00 00 00) lines. To identify each different territory, the territories are filled with a different color, which’s RGB-value corresponds to its line numer in sektorinfo.txt.

    lists the territories line by line with their properties. A typical line is like this:
    France (Fra)                            : 01060100 0000016a 00000113 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    => the first attribute is the name of the territory.
    => the second attribute (after the semicolon) is a block of hexadecimal numbers (which are actually 4 separate numbers):
    01 means this is a land territory, 06 means it is worth 6 IPC’s, 01 means it is originally owned by the country represented by the first row of toolpieces.bmp, and 00 is simply redundant.
    => the third and fourth attribute show the place (in pixels) where the IPC-value of this territory should appear (hexadecimal!).
    => the fifth attribute is again 4 separate numbers, specifying “oil” or “convoy” properties:
    00 is redundant, 00 indicates no country looses IPC’s if taken, 00 indicates this isn’t a convoy route, 00 means this isn’t an oil territory.
    => the rest are redundant.

    is the version of sektorinfo.bmp the ABattlemap program can read.

    is the version of sektorinfo.txt the ABattlemap program can read.

    Now, how do you make the .map and .sek files?
    Your ABattlemap folder contains 2 files who manage this: csek.exe and b242map.exe. To use these however, you’ll need to use the console (the black screen with white letters in windows). The easiest way to do this, is to creat a folder on your C disk. For instance: c:\aafiles . You drop there both those exe’s, and sektorinfo.txt and sektorinfo.bmp. Run the console, and navigate to c:\aafiles (the command “cd…” let’s you go 1 folder up, the command “cd something” lets you go to the folder “something” if available in the folder you’re currently visiting with the console). If you’re in the right folder, type “csek.exe sektorinfo.txt sektorinfo.sek”, hit return, and the sektorinfo.sek will appear in the folder. “b242map.exe sektorinfo.bmp sektorinfo.map” does the same trick for sektorinfo.map.

    More info: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=11223.new#new
    Also, there are some .txt files in your ABattlemap folder, those are handy too, but they are in German.

    Allright, I hope this answered your question, but it probably is all quite confusing (it took me a while before I got it myself, just started out file by file, and got it all in the end). Any questions, shoot, but plz read this overview and the link I gave, so you’ve got something to “hang things up to” (as in: if you understand A, you’ll relate it to B and C without needing any help).

  • 1 more problem. Quite a few people for various reasons can not download .rar files. I know it is supposed to be better and all that but .zip files can be down loaded on any Windows machine without having to jump through any hoops. I myself had to go get a time limited trial version of winrar just to download the maps and you can bet I sure aint paying for something winzip does for free.

  • 2007 AAR League

    im the one dog is referring to, i cant do anything with the rar files, and the bottom of our screens dont correspond

  • There are some others besides you tc.

  • @a44bigdog:

    1 more problem. Quite a few people for various reasons can not download .rar files. I know it is supposed to be better and all that but .zip files can be down loaded on any Windows machine without having to jump through any hoops. I myself had to go get a time limited trial version of winrar just to download the maps and you can bet I sure aint paying for something winzip does for free.

    I recommend 7-zip.

    See www.7-zip.org

    You can decompress rar-files with it. The compression in 7-zip-format (.7z) may even be better than in .rar: 
    So HoiKann’s files are compressed to 541.641 Bytes in .rar. The same files compressed in .7z only take 221.015 Bytes.

    And: 7-zip is free and Open Source!

  • I ended up downloading something called peazip (open source freeware, not just demo/time-limited license and got decent reviews) to extract the version that was out there a week or so ago, but started seeing some flakiness going on.  Probably just a coincidence since there’s plenty of flakiness in my machine normally, but I uninstalled it for now, just in case.

    RAR may be better, but since zip is integrated on most machines these days it is definitely easier to use.  Maybe just put both formats out there?

  • rar isn’t time limited: the only thing you get when the time limit has passed is a pop-up the time limit has passed: the program still works fine.

    But I’ll put on a zip version too, only to show it is worse (as in: takes up more space) than rar :p


    I recommend 7-zip.

    See www.7-zip.org

    You can decompress rar-files with it. The compression in 7-zip-format (.7z) may even be better than in .rar: 
    So HolKann’s files are compressed to 541.641 Bytes in .rar. The same files compressed in .7z only take 221.015 Bytes.

    And: 7-zip is free and Open Source!

    Hmm, interesting… Allright, WinRar is officially abolished in favor of 7-zip, tnx :)

  • Something tells me you mean kb, since I have yet to see a way to store data in .015 bytes on a computer.  :lol:

    Even so, I have a half-empty 500GB hard drive with an external 750GB hard drive.  I don’t care if it takes an extra 300 kbytes for the files.  The difference in download time is negligible.  Disk space is cheap.  Labor (i.e., my free time) isn’t!

    And even if I did care, I have to download and install a new application that takes up several MB, in order to save 300kb?  Somehow this doesn’t quite fit my definition of “better”  :-D :-P :wink:

  • @TimTheEnchanter:

    Something tells me you mean kb, since I have yet to see a way to store data in .015 bytes on a computer.

    Lol, no, I really mean 221015 bytes. It’s just a matter of using “.” instead of “,” in Germany.
    So for Germans it is 221.015 bytes that equals 221,015 bytes you are used to.


    Allright, WinRar is officially abolished in favor of 7-zip, tnx

    You are welcome :-)

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