A&A 1940 Global 2nd Edition - Setup Charts and Components List

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    The following is a complete list of components you will get in Axis & Allies 1940 Europe and 1940 Pacific 2nd Edition (combined)

    1940 2ND EDITIONS.jpg


    4 Piece folding boards (spans 70"X32")

    18 - Major factories
    20 - Minor factories
    30 - Air bases
    32 - Naval bases
    6 - Kamikaze tokens

    110 - Gray plastic chips
    30 - Green plastic chips
    20 - Red plastic chips

    6 - Red dice
    6 - Black dice

    2 - Rule books (Europe 1940 / Pacific 1940)


    20 - Control Markers

    40 - Infantry
    8 - Artillery
    9 - Mechanized Infantry
    12 - Tanks
    8 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    8 - Fighters
    9 - Tactical Bombers
    4 - Strategic Bombers

    6 - Transports
    6 - Destroyers
    6 - Submarines
    4 - Cruisers
    2 - Aircraft Carriers
    2 - Battleships


    20 - Control Markers

    40 - Infantry
    8 - Artillery
    9 - Mechanized Infantry
    10 - Tanks
    8 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    8 - Fighters
    9 - Tactical Bombers
    2 - Strategic Bombers

    4 - Transports
    4 - Destroyers
    4 - Submarines
    2 - Cruisers
    2 - Aircraft Carriers
    2 - Battleships


    40 - Control Markers

    40 - Infantry
    12 - Artillery
    9 - Mechanized Infantry
    12 - Tanks
    8 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    16 - Fighters
    9 - Tactical Bombers
    8 - Strategic Bombers

    12 - Transports
    12 - Destroyers
    12 - Submarines
    8 - Cruisers
    8 - Aircraft Carriers
    8 - Battleships


    45 - Control Markers

    40 - Infantry
    12 - Artillery
    15 - Mechanized Infantry
    12 - Tanks
    16 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    16 - Fighters
    15 - Tactical Bombers
    12 - Strategic Bombers

    12 - Transports
    12 - Destroyers
    12 - Submarines
    8 - Cruisers
    8 - Aircraft Carriers
    8 - Battleships


    5 - Control Markers

    30 - Regular Infantry


    35 - Control Markers (including 2 Union Jacks)

    40 - Infantry
    12 - Artillery
    12 - Mechanized Infantry
    16 - Tanks
    16 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    16 - Fighters
    12 - Tactical Bombers
    12 - Strategic Bombers

    12 - Transports
    12 - Destroyers
    12 - Submarines
    8 - Cruisers
    4 - Aircraft Carriers
    8 - Battleships


    20 - Control Markers

    20 - Infantry
    8 - Artillery
    6 - Mechanized Infantry
    10 - Tanks
    8 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    8 - Fighters
    6 - Tactical Bombers
    4 - Strategic Bombers

    6 - Transports
    6 - Destroyers
    6 - Submarines
    4 - Cruisers
    2 - Aircraft Carriers
    2 - Battleships


    10 - Control Markers

    20 - Infantry
    6 - Artillery
    6 - Mechanized Infantry
    8 - Tanks
    8 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    8 - Fighters
    6 - Tactical Bombers
    6 - Strategic Bombers

    6 - Transports
    6 - Destroyers
    6 - Submarines
    4 - Cruisers
    4 - Aircraft Carriers
    4 - Battleships


    5 - Control Markers

    20 - Infantry
    8 - Artillery
    6 - Mechanized Infantry
    10 - Tanks
    8 - Antiaircraft Artillery

    8 - Fighters
    6 - Tactical Bombers
    2 - Strategic Bombers

    4 - Transports
    4 - Destroyers
    4 - Submarines
    2 - Cruisers
    2 - Aircraft Carriers
    2 - Battleships

  • Why is this setup for Japan (for example) so different than the out of box setup for Japan?

  • @BobbyZAvi
    Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
    Are there any typos by @Young-Grasshopper ?
    Please state them and we can correct that.

  • I’ll only post the “corrections,” not each individual set up. In my box set up, it states these differences between the YG’s list:

    Japan- 8 infantry, 5 fighters, 4 tac bombers
    Korea- 1 infantry, 0 fighters
    Manchuria- 4 infantry, 3 fighters, 1 strategic bomber
    Shantung- 1 infantry, 0 artillery
    Kiangsu- 1 tac bomber, 0 fighters
    Caroline Islands- 1 infantry
    SZ19- 1 cruiser, 0 battleships, 0 transports
    SZ33- 1 battleship, 1 transport

    Western US- 3 infantry, 1 tank, 1 strategic bomber, 1 tac bomber
    Hawaii- 1 fighter, 1 strategic bomber, 1 tac bomber
    Philippines- 1 strategic bomber
    Central US- 1 mech infantry, 0 tanks, 1 Major IC
    Eastern US- 0 AAA guns, 1 Major IC
    SZ26- 0 subs, 0 destroyer, 0 cruiser
    SZ35- 0 subs, 1 transport
    SZ101- 0 cruiser, 1 destroyer

    Hunan- 1 infantry
    Kweichow- 1 infantry
    Szechwan- 4 infantry
    Yunnan- 3 infantry

    India- 4 infantry, 3 fighters,
    Burma- 1 infantry
    Malaya- 4 infantry
    SZ37- 2 transports
    SZ39- 0 transports

    New South Wales- 1 infantry, Major IC
    SZ47- 1 sub
    SZ63- 0 ships

    Denmark- 1 infantry
    Greater S Germany- 1 artillery, 2 tanks
    Germany- 6 infantry, 4 artillery, 1 AAA, 1 strategic bomber, 0 tac bombers
    Holland/Belgium- 1 artillery
    Norway- 2 infantry
    Poland- 0 tac bombers
    Slovakia/Hungary- 0 fighters
    SZ113- 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    SZ114- 0 ships

    Russia- 2 infantry, 1 AAA gun
    Novgorod- 1 AAA gun
    Caucasus- 1 infantry
    E. Poland- 3 infantry
    Vyborg- 2 infantry
    SZ115- 1 battleship, 1 transport, 0 cruisers, 0 subs

    Alexandria- 1 fighter
    Egypt- 0 mechs
    France- 1 infantry
    Gibraltar- 0 fighters, 1 Air Base
    Ontario- 0 artillery
    Quebec- 1 tank, 0 artillery
    Scotland- empty
    UK- 1 infantry, 0 mech infantry, 3 fighters, 0 strategic bomber, 0 AAA guns, 1 Naval Base

    Ethiopia- 0 artillery
    Libya- 2 infantry, 0 artillery
    Tobruk- 4 infantry, 2 mech infantry
    N Italy- 0 strategic bomber, 1 fighter, 0 AAA guns, 1 Air Base
    S Italy- 2 infantry, 1 AAA gun, 1 fighter
    SZ95- 0 subs, 0 transport, 1 battleship
    SZ96- 0 ships
    SZ97- 1 destroyer, 0 battleships

    France- 0 AAA guns
    Normandy/Bordeaux- 0 artillery
    S France- 0 IC

    Now… there’s a good chance I don’t have the right version, I got mine in 2011 and it’s the 2010 versions of Axis and Allies Pacific and Europe. If there’s been a rulebook revision since then I’m just wasting my time :)

  • @BobbyZAvi
    Are you sure you’re refrencing 2nd edition and not 1st edition?.. the Japan setup seems fine.

  • @Panther
    It looks fine to me.

  • @Young-Grasshopper yup, I must not have second edition… I’m sorry!!! Definitely wasted my time typing that out then 🤣🤣🤣

  • @Young-Grasshopper I sincerely apologize for that dude… my bad

  • @BobbyZAvi
    Indeed, 2nd Edition was issued in 2012 and superseded 1st edition.
    Anyway now that you know that enjoy discovering the changes that came with 2nd edtion .
    Have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

  • @Panther does the 2nd edition set up strengthen or weaken Japan? It ‘feels’ like they’re weaker in the revision. Anyone test play this?

  • @BobbyZAvi
    It is not only the setup that has changed, but many aspects of the ruleset as well. Consider 2nd edition as being a different game. Just download and read the rulebooks and you will see.

    The further development of the rules started back in late 2010 with the so-called Alpha rulesets, that were the predecessors of the 2nd ed. rules.

  • @Panther I found the 2nd edition PDFs, I’ll take a look! Thanks!!

  • @Young-Grasshopper I know this is not related to the setup by my calculations the U.K (Europe side) should have 29 IPC’s

  • @Dylan-Johnson said in A&A 1940 Global 2nd Edition - Setup Charts and Components List:

    @Young-Grasshopper I know this is not related to the setup by my calculations the U.K (Europe side) should have 29 IPC’s

    28 for UK Europe and 17 for UK Pacific is correct according to the rulebook(s) and because of:
    “The Pacific economy includes all of the territories controlled by United Kingdom on the Pacific map. Calcutta is its regional capital. There are two exceptions to this regional division. West India, on the Europe map, is part of the Pacific economy, and the North American territories on the Pacific map are part of the Europe economy.”

  • @Panther Ok, but from what i see on the Second Edition board U.K Europe has 8 IPC’s earned in Mainland Europe, 6 in North America, 12 in Africa and 3 for Asia. (just Trans Jordan and West India) If we add this up we get 29 IPC’s not 28 IPC’s

  • @Dylan-Johnson said in A&A 1940 Global 2nd Edition - Setup Charts and Components List:

    @Panther Ok, but from what i see on the Second Edition board U.K Europe has 8 IPC’s earned in Mainland Europe, 6 in North America, 12 in Africa and 3 for Asia. (just Trans Jordan and West India) If we add this up we get 29 IPC’s not 28 IPC’s

    @Panther just said, in part: “West India, on the Europe map, is part of the Pacific economy”. If you add up 8 for Europe, 6 in North American, 12 in Africa, and 2 for Asia (2 for Trans Jordan and 0 for West India, as West India is a part of the UK Pacific economy in the Global game), that does indeed add up to 28.


  • @Midnight_Reaper Wait I’m confused, Trans-Jordan is worth 2 IPC’s I only see it worth 1 on my map, and I thought that West India was shared between the Europe and Pacific Economies

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi Dylan

    yea Trans-Jordan is only a buck. West India doesn’t get split. All dough goes to India.

  • @barnee Ok now that that has been settled how does U.K London get 28 not 27 as 8+6+12+1 is 27

  • @Dylan-Johnson said in A&A 1940 Global 2nd Edition - Setup Charts and Components List:

    @barnee Ok now that that has been settled how does U.K London get 28 not 27 as 8+6+12+1 is 27

    Because, as @Panther already said: “There are two exceptions to this regional division. West India, on the Europe map, is part of the Pacific economy, and the North American territories on the Pacific map are part of the Europe economy.

    The relevant part has been bolded for emphasis. In exchange for giving West India (and its 2 IPCs) to the UK Pacific side of the board, UK Pacific give UK Europe Western Canada (and its 1 IPC). So the North American money for UK Europe is not 6, it’s 7. 8+7+12+1=28.


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