Japan First Move and US Reply

  • Should Japan focus on Pearl and leave US fleet at sz56 alone?
    should go after both?
    should commit her AC on sz56 or keep them away?

    how should US Navy respond if Japan attacks sz56 with 4 fighters? (typically scoring two hits on first attack round) Should the US take the Sub as casualty (hopping to shout down as many Zeros as possible – and maybe even saving the day)? or should assume that the fleet will be lost, take the first two hits with the BB and the Cruiser and submerge the sub?

    some other opinions?

  • which scenario is this?

    I assume its 42.

    so… bomber, sub, dd, fighter, CA= 14 vs 8, which is gonna lose you the sub in the exchange…cheapest way to go.

    I guess you can keep the cruiser but 11 to 8 is not good.

  • @Imperious:

    which scenario is this?

    I assume its 42.

    no. 1941

    IJN has 2 x AC + 4 Fighters on sz38 that could attack USN either at W USA (1 BB, 1 CA, 1 Sub, 1 TN) or at Hawaii (1 AC, 1 Fighter, 1 DD)
    IJT has 1 AC + 2 Fighters on sz38 that could move, launch an air strike against attack Hawaiian fleet.

    (other combination are also possible)

  • in 1941, i like 2 fighter and DD. that’s it– 8 vs 4 I suppose you can send a third fighter and make it 11 vs. 4 and get only a 3 vs. 2 against the west coast DD/AP

  • @Gallo:


    which scenario is this?

    I assume its 42.

    no. 1941

    IJN has 2 x AC + 4 Fighters on sz38 that could attack USN either at W USA (1 BB, 1 CA, 1 Sub, 1 TN) or at Hawaii (1 AC, 1 Fighter, 1 DD)
    IJT has 1 AC + 2 Fighters on sz38 that could move, launch an air strike against attack Hawaiian fleet.

    (other combination are also possible)

    :? Since when does the USA have a BB and CA at the W USA? And a CV at Hawaii?? That’s the 42 USA setup you are referring to. And with Japan you are using the 41 setup??

  • my post is for 41

  • Therefore I quoted Gallo Rojo not you.  :wink:

  • @Driel310:

    Therefore I quoted Gallo Rojo not you.  :wink:

    uh! you’re right!  :-o my mistake!  :oops:

  • AC’s are to important to lose to USAF I would run them back to Iwo Jima and land what ever was left of the attack on the coast DD and trasport a BB in hawaii as close to home as possible execpt the poor DD that went to Hawaii if its still floating. They will get to see what happens to ships that are left in the range of the USAF.

  • 2 fighters + 1 DD –> 1 BB is too dicey IMO. It really sucks when you miss on the first round.

    Also, I’m not sure its strategically sound to sac your only DD on J1. If you keep it around, US sub purchases look much less attractive.

    I’d go with all 4 fighters vs. the BB. You have ~85% chance to lose 1 or less fighters. Yeah, you leave the TP and DD in sz56 alone, but I don’t think it’s as critical as taking out the BB.

  • IMO, 3 Fighters + DD vs the BB. If he only score one hit on defense, sack a plane and leave the DD. Send 1 plane after the TR/DD. If you lose, you lose, but in any case the DD in Hawaii prevents a US Turn 1 capture of the Carolines which gives the Brits their $5 bonus and just throws one more thing on the pile of things Japan has to do on the first few turns.

  • the DD in Hawaii prevents a US Turn 1 capture of the Carolines which gives the Brits their $5 bonus

    The Brits will never get this bonus, because Japan moves before them. So this moves seems rather dubious to me. In any case, the DD could go to Caroline Islands sz, along with the carriers if you feel it necessary to prevent this. This would also put fighters in range of both Australia and sz56 on J2.

  • If the Japanese want to waste time, troops, and transports retaking the Carolines on J2, I say let 'em. And they have to defend those transports which means they will be in range of US counter attack on US2. If the US built anything resembling a fleet, this will be quite hard on Japan assuming they dont pile their who fleet there (which in turns means no attack on India, a delayed or no attack on Australia and less moving inland into China. I’ll happily take that for the cost of 1 US TR + 1-2 Infantry.

    No, IMO Japan cant really afford to retake the Carolines on J2 without major disruption of their other goals. Like I’ve said before, Japan can do anything, but Japan cannot do everything. And the more thorns you stick in their side the better.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    2 Fig + DD vs BB isn’t that dicey.

    85% Attacker Wins
    8% Defender Wins

    You just gotta have guts.  Odds are, if you missed in R1, you’ll get two hits in R2 and the defender will miss. :)

    .67*.67=45% chance he scores two hits in a row.

  • I prefer to send 1 fighter from the carrier group in 57 against the US transporter + destroyer in 56.

    then i send the remaining 3 fighters from 57 against the USbattleship in 53 supplemented with 1 more fighter from 61 and the destroyer from 51.

    if my i’m in the mood i put one more fighter on 56 from the 53 attack

    In noncombatmove i move the 2 carriers from 57 to 51 and land the remaining fighters on teh 2 carriers there. and if the 5th fighter survives, then one gets to land on one of the japanese islands

  • @Fighter:

    then i send the remaining 3 fighters from 57 against the USbattleship in 53 supplemented with 1 more fighter from 61 and the destroyer from 51.

    Do you attack the british fleet before India with one fighter only? Not at all?

    In noncombatmove i move the 2 carriers from 57 to 51 and land the remaining fighters on teh 2 carriers there. and if the 5th fighter survives, then one gets to land on one of the japanese islands

    I don’t like these move because of the possibility of US to strike these fleet with three fighters and the bomber. I feel uncomfortable to offer that CVs without naval fodder. If you got three hits at first round, wave your carrier(s) good bye.
    And I have learned that I need my cruiser to attack at sea zone 50 (Philippines). Every time when I hold back my cruiser to bolster up the CVs at sea zone 51 or support amphibious operation elsewhere things get nasty at sea zone 50 … :|

  • Odds are, if you missed in R1, you’ll get two hits in R2 and the defender will miss.

    .67*.67=45% chance he scores two hits in a row.

    I hope this is a joke.

    If not, you might want to have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler’s_fallacy

  • If the US built anything resembling a fleet, this will be quite hard on Japan assuming they dont pile their who fleet there (which in turns means no attack on India, a delayed or no attack on Australia and less moving inland into China.

    Well, I don’t see how sending your fleet to the Carolines prevents an attack on India. With my J1 open I’ll have 6-7 ground units and 4-5 fighters ready to attack regardless of what my fleet is doing. And if I have to delay an attack on Australia, so be it. It’s not a priority as long as Germany/Italy took Egypt (which they should have by now).

    The fact is, if the US wants to fight you in the Pacific, then they can. You’re not going to be able to expand as quickly as you would otherwise, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Whether or not you attack sz56 isn’t going to have a major impact if the US decides to take it to Japan.

  • @Unknown:

    Well, I don’t see how sending your fleet to the Carolines prevents an attack on India. With my J1 open I’ll have 6-7 ground units and 4-5 fighters ready to attack regardless of what my fleet is doing. And if I have to delay an attack on Australia, so be it. It’s not a priority as long as Germany/Italy took Egypt (which they should have by now).

    That’s why moving 4 Russian Infantry to India on R2, is a good idea.  Toss in the Russian Tank and it becomes even better.

    Even if you can beat that kind of force, Britain can recapture India on B2 with 3 Infantry, an Artillery, and potentially its entire starting Air Force in UK, if need be.

    Or they can simply retreat from India on B1, then capture it with 2 Artillery, 6 Infantry, and the same potential air support, except this time the Japanese forces have no air support of their own, meaning that you wipe out the majority of the Japanese Infantry.  You can then have the Russian troops move back to the Caucasus, into Trans Jordan, or still go to India on R3.

  • That’s why moving 4 Russian Infantry to India on R2, is a good idea.  Toss in the Russian Tank and it becomes even better.

    Even if you can beat that kind of force, Britain can recapture India on B2 with 3 Infantry, an Artillery, and potentially its entire starting Air Force in UK, if need be.

    Wow, that’s quite a burden on the Soviets, don’t you think? 4 inf lost, plus their only decent starting attack piece, AND you’re gonna land UK air in Soviet territory, denying them another 5 IPCs and letting the German Baltic fleet survive? As Germany, I be salivating at the thought…

    And all this does what, exactly? Prevents India from falling for a turn? Maybe 2? Meanwhile, on the Eastern front, Caucasus/Moscow falls a few turns earlier as compensation. Good trade for the Axis I’d say.

    Or they can simply retreat from India on B1, then capture it with 2 Artillery, 6 Infantry, and the same potential air support, except this time the Japanese forces have no air support of their own, meaning that you wipe out the majority of the Japanese Infantry.

    How does the UK get 6 inf, 2 art to attack India on their second turn? Are you moving Aussies on the tp into sz39? Because that won’t work, they’ll be dead on J2 when the Japs sink the tp with fighters. They have a cv in sz37, remember.

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