I am in North part of Tampa and have never played 1914, but I love the 1940 Global A&A game. I have the 1940 Global setup year round in my home. Do you have interest in playing 1940?
Central Wisconsin players
We have a small group of four to five players who try to meet one time a month or so and looking for more players
Where about you located ?
Hello SS Gen I live in Wisconsin Rapids we also have players in Stevens Point and one lives in Appleton
We are learning how to play global and also play WW1 and Anniversary edition
Where are you from -
Kenosha. Have about 12 guys in group. We play my game now
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/33862/ss-gen-s-1941-global-war-game/143 -
Be live streaming game this Saturday. U can watch recording to after game. Will post the site.
That is cool I will have to check it out
We are having trouble finding players in our area -
Do you play with other players doing live stream if so what games do you play -
Yes. We have 8 guys this sat. We play my game as I posted in above thread
This is us in my game.
@SS-GEN that is really cool love table definitely going to try to watch
I just feel like I should be sitting in the blue chair :) -
@barnee I can get you that blue chair !!!
@SS-GEN what time where you guys playing on Saturday
About 8 30 am
Go to Twitch tv.
Type in Search ssgen69Game will be there. Only video right now.
Cool thank you