A&A 1940 Global
Event Cards
Re: Event Cards - Weather Does anyone have event cards that they are using which reflect weather, tech, tactical situations etc.? I’d like to incorporate them in my Global 1939 game.
@koba Ah haaaaa… found some. http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/assets/images/Cards/Event cards.pdf
Hi koba
Would you care to share your rules and setup that you came up with for your 39 game ?
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The set-up is the same as the HBG '39 standard. I do, however, have rules for additional pieces and can post them in a couple of weeks.
Hi barnee,
Here is a link to an Excel file with my units. Some are right from HBG others are completely made up. Feel free to edit to suit.
@barnee I’ll have some updated lists to post as soon as I recover the files from my laptop. It crashed and is at the shop.
Looks like your spy event card is working. Must be a double spy !
@koba Good evening
we have rules for weather like that: every round is approximately 3 months. In summer months there is the raining season in South America, Africa and Asia and in Winter severe temperatures in North America, Europe and Sovietunion.
Tanks can not “blitz” during these rounds of play.