In fact for the moment we still love the AA42 2d Edition for many reasons like the interception rules that is officially this way :
Both the attacking bombers and fighter escorts, if any, fire with an attack value of 1.For each “1” rolled, a defending interceptor is immediately removed as a casualty. The surviving defending interceptors then fire with a defense value of 2.
For each result of “2” or less, the attacker chooses a casualty and removes it.
After the air battle is complete, or if there were no defending fighter interceptors, surviving fighter escorts are considered to be
retreated. They don’t participate in the actual bombing raid, are not subject to antiaircraft fire, and will remain in the territory
until the Noncombat Move phase. Any surviving attacking bombers carry out the bombing raid as described above.
Plus we ask the defending factory to pay directly in IPCs the bombing (max twice the value of the territory) like in the old versions!
Fast & Fun!