They may reprint it again, preserving all the errors and the illogicially ordered setup charts.
Comp for WW1 is $350-600 now.
Apparently AH isn’t overly proud of it, since it doesn’t have “minis” in the title. (Oops, did I really say that?)
Apparently AH isn’t overly proud of it, since it doesn’t have “minis” in the title. (Oops, did I really say that?)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Apparently AH isn’t overly proud of it, since it doesn’t have “minis” in the title. (Oops, did I really say that?)
:lol: Yep you said that out loud. :mrgreen:
Or at least give Funagain games another scoop.
thats right! the last 2 games funagain had the jump on everybody for pictures. Dont count them out yet.
Man, this place is like a ghost-town; I thought the forum would be hopping with excitement today!
Well lets see its about 5:00pm Eastern (G -5) so that makes it about 2:00pm Pacific (G -8) any pictures or news yet?
No pics yet :?
here pictures pictures pictures :lol:
You dont get pictures till the first game is finished at GenCon lol… Germany just finished first turn… lol just sit back and relax…lol :-D
Its almost 2 months for the official release, something must start showing… the cover isnt much help… Diplomacy showed the board and pieces at the AH website… Aquire the same…
oh so they are playing a full game on it?Cool can’t wait for pics from ya then. :mrgreen:
This bites!
its like a news blackout.
The trouble is, is that the new Anniversary edition plays 18 hours to a conclusion!! :-D
Thats gonna make for some good weekend games. :lol:
Here it is! the first picture of the new game!
well while we wait… heres some nifty custom labels for your pieces for the new game. They will work for all AA styles games.
Damn you IL! lol :-D
thanks for the cool labels.
No pics still :?
dang. :|
This sucks… where are all those spies??! Photos?! something… those guys at AH sure know how to make a great game fall on the rankings…
Spys will be interrogated shortly. They have failed in their mission. Heads will roll.
I think WOTC pulled a news blackout and didn’t allow a copy of the game to be viewed.
thats sad… :|