@mkgionet Hi Mark! thank you for the quick reply. I am happy to play and I’d love to play on 8/28 but I have not played since college. Can you shoot me an email so we can exchange contact info. I currently don’t own the game but I did not want to buy it until I knew what version or had people lined up with that I could play. thanks!! my email is: sullywolf AT gmail dot com
looking for global players SE Wisconsin.
looking for Global players in SE Wisconsin.
Are you still looking for players? I visit Chicago periodically, so I’m not too far from SE Wisconsin. I am mostly retired, so have flexibility in scheduling.
Jonathan Rost / jonkrost@comcast.net
I’m in SE Wisconsin.
We play my global 41 game
Here is the thread. PM
If interested. Have another game Nov 12
Just played a week ago.https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/33862/general-6-stars-1941-global-war-game/527
We play on my 5x12 table