Thanks for the feedback. Most of the rules for the game were crowd sourced from those actually playing an axis and allies style game. The game was never intended to be a historically accurate representation of the American civil war…as are the axis and allies WW2 games. They are themed games. You are welcome to try it out on Steam tabletop simulator if you have it before casting any kind of judgement. It really is a fun game that challenge players. If you want more historically accurate games, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
Historical Board Gaming Marines weathering
Which one looks the best?
( from left to right )1. No weathering # 2. Mild weathering # 3. Heavy weathering
No. 3 for me. Hit the boots and hands and helmet. Gleer almost gone. Nice !
I"m into trains so weathering has to go on everything.
@SS-GEN thanks
Agreed- #3 Heavy looks best. That one has a few landings to his credit, from the looks of him.
@DMcLaren thanks I agree he must be a veteran.