For the 7th year (not in a row), I will be attending Gen Con. If you’ve never been, it is an awesome 4 (really 3.5) days of gaming nearly around the clock. Greg Smorey (@smo63) puts on some really great events:
- Master’s invitational (AA50)
- AA50 Tournament
- 1942SE Tournament
- Classic Tournament
- Global Tournament
- 1914 Tournament
- Zombies Tournament
- War at Sea League
- Other games such at Black Orchestra
- Pick up games of anything that’s played as a tournament
I was chatting with @Karl7 and he thought it would be fun to get a group together and send a contingent from A&A .org. There are already a few folks that are active (or lurk) around here but let’s try to get a few more.
I’ve already secured housing for myself but maybe a group can get together and rent a house for a reasonable rate.