Do you get to still upgrade 2 units to guards status for taking over a zone if there are no enemy units present when you take it over ?
Turkey at War Expansion for Axis & Allies 1940
The description on HBG says there are rules to adapt this expansion to A&A Global 1940. Were are those rules and has anyone tried it?
I have a sneaky feeling that statement is a cut and paste error from some of the expansions that actually do have rules to be implemented with Global 40’ A&A.
In Global 36’ it has to much that can’t be fitted with Global A&A 40’. My opinion anyways.
@thenorthman Do you know which expansions actually have G40 rules and work well with G40?
@sjelso Ozteas 41 is the best mod for G40 imo.
Sorry I may have misunderstood your question. Not real familiar with the Global war game. Seems way cool though : )