Turkey has to be at war with a major. Every other playable nations with an income that scales has to be at war with a major so no reason for Turkey to be different.
Turkey at War Exp
For the turkey at war expansion i find that controlled and aligned dont seem to cover the relationship of a successfully influnced tuekey by a controlling power. When turkey is successfully influenced by say the Axis, do they “align” as in replace their units with Italian ones and put Italian roundels on land zones. If not, I’m assuming they remain an independent power controlled by Italy. Does this mean Italy and turkey could or could not attack together?
Also the turkey reference sheet mentions nothing about home country, I would assume the 3 Turkish tts are their home country but would this technically mean they are unable to move militia or say begin construction of a major shipyard?
Also it mentions that turkey can remain neutral if Italy declares war, but is the same true for turkey? Are they allowed to attack other nations while Italy sits out. Example, if Italy hasn’t attacked a nation in the game yet leaving the allies with no way to attack them, can a controlled turkey begin middle eastern taking middle eastern land zones without affecting Italy?
In the expansion you treat Turkey as a new independent player country (TAW 1.3).
Even if aligned, it keeps it’s own units, so they are not replaced by the Aligning power units.
If Axis aligned, Turkey is played by the Italian player but its War status is separate from Italy. So yes, they may be at War alone.
There is nothing in the rules that says that Aligned Turkey can attack with the controlling power (such as the Commonwealth members can).
As for home country, it may just be an oversight, but I am not sure.
@noneshallpass concise but all encompassing, many thanks sir.
Does this mean Italy and turkey could or could not attack together?
In reference to this portion of your questions, the Turkey Reference sheet does have this entry: “Order of Play: Turkey is played with Controlling Power”.
To me that means that, in your scenario of them going Axis, that they would be played during the Italian players turn, and thus they could attack together. But that could just be conjecture on my part. I guess you could also play it that Italy goes first, then directly after Turkey would go. This would mean they couldn’t attack together, but would also open a potential can-opener affect. But I read that as Turkey and Italy would do everything together, but looks like @Noneshallpass might disagree there?
Hello @JbuckBuddy ,
I am considering rule 6.1 which exlpains the difference between nations that share a turn but may not attack together (USSR/CCP and USA/KMT) and those that share a turn and can Attack and Defend together as one nation (British Commonwealth).
In this case, it says that Turkey :
TAW 1.3 Successful Influence: When an Alliance has four Influence Points Turkey will become an independent player country run by Italy (if Axis), France/Free France (if Allied) or the USSR (if Comintern) regardless of who paid for the final influence. No further influence may be attempted.
The NRS adds : “Order of Play: Turkey is played with Controlling Power”.
I may be wrong, but I understand these to mean that (in case of Axis control) Italy and Turkey will share a turn, but not that they may Attack and Defend together as one nation like the Commonwealth.
If both Turkey and Italy attack the same territory during their turn, I think that you would have to resolve both battle separately and not pool all the attacking forces for the purpose of combat.
Finally, rule 9.1 : “The attacking player decides in which order the declared combats are resolved”. So there could still be a can-opener effect.
If both Turkey and Italy attack the same territory during their turn, I think that you would have to resolve both battle separately and not pool all the attacking forces for the purpose of combat.
Interesting. I guess I hadn’t considered that as an option, or really any different than attacking together when I first thought about it. But there obviously might be a difference in terms of what is taken casualty if one attack has to happen before another.
Finally, rule 9.1 : “The attacking player decides in which order the declared combats are resolved”. So there could still be a can-opener effect.
I’ve always read this rule as to mean you as the attacking player just chose the order in which your attacks are done, and not necessarily as proof of an example like this. But I can see how you could read it that way if that’s the reading of the TAW turn rules.
I guess I don’t really know what the answer here is then.
@chris_henry yes it does seem that the expansion tends to lean towards turkey being an independent power, which makes me think they would be unable to attack 2gether like ccp or kmt. But I wI’ll admit there does need 2 be some clarification.
@jbuckbuddy I think that’s probably the most accurate interpretation. I was going off that one quoted text I had in my first comment, but even that wasn’t a guarantee. I think that’s how I’ll play it too, unless an official ruling comes along stating otherwise.