It just HAPPENS to have been Clinton. It could have been Joe Blow for all I care. You cannot chose to apply the laws of this nation to certain people and not others. There’s no royalty. No one is above the law. If it’s okay for one person to lie to Congress and not get fined, put in jail, removed from office, whatever; then it’s okay for ALL CITIZENS to do the same thing without penalty.
Sorry. But you trying to white wash this with a holier then thou attitude is not going to work. He broke the law, it was decided the law did not apply, thus, the law does not apply to EVERYONE. The law, effectively, was repealed because it was not applied to one person. A person who happened to hold the highest office in the land and thus should have been held to the highest possible standards, especially in regards to the LAW. Thus, I have to assume that he DID live by the HIGHEST standards in regards to following the law and thus, THE LAW DOES NOT EXIST.
It was decided by a few judges, not by the entire population. What he did was wrong. They made the wrong decision in letting him off with that. Its not like they can impeach him now. The fact that is was revealed that he lied to congress should be enough of a mar on his reputation.
Im not whitewashing this at all and I see nothing holier than thou about my post. I never said it was right for him to lie, I in fact directly stated it was wrong. Im also not trying to protect Clinton. I was only born in 1989, so its not like I was into politics during his administration, so I have no opinions about his policies and I cant take sides in any argument about his presidency.
One person escaping a penalty does not make it right for others to do so, it makes him and the people that let him escape just more wrong. OJ Simpson got away with murder (okay well he never came out and said that but cmon), that doesnt mean its alright for everyone to murder. Its tragic that these things happen, where people evade punishment, but they do happen. If I were to lie to congress that would be no more right or wrong than if it were the president standing accused, and it would be no more right or wrong for he to get away with it than I.
Also….why are baseball players even being charged for lying to congress? This steroids thing has gotten out of hand.
Going off topic…
Why isnt political discussion allowed in this forum?