Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • 2007 AAR League

    and notice how cnn refuses to explain the poll at the bottom of the article as “McCain now winning nationwide in polls”.  thats how the USA today had it headlined for an article today.  cnn couldnt even bring itself to say this.  and the usatoday is a left paper.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Why is McCain apologizing because someone from his rally dared to use Obama’s given middle name?  Where are the floods of apologies from the masses for daring to use President Bush’s middle initial when referring to him!?!?!  At least the guy had the decency to use his FULL name, not just refer to him as an initial.

    Honestly, this is just ANOTHER thing true conservatives have against good ol Johnny.  Why Johnny can’t be the Republican nominee, the movie.  Trailer at 11!


    And Hillary is bitching that the media is against her?  Uhm, so basically, the media is treating her like a Republican.  So?

    And why is this baseball guy getting charged for lying to Congress?  Bill Clinton flat out lied to Congress on a number of occasions, admitted it on national television and wasn’t charged.  That means NO MAN SHOULD BE CHARGED FOR LYING TO CONGRESS.  We do not have royalty in this nation, all men are to be equal in the eyes of the law.  Thus, if it’s okay for one to lie to Congress, then it’s okay for EVERYONE to lie to Congress.

  • It kind of pisses me off to read things about WELL IF CLINTON COULD DO IT THEN WHY CANT (insert liar here), it seems like thats a rallying cry for anyone that didnt like him.  It was wrong when clinton did it.  Unfortunately, me and you dont have control over these things.  Dont pin it on Clinton for the way OTHER people have chosen to treat him, pin it on those who made the ruling.  People arent treated like royalty because they are royalty, they are royalty because they are treated as such.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    It just HAPPENS to have been Clinton.  It could have been Joe Blow for all I care.  You cannot chose to apply the laws of this nation to certain people and not others.  There’s no royalty.  No one is above the law.  If it’s okay for one person to lie to Congress and not get fined, put in jail, removed from office, whatever; then it’s okay for ALL CITIZENS to do the same thing without penalty.

    Sorry.  But you trying to white wash this with a holier then thou attitude is not going to work.  He broke the law, it was decided the law did not apply, thus, the law does not apply to EVERYONE.  The law, effectively, was repealed because it was not applied to one person.  A person who happened to hold the highest office in the land and thus should have been held to the highest possible standards, especially in regards to the LAW.  Thus, I have to assume that he DID live by the HIGHEST standards in regards to following the law and thus, THE LAW DOES NOT EXIST.

  • Going off topic…

  • It just HAPPENS to have been Clinton.  It could have been Joe Blow for all I care.  You cannot chose to apply the laws of this nation to certain people and not others.  There’s no royalty.  No one is above the law.  If it’s okay for one person to lie to Congress and not get fined, put in jail, removed from office, whatever; then it’s okay for ALL CITIZENS to do the same thing without penalty.

    Sorry.  But you trying to white wash this with a holier then thou attitude is not going to work.  He broke the law, it was decided the law did not apply, thus, the law does not apply to EVERYONE.  The law, effectively, was repealed because it was not applied to one person.  A person who happened to hold the highest office in the land and thus should have been held to the highest possible standards, especially in regards to the LAW.  Thus, I have to assume that he DID live by the HIGHEST standards in regards to following the law and thus, THE LAW DOES NOT EXIST.

    It was decided by a few judges, not by the entire population.  What he did was wrong.  They made the wrong decision in letting him off with that.  Its not like they can impeach him now.  The fact that is was revealed that he lied to congress should be enough of a mar on his reputation.

    Im not whitewashing this at all and I see nothing holier than thou about my post.  I never said it was right for him to lie, I in fact directly stated it was wrong.  Im also not trying to protect Clinton. I was only born in 1989, so its not like I was into politics during his administration, so I have no opinions about his policies and I cant take sides in any argument about his presidency.

    One person escaping a penalty does not make it right for others to do so, it makes him and the people that let him escape just more wrong.  OJ Simpson got away with murder (okay well he never came out and said that but cmon), that doesnt mean its alright for everyone to murder.  Its tragic that these things happen, where people evade punishment, but they do happen.  If I were to lie to congress that would be no more right or wrong than if it were the president standing accused, and it would be no more right or wrong for he to get away with it than I.

    Also….why are baseball players even being charged for lying to congress? This steroids thing has gotten out of hand.

    Going off topic…

    Why isnt political discussion allowed in this forum?

  • @Imperious:

    Was everything you said a joke, or just the RPG thing?  FYI, Kenya is not a Muslim nation and that isn’t Muslim garb.

    Does it please you to no end to attempt to find even the smallest angle to make a jab at me? I find it entertaining anyway.

    Yes -THE WHOLE THING- was a joke as i stated. And jokes are just fine.

    Muslims are everywhere. I could put on Muslim garb and take a picture of me in New York and you can say the same thing. It makes no difference where the picture was taken only that the clothes are ‘Muslim like’.

    All I hear is wah wah wah, Muslim, wah.

    Me : you is like you : muslims

  • All I hear is wah wah wah, Muslim, wah.

    Me : you is like you : muslims

    Now i understand everything. That makes perfect sence.

  • Having a very difficult time thinking of who I am going to vote for.  I am evenly split.  I used to like McCain a lot more, but I am worried he is drifting more and more to the right…which some of you don’t believe…others think its a good thing…but personally I don’t.  I support his stance on Iraq whole-heartedly, I trust him, and I respect him more than Clinton or Obama.  However, I favor Clinton or Obama’s (supposed) stances on pretty much everything else.  Trying to weigh the importance of these issues makes my decision change daily.  Anyone else with this problem or am I the only moderate stupid like this?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    If it makes you feel better, he’s only PRETENDING to drift to the right in hopes of seeing us show up and vote against Obama or Clinton (which would be for him.)

    But he’s no where near Conservative.  He’d need a life altering event (like God talking to him or something)  to find his conservative roots again.

    So you have three choices:

    Ultra Liberal - Obama
    Liberal - Clinton
    Mostly Liberal - McCain

    There are no conservatives running this election cycle.

  • 2007 AAR League

    just another indepth look at obama.  from a black british leader, about how obama is bad for ending racism.  b/c he plays it like a fiddle.  and he states about how with the help of liberals, blacks have been ramming white guilt at a country that doesnt deserve it.  but it scores political points.  democratic liberals dont care about america at all.

  • 2007 AAR League

    thought i’d throw this one in too.  its about how the media has changed its tune to swoon for obama.  and McCain went from mr. respectable to mr.  grumpy white man hypocrite.

    i remember a few people just a year ago saying republicans who thought the media was completely biased were wrong.  i wonder what they say now.  are they still ignorant?  or do they choose to lie on purpose, for the sake of party loyalty.  any which way they are truly terrible people, those who cant see the way that the media tries to subliminally sway there minds.  they are the sheep with a wolf as a shepherd.

    its so amazing that even the clintons have picked up on it.  boo hoo, they had the liberal media on their side for 8 years of nonsense and socialism and attacking americans in america……(waco, ruby ridge, elian gonzales)

  • To sum up my thoughts on the issue, I agree with everyone here about the lack of a conservative.  I feel like 2 party politics has hindered america, since both major parties are seemingly becoming more and more centrist, and in then end you arent stuck with much of a choice.

    The lack of real right and left wing, liberal and conservatives in politics is the reason I listen to the opinions of people like Michael Savage.  Even though I disagree with him on a lot of issues, its refreshing to hear radicalism instead of the standard politico-speak of every candidate in the election.

  • The nation is not ready for true conservatism. If it was, Ron Paul would be the nominee. instead we want to kid ourselves that we can afford to keep troops all over the world, afford to give every person health care coverage and social security and medicare, afford to run the printing presses night and day and call it “sound fiscal policy”.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    How many of you democrat boosters who are male (which I believe is the entire audiance who identifies with the democrat party on this forum) would vote for John McCain if the Governor of Alaska was his running mate?

    The Governor is Sarah Palin and she is 42 Years Old.  She’s considered the sexiest woman in politics today.

  • A- I think the media is as a whole not biased toward one extreme or the other so much as it is sensationalist.  News is more about presenting current events in an entertainment medium instead of presenting it in a fair and balanced way.  I think many Americans think that radio/tv hosts to belittle guests from the other side is not honestly cross examining ideas so much as finding a way to tear the other side down.  I do not view this as news.

    B- I am curious how much of McCain is posture and how much is substance, this drift.  I agree the right does not have much of a choice.  I think mostly everyone here would agree that this two party system does not benefit the country.  A shame Teddy R. didn’t pull off a victory with his bull moose party.  I think that might have broken the mold.

    C- thanks for accusing me of not caring for america at all once again…its been a while…or am i just stupid?

    D- I would vote for him if Palin was his running mate because maybe then we can try and impeach both the Pres. and the VP at the same time.  That or we can have heffner move in and call the White House the playboy mansion.  More people would probably care about what goes on in there then.  Probably will even get more quality work done there.:)  YAY for American politics today!

  • 2007 AAR League

    if you dont see the media bias, well then, you might be, ……

    i mean seriously, you cant see the BLATANT obama love, and the blatant tarnishing of McCain.  i dont think obama has had a bad story yet.  even the bad ones are washed over and “fogotten” by a helpful media.

    once again, maybe you just say that for the sake of party loyalty.  i’ve met people like that before.

    and jen, that lady with her hair down and trying to look sexy, would be ultra sexy, and if she could (sway) me, then i’d be even more inclined to vote for McCain.

  • All media has a bias in some way or another.

  • the problem is when they clame not to be but are far left or right. the trend in the media is to lean left more then right though.

  • 2007 AAR League

    way left.  they are acting like obama cheerleaders.  enough so that even the clintons are complaining about it.

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