Today in 117AD Hadrian, the adopted son of Trajan, became the new Roman Emperor. Trajan had ruled for nearly twenty years and had enlarged the Empire greatly. Hadrian in his twenty one year rule would be just as good for Rome. He left behind four great building works, which remain today.
The first was to rebuild Agrippa’s Pantheon, adding the 141ft diameter Dome. It has massive bronze doors and now a church, has buried two of Italy’s kings and the artist Raphael amongst others.
On the river Tiber is the Castel San Angelo, another stone dome building, this one built as his own tomb. It has been used as a fortress by more than one Pope when Rome has been threatened. It housed Pope Clement VII when the forces of the (Spanish)Holy Roman Empire sacked the city in 1527. It is well worth a visit if you ever go to Rome. A coffee from the battlements’ cafe’ is a good end to a walk around the military museum it is now.
The third monument is the beautiful Villa at Tivoli.
Lastly is the wall he had constructed in the North of England to keep out those pesky Picts(Scots). It was 15ft high and stretched 73 miles from coast tocoast and there was a fort every five miles.
Hadrian had been unwell for some time and despite seeking death and requesting it of his adopted son Pius, who refused to aid him, he died aged 62 in his villa at Baie on the Bay of Naples.
Emperor Mollari's Rant Line
The other thing I find surprising is that I have so much karma, good and bad. People either love me or hate me, I guess…
I have more than twice as much as you! :mrgreen:
Actually the only people I’ve wondered about are people involved in that whole tournament game schlamozzle, since I did throw some strong opinions around there. Or people who just hate me cuz I’m so damn liberal, even though PD is now gone and I’m not posting on those topics. Other than that I think I generally get along with most people here, so I’m a little puzzled.
Just so you know, I’m not responsible for any of your smites, I still have yet to give anyone Karma, good or bad, and will continue to refrain from the Karma game until we can see who’s giving us Karma.
Dunno, I seem to have some secret admirers and a few people who hate me because I’m a conservationist. At least, that’s what I assume. Probably most Karma is drawing from the old PD forum.
Judging by the VERY large numbers (especially of negative) I think we have folks who click for the hell of it…
Here’s a rant -
People whose signature line fills have of my screen, wearing out my scrolling finger just to read to the bottom of a thread… :wink:
Here’s a rant -
People whose signature line fills have of my screen, wearing out my scrolling finger just to read to the bottom of a thread… :wink:
I fixed that just for you. Not that you have noticed….ya know, that’s almost as bad as when my husband fails to notice I got a new haircut.
Judging by the VERY large numbers (especially of negative) I think we have folks who click for the hell of it…
yea, but you’re just jealous because I have more Good Karma then you and less Bad Karma. (Watches to see your GK spin like mad and my BK spin like mad now….)
Here’s a rant -
People whose signature line fills have of my screen, wearing out my scrolling finger just to read to the bottom of a thread… :wink:
I fixed that just for you. Not that you have noticed….ya know, that’s almost as bad as when my husband fails to notice I got a new haircut.
Thanks, I notice now! I had just learned to block it out I guess…
I fixed that just for you. Not that you have noticed….ya know, that’s almost as bad as when my husband fails to notice I got a new haircut.
The babymomma would never notice when I shaved my face. Even when she saw me with facial hair before I went into the shower, and none when immediately when I came out. Always had to ask if I shaved.
Should be obvious.