Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • '19 Moderator


    have you ever had a moment in your life where you change your beliefes or stance on something?
    i watched him get asked about this issue, and he gave IMO a good and heart felt rendition of what that moment was.
    it wasn’t as McCain has done, a solid flip and give no reason for that flip. McCain is on record (i wish i knew where it was but i can’t find it any more) for saying that the Tax cuts don’t work and thats why he voted against them. but yet now he is saying they do work and that the only reason he voted against them is that they didn’t cut tax’s for the middle class and another time (or the same time i can’t recall now) he said because there was no spending cuts as well.
    you can’t hold a man (or woman) accountable for a flip when they admit to the flip and can explain it, but not hold the other guy accountable for a flip when he won’t even fess up to it.
    you say we know what we are getting into with McCain, yep sure do, a guy with a hot head (not always bad), sides against his party (again not always bad, accually realy good in some casses), strong millitary, is not conservative on many core issues, is strong on only have of many issues that are important to conservatives (boarder for example, he wants the fence but also amnasty), and flips but won’t admit it.
    i’m not saying Mitt is the best guy ether, but i can live with Mitt, i can’t live with McCain. i have my threashold tolarance that i will adsept on what is adseptable and McCain falls bellow that.

    I don’t see McCains position on the Bush Tax cut as a flip.  He said originaly he thought the tax cut wasn’t good enough, but ending it efectively raises taxes which he is against.

    Romney was elected governor of Mass by making promises which he now says wnet completely against as soon as he was elected.  Just because he fooled the dems and turned on them last time doesn’t mean he won’t do it this time against the repubs.

    I’m not here to change your mind, I’m just tired of being called a liberal.  I’m a gun carrying, pro-life, pro states rights, conservative, and I voted for Bush twice and I hope to be voting for McCain with a hard right VP in November.

  • never called you liberal or any McCain supporter, although the bulk of is support is not conservative.

    my point on Mitt is yes he changed stances, but his reason is what i looked at. it wasn’t a political wind change, it was a change based on beliefes.

    for McCain his flip is what i feel is a political wind flip. he wont even admit that it was a flip. he was against the tax cuts in his own words (not using them because i can’t remember the exact words) because they targeted the wrong people. but he also said because they don’t work. now he is saying it’s because there wasn’t a spending cut. this last bit came out because he is taking hits from conservatives because of his stance on the tax cuts.

    again nether man is the best conservative, but i feel McCain based on voting record and his stance on other issues isn’t as conservative as Mitt’s record and stance on issues. also i feel the economy is more vital and important then McCain can handle or even understands. war and economy are the two biggest issues, Mitt wins with economy, McCain wins with war (by about the same amount each). where i realy draw the line is look at there stance on the other issue. McCain dose poor in economy and Mitt dosn’t have experiance with war, but atleast he is willing to say things that are good for it. McCain has voted against the economy, that hurts him.
    other issues arn’t as big, but McCain IMO isn’t strong on much else other then the war.

  • '19 Moderator

    I didn’t mean to imply that you were lableing me, but by the definition of others here it seems I am being labled.

    This is McCains Economic plan:

    I’m not going to assume that because I think he’s a good guy he will fix the eccomomy, I looked at his plan and it looks good to me it makes sense and it will help me fiscaly.  I’m not an eccomomy expert, but I understand logic and this looks logical to me.

    Romney may be a good buisness man, but I don’t trust him.  That’s what it comes down to…

  • i think trust is the big issue. i don’t realy trust McCain on any thing but to be a man to push on the war.
    on a sad note, Mitt it seams is dropping out. report just came up a few min ago.
    meaning McCain is now in effect the R nomination unless Huck can pull a lot of votes. not a Huck fan ether.

  • '19 Moderator


    If you want another George W. Bush, then feel free to vote for McCain.  I fought for your right to do so.  I lost three vertebra and walk with a permanent limp to allow you to vote for John McCain if that is who you REALLY want.

    LMAO… I love statements like this.  Let me chime in with my opinion.  I’m in the military because I believe everyone should do what they can for their community and I’m damn good at what I do.  I have a set of gold spurs and a chest full of medals that say I am.  But I’m not about to parade my sacrifice’s and claim I did it for anyone but me and the guys that were with me.

    Don’t get me wrong I appreciate what other soldiers do, but I think it’s wrong to make it seem like you made a decision to “give up three vertebra” so I could vote.  I’m a veteran and will fight again, but if you think I would be wiling to give up anything so some knuckle head can vote your out of your mind.


  • @Pervavita:

    i think trust is the big issue. i don’t realy trust McCain on any thing but to be a man to push on the war.
    on a sad note, Mitt it seams is dropping out. report just came up a few min ago.
    meaning McCain is now in effect the R nomination unless Huck can pull a lot of votes. not a Huck fan ether.

    From what I recall for Super Tuesday results, I think McCain is a surefire nominee.  Even Romney had a considerable lead over Huckabee, but both couldn’t touch McCain.



    If you want another George W. Bush, then feel free to vote for McCain.  I fought for your right to do so.  I lost three vertebra and walk with a permanent limp to allow you to vote for John McCain if that is who you REALLY want.

    LMAO… I love statements like this.  Let me chime in with my opinion.  I’m in the military because I believe everyone should do what they can for their community and I’m damn good at what I do.  I have a set of gold spurs and a chest full of medals that say I am.  But I’m not about to parade my sacrifice’s and claim I did it for anyone but me and the guys that were with me.

    Don’t get me wrong I appreciate what other soldiers do, but I think it’s wrong to make it seem like you made a decision to “give up three vertebra” so I could vote.  I’m a veteran and will fight again, but if you think I would be wiling to give up anything so some knuckle head can vote your out of your mind.

    Thank you.

    And next we’ll have M36 talk about how he doesn’t care about anyone else, he just likes guns and fighting.

  • there is still enough out there that McCain can still be upset. i would think of all the Romney voters left, a bulk of them will go Huck over McCain. that is my estimation atleast.

  • Huckleberry is not Romney’s surrogate presidential candidate. Romney was the only conservatives choice left and now the bottom dropped out. To balance the ticket i suspect McCain will get a real conservative, who will win a state that counts like New York or California

  • that was not what i ment, what i was meaning is that Huck is as i understand it closer to conservative then McCain. i haven’t looked at Huck in some time realy so i can’t say how he stands on all issues.

  • I guess Jenn will be voting Democratic – Romney announced he is quitting. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • @Imperious:

    Huckleberry is not Romney’s surrogate presidential candidate. Romney was the only conservatives choice left and now the bottom dropped out. To balance the ticket i suspect McCain will get a real conservative, who will win a state that counts like New York or California

    Ummm, IL, news flash – California and New York are BLUE STATES that will not go Republican this cycle – or are very unlikely to do so.  Certainly, adding a conservative will NOT help in those states.  Exhibit A – The “Governator’s” about-face on all issues on which he was still a conservative.

    Adding Huckabee, on the other hand, WILL help McCain in the South, where McCain is more likely to win IF he can carry enough of the evangelical vote, which happens to be Huckabee’s strength.

    SO NCSCSWITCH LISTEN UP!!!  THIS IS ME EATING CROW!  I THINK YOU ARE CORRECT THAT HUCKABEE IS THE LIKELY RUNNING MATE FOR MCCAIN.  I just wanted to get that out there before the bandwagon left the station. :wink: :-D

  • Moderator

    And now it looks like the Bush Administration has picked out their new successor:


  • Ummm, IL, news flash – California and New York are BLUE STATES that will not go Republican this cycle – or are very unlikely to do so.  Certainly, adding a conservative will NOT help in those states.  Exhibit A – The “Governator’s” about-face on all issues on which he was still a conservative.

    Arnold is very popular in California and most likely the most popular leader we have. Arnold would bring Calif to GOP w/o any trouble, and Latins ( mostly male Latins) love this guy. They would dump Celery in a second if Arnold was in play.

    Women usually vote by appearances anyway ( Billy, Kerry, Gorey, MLEXBW, etc)  and Arnold’s macho ‘thing’ will draw further women away from Celery. However, Obama has a striking appearance to them, so if he gets the nod that may change.

    The fact is he is very conservative in a sea of state communists and socialists and hes a realistic person about the progress of his reforms which has endeared him to the liberals sake the far left.

    And he brings youth to the ticket, because that will be brought up in the general campaign and was also a reason why Reagan tapped Bush #1 for VP, because the yea hoos are going to stick McCain in the mold of Goldwater…just like they did with Reagan and failed.

  • '19 Moderator

    I think Huckabee will drop out before the end of the month, he may wait until Texas, but I think he has shown his worth as a VP.  The Republicans will want to get together and start campaining aganst the Dems asap.

  • Huckabee will remain in it so as to increase in delegate count a bit (mostly in the South) and to surpass Romney’s total delegates to make a McCain Huckabee ticket look like the wisdom that it is.

    Huckabee is strong in the South (lost of electoral votes).  McCain is strong in New England, the Rust Belt and the West Coast.

    THe northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain States (minimal delegates) can either line up behind a Centrist and a Conservative, or they can surrender the election to Hillary.

    We tried it once with the Conservative’s choice… and I think the last 8 years have proven how badly the Right wing of the Republican party did on THAT choice.  So let’s try the Centrist Republicans this time and see if they can do a bit better (would be nearly impossible to do worse…)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I guess Jenn will be voting Democratic – Romney announced he is quitting. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Actually, he “suspended his campaign.”

    I think it’s a dirty trick actually, but I understand why he suspended instead of quit.  The difference, for those who do not know, is a suspension retains his delegates, if he quits, the delegates would be free to leave.

    Since a majority of his delegates would have changed to Huckabee and given Huckabee the majority OVER McCain, and since Huckabee was the one who undermined Romney, I fully understand why Romney chose to suspend his campaign.  One of those “if I can’t have it, neither can you.”

    I just wish he was more of a man then that.

    And, for the record, I WILL vote democrat if it is Obama vs McCain.  Obama is VERY conservative if you look at what he is saying.  Oh sure, he gives lip service to national health care, but look at his plan…he wants the first people to start getting coverage in 2012.  In four years we’ll forget he even said he wanted to do it.  He’s also pro-tax cuts.  He does, unfortunately, want to pull us out of Iraq, but I’ll take that one minor issue and swallow my pride on it if it means McCain isn’t President.

    If it’s McCain vs Hillary, I’ll campaign for Hillary, but vote independent or not at all. (Illinois has a history of “accidentally” misprinting ballots so that neutral parties don’t appear.)

  • '19 Moderator

    Obama is not conservative.  :roll:

    Rabbits are actualy Kangaroos if you look at it.  They hop on their back legs and eat grass.  They don’t have pouches for their babies, and their realy small, but if you over look that their pretty much Kangaroos.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Have you SEEN how he has voted and SEEN what his stance is?

    He’s for government living within its own means
    He’s for no gay marriage (though he does not mind civil unions)
    He’s for minimal government health care for the indigent, not for everyone
    He’s for the eventual withdrawal from Iraq, but not over night
    He’s for increasing Veteran’s Affairs funding and programs

    Add to that his statements that all the ideas of the past 30 years has come from the Republican party and that Reagan was the greatest politician in OUR time.  Not verbatim quotes mind you, but he’s made those statements.

    That sounds pretty gosh darn conservative to me.  Especially when it’s reflected against Hillary Clinton and John McCain.  (Of course, it is ACTUALLY moderate, but since McCain and Clinton are so blessed liberal it makes Barry look down right conservative!)

    McCain’s only chance is if Hillary wins and people vote against Hillary.  McCain’s done if Obama gets the nomination because we are not afraid of Barry and Barry’s speeches and vote history are more in line with classic Republicanism then McCains.

  • 2007 AAR League

    yes indeed.  a brilliant move by republicans.

    to get more voters for McCain.  let huckabee go around still creating momentum behind him.  that way when people in the south and other religious conservatives learn more about him and like him, then he can go with McCain.  its great, we win with moderates and conservatives.  perfect.

    obama gets a conservative ranking of about 8 to McCains 82.  :roll:

    jen, you would take a loss of iraq, and give victory to al-qaeda.  those murderers of ALL people, young old, black white, doesnt matter they will kill you people.

    and you will give up on putting conservative justices on the bench so liberals stop legislating from the bench.

    i’m just ashamed you even call yourself conservative.  we always make fun of liberals for being whiners, but how can we anymore, with the biggest one being “conservative”.

    have you been implanted with a “hate McCain furiously for little reason” chip?

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