Frohe Weihnachten und gesegnete Feiertage!
Merry Christmas.
Wrong, Balung.
Independents COULD vote in Florida. When they went to the polls they just had to ask for a Republican ballot and they were added to the Republican party on the spot.
As for what the dems want, Bush gave them everything that got out of Congress. It was only the fortitude of the true conservatives in the Congress that stopped all the rest of the Democrat agenda. Bush was a wuss. He signed it all. He hardly vetoed anything. The things he did veto, he was most likely FORCED to veto under threat of Republican Support for impeachment hearings if he did NOT.
As of the Dems failing to get much done since 2006, uhm, they promised to take us in a new direction, have you SEEN the stock market since they took over? I think they succeeded! Not to mention the new direction in the housing market! I think they’ve been extremely successful and people have seen what success means under their regime and that’s why their approval ratings are about half of Bush’s approval ratings and the lowest in all recorded history.
Why in the WORLD would we want to send ANOTHER Bush back to DC? Just for Iraq? Iraq’s over, it’s cleanup time now. Even the dems don’t want to pull out anymore. So we don’t need to keep the Socialist Conservative in office anymore just to prevent the terrorists from establishing safe haven in Iraq anymore. Without that need, we have no reason to back the Nazi, ere, sorry, that’s an abbreviation for National Socialist, I meant Rezi (Republican Socialist) in office.
Which is why I, and many like me, will be campaigning for Hillary or Obama if McCain is nominated. “Not with my name!” will be my battle cry. I don’t want him further sullying the good name of Fiscal Conservatism!
florida is a closed primary state. only registered republicans and democrats can go to the polls.
florida is a closed primary state. only registered republicans and democrats can go to the polls.
And yet there are literally hundreds of stories of independents who went to the polls and registered ON THE SPOT as Republicans just so they can vote.
oh i’m so sure
oh i’m so sure
Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, evidentially.
In northern Coral Springs, near the Sawgrass Expressway and Coral Ridge Drive, David Nirenberg arrived to vote as an independent. Nevertheless, he said poll workers insisted he choose a party ballot.
"He said to me, ‘Are you Democrat or Republican?’ I said, ‘Neither, I am independent.’ He said, ‘Well, you have to pick one,’‘’ Nirenberg said.
In Florida, only those who declare a party are allowed to cast a vote in that party’s presidential primary.
Nirenberg said he tried to explain to the poll worker that he should not vote on a party ballot because of his “no party affiliation” status.
Nirenberg said a second poll worker was called over who agreed that independents should not use party ballots, but said they had received instructions to the contrary.
“He said, ‘Ya know, that is kind of funny, but it was what we were told.’ … I was shocked when they told me that.” Nirenberg said he went ahead and voted for John McCain.
Staff writers Alexia Campbell, Elizabeth Baier, John Holland, Mark Hollis, Sallie James, Linda Kliendienst, Ihosvani Rodriguez, and Crystian Tejedor contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2008, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Independents were registering as Republicans, ON THE SPOT, and voting McCain.
Now, you might view that as GOOD or BAD, but it does not change the fact that it WAS happening and that is where a lot of McCain’s votes came from. This explains perfectly why Romney was the 8% margin leader in the polls just before the election then afterwards, was beaten by McCain. The pollsters didn’t bother CALLING THE UNDECIDEDS, only registered Republicans.
Add in McCain’s push polling and his robo-calling (where a robot dials random numbers and plays a recorded message slandering another candidate to whomever picks up the phone. And old trick, but it still works.) And it’s a wonder why Romney got any votes.
The guy’s just as dirty as Hillary and Obama, the only difference is he wants us to believe he’s a Republican and he’s just not.
what polls did you read. i had either dead heats or mcCain up in the polls.
and they have 1 instance of 1 guy SAYING this happened. not very credible. the media loves to hype a sensational story, even if its not true.
how could it happen anyways. they are from florida, they should know better as independents that they cant vote.
and McCain won in the most of the counties of florida. and alot of them redneck ones. he was good to go.
Tip of the ice berg.
Do a search, you’ll find more stories. Basically if you showed up and said you were undecided they made you decide, which is only fair since it’s an informal poll taken by the party for the party’s choice, not a general election. So people chose if they wanted to vote republican or democrat, well, since the democrats had no official primary, they decided over overwhelmingly for the republican primary, and they chose McCain more often then the others. Though, a lot of independents voted for Guilliani too since he’s also a liberal in sheep’s clothing.
And you were looking at exit polls. I am talking about all the polls leading up to the primary. Every last one of them had Romney with a decisive lead over McCain. Well, every one of them polled Registered Republicans. Most Registered Republicans had to go to work.
i’m also talking about polls leading to florida that showed a tie or McCain up.
What whacko pollsters were you getting? Rasmussen and Gallup both had a significant lead for Romney over McCain in Florida.
Anyway, Illinois has more delegates then Florida and we’re just one of what, 22 states running on Tuesday?
What whacko pollsters were you getting? Rasmussen and Gallup both had a significant lead for Romney over McCain in Florida.
Anyway, Illinois has more delegates then Florida and we’re just one of what, 22 states running on Tuesday?
its important because it will give the winers momentum.
every one that i saw was like this. McCain ahead or tied
What whacko pollsters were you getting? Rasmussen and Gallup both had a significant lead for Romney over McCain in Florida.
Anyway, Illinois has more delegates then Florida and we’re just one of what, 22 states running on Tuesday?
McCain won the only poll in Florida that counts – the actual primary! :mrgreen:
Give it up, Jenn. Romney is a walking corpse. Nobody but the diehards like yourself actually like him. Say what you want about McCain – at least he’s not a panderer (okay, every politician panders, but I’m talking degrees here) in the same way Romney is. Romney will literally say anything to posture himself as a conservative and get elected. He did the same thing (in the left direction) to get elected governor. Doesn’t that bother you at least a little? I think it does most people, certainly here in Florida. Witness all the endorsements for McCain here (Governor Crist, Senator Martinez) vs. none for Romney. That should tell you something.
Unfortunately, everything you say is true Gamer. For the most part, us Republicans are screwed. We don’t even have a real conservative running as a candidate. The only guy I actually wanted to vote for was Giulliani, but now with him out I am forced to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Huckabee is just a buffoon, so he doesn’t even enter the equation.
At least the democrats have people who actually represent them, even though they are socialists.
so should the endorsements by Bill Clinton and NY Times of McCain. those two speak louder then any others IMO.
Where in the world did you hear that Bill Clinton endorsed John McCain?
As for the New York Times, Who Cares? a hundred papers have endorsed McCain from Right - Boston Herald to Left - New York Times, and every wher in between.
when he said that he hopes that McCain gets the nomination because him and Mrs Clinton get along so well, they agree on things, and that it will be a clean campaighn. it sounds a lot like an indorcment to me.
Well since my guy Giuliani is out I guess I’ll support McCain.
See I live in MA. I KNOW Mitt, well, I mean I know him as well as you can know a flip-flopping, always changing carpetbagger from Colorado or was it Michigan?
Anyways, if your interested, check out some of Mitt’s early debates for senator & governor of the peoples republic of taxachussetts. FYI….I voted for this guy every time he ran here!
He states in one interview that he’d never want to bring back the Reagan era! Kind of funny after listening to him last night. I’d really like to support this guy but I just don’t know what to believe anymore.
He states in one interview that he’d never want to bring back the Reagan era! Kind of funny after listening to him last night. I’d really like to support this guy but I just don’t know what to believe anymore.
He states in one interview that he’d never want to bring back the Reagan era! Kind of funny after listening to him last night. I’d really like to support this guy but I just don’t know what to believe anymore.
Well you need to realize that he was in the midst of a battle against Teddy K but this seems to be Mitt’s theme, tell the people what they want to hear and hope for the best. Didn’t he tell auto workers in Detriot that he would bring their auto making jobs back?!
The guy will say anything.