This is an alternative Japanese opening in standard Axis play where Italy attacks Russia in its second turn and Germany follows in its third for an Moscow attack in G6. The main focus of this strategy however is Japan and in particular its Imperial Fleet. It celebrates the historical surprise attack on Pearl Harbour as opening of the war against the United States of America and by crippling the USA fleet hopes to buy enough time to conquer the Pacific before the USA can recover.
Strategic Goal
By destroying as much initial USA fleet in the first turn of Japan it forces the strongest Ally in a position that it first has to rebuild its fleet before it can go on the offensive. This will buy enough time for Japan to conquer the Pacific before the USA can respond.
Rationale for Strategy
Japan has most expansion potential but is also surrounded at all sides. The Russians in the north, the Chinese in the west, The British and ANZAC in the south and the USA in the west. Against strong and offensive Allied play, Japan will lose territory at the side it retreats. As soon as it commit, it will lose at other areas. While the other naval forces, the United Kingdom and ANZAC are relatively weak, the USA is able to overpower the Japanese fleet in only a couple of rounds. By destroying 1/2 of the initial USA fleet, you buy extra time for Japan to defeat the other allies before it has to deal with the might of the USA. As Axis time is crucial as this allows you to take the crucial VC or even the economic unbalance now in favor of the Allies. Therefore this strategy tries to buy time for the Japan by attacking USA first and make optimal use of the seas to attack either Sydney or Calcutta in J4.
Pearl Harbour
While attacking Hawaii with the full fleet can result into shared destruction caused by the counter-attack of USA and ANZAC, attacking the fleet near Hawaii with only cheap ships and air force you are able to deliver a striking blow while keeping the Imperial Fleet save from retaliation. In order to play as safely as possible you could invade Wake Island in J1, I opt to take Borneo instead. Also keep 2 Fighters in Japan while doing your combat-moves.
Attack SZ26 with 1 Submarine, 2 Destroyers, 2 Fighters and 2 Tactical Bombers. Make sure 1 Destroyer survives to function as blocker against the USA Coast Guard.
In your-non combat moves you move the Imperial Fleet to SZ31 and land fighters from Japan in case you lost any planes in the Pearl Harbour raid.
Dutch East Indies
The most crucial areas for Japan to conquer are the Dutch East Indies. The 20 IPC will lift Japan to a strong economic position while keeping them out of the hands of the smaller Allies (UK and ANZAC) will keep them poor and easy to defeat. Therefore I put a lot of effort in taking the islands as soon as possible. In J1 I attack Borneo with 1 Infantry + Artillery while a Cruiser and Destroyer block it from UK attacks. In J2 I take Celebes and Java with the Borneo forces and surviving troops from Philippines attack. In case you opt for India crush in J2 you also take Sumatra, in case you opt for Sydney crush you take Western Australia instead and take Sumatra in J3.
With the main part of the Imperial Fleet doing a Pearl Harbour attack the China and UK might go all-in on Yunnan. You will build a minor factory in French Indo China to battle this, and in emergency case you can also opt to take the money islands in J2 but send the troops to FIC for a J3 attack combined with your other troops and airforce from the mainland. In case you are able to maintain Chine by enough pressure (all not carrier based air force combined with wise movements of your land troops) you will likely secure victory for the Axis in J6.
In worst case scenario, you lost Yunnan, are unable to take it and will lose China in a short amount of time you lost the Pacific. However this strategy empowers the naval capacity of Japan to such extent that the battle is far from lost in this case. Leave Australia for what it is and go for an India Crush in J4 and Egypt Crush in J6. Combined with the G6 attack on Russia this will still result to an Axis win.
You have 4 Infantry, 7 Fighters, 5 Tactical Bombers and 2 Bombers to attack Yunnan J2 while the Allies can have 15 Infantry, 1 Tactical Bomber and 2 Fighters with only Pacific troops. This is too much and will cost you a lot of planes.
Therefore in case of Yunnan fortification do not attack in J2, move your Asian troops to Hunan to you can attack with 1 Mechanized Infantry, 7 Infantry and 3 Artillery extra as reinforcements turning the battle into your favour. Also move your J1 build transports to FIC while building a Naval Base there so you could capture India when UK puts all his troops in Yunnan. In case Russia heavily reinforces Yunnan, also use your naval troops instead of taking the money islands. This results into the following reinforcements (1 mechanized infantry, 12 infantry, 8 artillery, 1 tank) + 4 infantry and air force to attack Yunnan in J3.
This strategy however assumes that the Allied players will not fortify Yunnan and play defensively as I expect my opponents from reacting to a J1. We are less experienced however so your enemy might not react the same way as I expect mine to do.
Watch Russia Closely
The only power that is able to counter this strategy is Russia. It can group all his infantry at Amur in R1 while sending a mech and tank towards Yunnan, building fighters to reinforce it in R2 etc. Japan is not able to stop this and might have to abandon this strategy as soon as it sees Russia doing this. You could still continue the strategy even while Russia do these moves, but it is a lot more dangerous. However your other Axis, especially Germany should give strong signals it will focus on Russia 100% by building only Artillery. As normal Russian play is very defensive and goes in turtle mode they see Germany buying Barbarossa units, this will hopefully prevent the Russians from doing alternative things.
European Axis Help
Both Germany and Italy will support Japan in containing the USA a bit with sneak attacks.
- German Submarine attacks USA cruiser and transport G1
- German fleet will be stationed at Gibraltar G2, can do sneak attack G3
- Italy invades West Indies I2 to chip away National Objective
Japan Turn 1
Purchase new units
3 Transport, 1 Artillery
Combat Movement
SZ26 with 1 Submarine, 2 Destroyers, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers
SZ33 with 1 Submarine, 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship and two Transports (1 Tank, 1 Artillery, 2 Infantry)
SZ37 with 1 Cruiser, 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter
SZ43 with 1 Transport (1 Artillery, 1 Infantry)
Philippines with 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Fighter, 1 Tank, 1 Artillery, 2 Infantry
Borneo with 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry
Shan State with 2 Infantry
French Indo China with 1 Infantry
Yunnan with 1 Bomber, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Fighter, 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry
Kwantung with 2 Infantry, 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 Fighters
Hunnan with 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 Fighters
Chahar with 1 Infantry
Anhwe with 1 Mechanized Infantry, 7 Infantry, 3 Artillery
Noncombat movement
Move 1 Destroyer from SZ33 to SZ42
Move 1 Aircraft Carrier from SZ33 to SZ35
Move 1 AA to Jehol
Move Imperial Fleet to SZ31
Move used air craft into range of Yunnan
Move two Fighters from Japan and Korea to SZ31 when needed
Place new units
Transports in SZ6, Artillery in Japan
Collect Income
$41 Income
= $41
To be clear, I assume no Yunnan Fortification, in case it is fortified change use of transports as earlier mentioned
Japan Turn 2
Purchase new units
1 Minor Fictory in FIC, 2 Artillery, 2 Infantry, 2 Transports
Combat Movement
Attack Malaya with 2 Infantry + lots of air craft
Attack Celebes
Attack Java
Attack Western Australia
Use Asian troops according to Chinese moves
Attack UK / ANZAC fleets when possible
Noncombat movement
Move Imperial Fleet to Caroline Islands
Send loaded transports to Caroline Islands
Land your planes in Siam
Place new units
Transports and troops in SZ6, Factory in FIC
Collect Income
$56 Income
= $56
Japan Turn 3
Purchase new units
1 Minor Fictory in Malaya, Troops in FIC and Japan
Combat Movement
Attack Sumatra
Attack China
Destroy ANZAC blockers so Imperial Fleet can invade Sydney next turn
Noncombat movement
Move two new transports to Imperial Fleet at Caroline Islands
Send your air force to Western Australia
Place new units
Factory in Malaya, troops in FIC and Japan
Collect Income
$60 Income
$5 Bonus
= $65
Japan Turn 4
Purchase new units
Buy more troops and start expanding your fleet
Combat Movement
Crush Sydney
Push to India
Push into China
Noncombat movement
What is needed
Place new units
Dependent on buy
Collect Income
$65 Income
$10 Bonus
$5 ANZAC Income
= $80