@mike141500 they would be safe until Germany goes to war, at least. We had a game where Germany aligned Argentina super distracting for US kept them busy for 3 or 4 turns where they could’ve been using their stuff to fight in Europe
Future Expansions
Interesting Munck, I had not heard that! Don’t want to derail this thread, maybe I’ll open another, but what is it about China that makes you say “biggest issue”? Unbalanced in your mind? Or just not exciting?
Battle of the Atlantic. I hadn’t really considered that, and don’t have the slightest what that might entail. Could be very interesting!
Kind of like my response to you in the other thread, we just accepted this takes a long time, so we welcome the minutia (we’re also three in our group).
That’s a bummer to hear about Island Warfare. I remember hearing about a potential expansion a while back, but never heard more. Didn’t realize it just got cancelled! Hopefully they worked their way back to it!
Interesting Munck, I had not heard that! Don’t want to derail this thread, maybe I’ll open another, but what is it about China that makes you say “biggest issue”? Unbalanced in your mind? Or just not exciting?
Battle of the Atlantic. I hadn’t really considered that, and don’t have the slightest what that might entail. Could be very interesting!
Re China:
It’s very hard for CCP to do anything except stacking everything they’ve got in Communist China - even with lucky recruitment rolls. I know you can fly down Russian planes and attack together, and I can’t see other real options to get an offensive going. LL from Russia is in reality too expensive. In our next game, we will start playing with Manchuoku. I hope this will improve things a bit for CCP.For both CCP & KMT, you need to “win” the civil war before you can start building factories. Perhaps it is due to our start in 39, but I fail to see how either side can ever win before 1945.
I hope the new Expansion provides more options - esp. for a 1939 start.Re. BoA:
I think it started from the notion that the convoy rules in v.1.2 (current) are a bit flawed (favour the Allies). Simply put, subs are typically not a good “business case” for Germany. I know they are working on revising the convoy rules for v1.3 to solve this.
Anyway, BoA will probably give us more units, like the German Condor planes.
I hope they will include Submarine pens as a facility + will include “Wolfpacks” as a concept somehow. -
Interesting take on China. I get what you’re saying for sure. Very true, Soviet LL is a risky business when you know what’s coming from Germany eventually, especially when you’re already, presumably, sending some LL to Republican Spain. I think you’re right, probably no way to “win” the civil war in the 1939 start. I doubt they meant for it to be fully “won” very often though.
Though I will say, remember for your 1939 start that “If one side retakes a territory from a foreign power they keep control of it.” So it’s possibly the CCP could grow a bit if they pick their spots right. But all in all, I completely understand the want for a expansion here.
Definitely agree with you on convoy raiding. Every Allied escort getting a free shot at every Axis sub is tough. Essentially assures subs getting destroyed. I think one thing that would largely help with that would be to simply say each Allied escort gets only one shot total. But again, I could certainly see an expansion helping with this too, and adding some flavor!
This reply is to the first post.
- South America at War is in development. There are still a few bugs to work out before it is ready.
2). There was an Island Warfare expansion planned a long time ago. It was cut due to a very high number of new pieces and cost. It had a lot of cool pieces in my opinion and I think that the promo video is still on YouTube. I hope that they will be able to bring those piece designs back in future expansions.
- The Axis Minors expansion is in development. The main focus of the expansion will be the perspective of individually controlled nations like you mentioned.
4). Canada at War is in development. I have no idea where it is at though. I don’t think anything is currently being planned for other minor commonwealth territories, but I could be wrong.
Expansions are always cool but some additional focus on the base unites would be nice. Would be good to see some new sculps to replace the tokens/chips (i.e. heavy artillery, advanced subs, etc.).
Some ideas for expansions…
A Red Star Ascendant expansion with an emphasis on the Russian Civil War and Polish-Soviet War, to include cavalry, armored cars, and armored trains, along with special units like Cossacks, White Guards, Red Guards, and the Czech Legion.
A Southern Cross expansion that gets into the ABC naval rivalry, with options for Argentina to join the Axis.
A Great War expansion that allows players to construct trenches, employ assault troops, and use airships.
Expansions are always cool but some additional focus on the base unites would be nice. Would be good to see some new sculps to replace the tokens/chips (i.e. heavy artillery, advanced subs, etc.).
They actually have a heavy artillery piece at the HBG store for all nations I believe (excluding neutrals). Maybe not one for Soviets, but they could have made the US one in USSR color. They have a lot of sub pieces as well that I’m sure you could use to signify advanced subs for at least some nations!
Some ideas for expansions…
A Red Star Ascendant expansion with an emphasis on the Russian Civil War and Polish-Soviet War, to include cavalry, armored cars, and armored trains, along with special units like Cossacks, White Guards, Red Guards, and the Czech Legion.
A Southern Cross expansion that gets into the ABC naval rivalry, with options for Argentina to join the Axis.
A Great War expansion that allows players to construct trenches, employ assault troops, and use airships.
You’re getting into some pre-1936 ideas here! Very interesting thoughts though. Would be a lot of fun to expand the Russia stuff in a pre-WWII game!
Would be good to see some new sculps to replace the tokens/chips (i.e. heavy artillery, advanced subs, etc.).
For advanced subs, Germany is the most likely (only?) country you will need. I use these, which are great:
I made a rule where everyone gets to roll for a free weapon in July 39 so it could be a case where anyone could get Super subs. I’m using the 1941 subs for super subs because they are a different sculpt than the G-40 ones;
http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/U-Class-Submarine–United-Kingdom-AAA-41-_p_930.htmlFor the germans I’m using the ones that Munck posted. For the Japanese;
http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/Battle-Pieces--Japanese-Exp--IJN-I-400-Submarine-x5_p_1772.htmlFor the ANZAC I’m using G-40 first edition sculpts for subs and second edition sculpts for super subs.
Back on topic, the Interwar Game they are trying to develop is heavy on the Red Star Ascendant expansion that Trenacker suggested;
The 1914 version of the game that they are developing will have all of the Great War ideas and much more;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYm8RQqzOuQ -
From the recent newsletter, it seems HBG are working on a “1946 Expansion with overlay”:
They expect it to be released this fall.Looks very interesting :-)