Hello everyone,
While studying the world wars I thought of a concept that could potentially be translated into the game. I feel as though national unity or the home fronts willingness to continue the fight is not represented in the game. My suggestion is a score (maybe out of 100) that provides bonuses for higher scores and penalties for lower ones. (0-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-90, 90-100). The effects of the bonuses or penalties should be country specific in my opinion.
Perhaps units will cost more at very low score. Or they’ll fight worse. This idea is vaguely represented already through America’s limitations and war production.
Attacking a nations will to fight could offer new strategic element to the game. For example, Germany could destroy or at least severely hinder Britain’s will to fight via submarine warfare, bombings, successful gains in Africa, hurting the RN, etc. Germany would not need to actually take Britain but instead just destroy their will to fight instead (which Britain should have natural bonuses for keeping their will to fight).
On the flip side doing certain things can rally a populace. The German attack on the Soviet Union can inspire Britain and the Soviets. Same with America entering the war.
With all units costing the same in V3 this can perhaps offer a more dynamic and fun way to alter nations strengths and weaknesses. A blockade on Germany or an Allied submarine off the coast of Sweden can raise the cost of German armour, for example.
I think that an expansion like this would add a lot of flavour to the game. Why are your thoughts on this idea?