You are very welcome.
Enjoy gaming :-)
How do I fix these glitches on triple A, a few examples that occurs quite often:
SBR attacks, AA Gun hits against me is ridiculous and it does not reciprocate. I typically lose a bomber 40% of the time if not higher
When I attack AL Infantry often get hits on rolls of 4,Why??? Defensive rolls against me are also unrealistic.
I have as an example: Italian (as this happens often when I play Italy) 2 BB, 2 CA, 4 DD being attacked by 6 US strat bombers and result is a sunk fleet to the loss of say being generous here 4 US strat bombers. This has caused me to shelter in place with the Italian fleet
I accidentally hit end combat phase but there is no way to reverse that, or is there?
So what is the glitch here?
It gets really frustrating playing this game. I want to start playing online against other opponents but not till I know how to fix this
1+3) No glitches, but simply the result of the ingame dicey that gets its results by random numbers.
In case you don’t trust the ingame dicey, don’t worry too much. Playing online/by forum is done using an online dice server.
Thousands of games have been played using this (see the Play Boardgames secction) - you can prevent from being diced only by playing “Low Luck”.
Use the “History Mode” (“Game-Show history” - leave that mode by “Game-Show current game”), to retrace which units scored hits and how hits have been assigned.
If you still think that there is an issue, please provide a savegame, and I will look into it.
There are several possibilities:
Just ask, in case you run into further issues.
HTH :-)
I just downloaded the latest. Will need to play test further but seems fine.