Latest Patch and Utilities for Hasbro Axis and Allies CD-Rom 1998

  • '10

    Version 6.0(3.71) of the Patch has been released:  Give this download a try if you have had trouble launching with previous versions.

    Download location:

    Any further patch updates to the 6.0 version will be located here:

    So this download would update your 6.0(3.71) to 6.0(3.72) for example

    Patch additions:

    -New Video options- May allow those with video issues to play the game once again…I have helped several new players on the Warzone launch with these options.

    Show FPS- Show Frame-per-second…displays the frame-rate in the upper-left corner of the game window.

    Surface Flipping- While in fullscreen mode: Swap the front and back display buffers.
    Flipping is faster than simply copying the back buffer to the front buffer. (and might be better supported by graphic cards as well)

    VSYNC- Sync the frame rate with the moniter refresh rate. This prevents screen “tearing”. It also limits Fps Max to your monitor refresh rate (60-75 fps). This feature is not supported by the “Force DirectDraw Emulation” option.

    Force DirectDraw emulation- Initialize the DirectDraw object for all features.

    Edit Mode Improvements:

    -Allows other units of your alliance to be placed on your capital.

    -It is now possible to edit several aaguns on a single territory.

    -Removal of units no longer requires that the editor be set to ‘all countries’

    -Click the “Unit Edit” bar a third time for an even smaller menu

    -If 2-Hit battleships are enabled:
    Edit in 1-Hit battleships
    Move 1-Hit battleships (in edit mode) without healing them

    -Kremlin selection menu
    Located on the unit edit screen allows a player with the press of a button to select scenarios and setup neutrals for each country. Automatically adjusts ipc victory levels when neutrals are selected.

    New game setup options:

    Set Allied occupation one of four ways:

    1. Off

    Rule used before the 6.0 Patch.

    2. Second Edition rules

    How the game is supposed to be played…this fixes major bugs we have been forced to play with for years. AAWC games must have this setting turned ON.

    When liberating a territory and the original owner’s capital is under enemy control, then the liberator assumes ownership of said territory, until said capital is liberated. An ally may use a re-captured industrial complex of his ally until said ally is liberated.

    3. Liberation scavenger

    If the active country’s capital has NOT fallen then if any of their tanks or infantry units move during the Combat Phase onto, or across a friendly territories whose owner’s capital HAS fallen then that territory is seized for the active country

    4. Liberation aggressive

    If the active country’s capital has NOT fallen then if any of their tanks or infantry units touch a territory whose owner’s capital HAS fallen then that territory is seized for the active country(no need to move, territories can be captured by moving FROM that territory)

    -Set any two countries to be the axis powers.
    country= RU, DE, UK, JA, US
    Select which two Countries will battle the other three.

    -Tinted Combat Units- The graphics for tanks, battleships, carriers, transports, and submarines are no longer the default gray. They are tinted towards the color of their owner Countries (like Infantry already are). In multi-nation battles it will be easier to identify which units belong to which country, easing the assignment of causalities.

    -Setting to ensure that taking a neutral will cost 3IPC’s. Taking multiple neutrals in the same turn now costs more than 3IPC’s.

    New setup screen chat commands:

    -Automatically sets up the following rulesets on the game setup screen.

    /IPC [filename]
    Set the IPC value for each territory
    IPC values are defined in the file specified
    Files are located in your game-directory’s “TerritoryIPC” folder
    Open the file then change territory IPC values to desired levels then hit save
    On chatbox in setup screen for example type /IPC neutrals1 to finalize the changes

    Bug fixes-

    Submerged submarine bug fix- Resurfaced submarines are no longer required to fight enemy ships in the seazone they are in…they can move into and attack adjacent seazones. Some examples: This will mean that the USSR transport can not move over the German sub in Omaha games and force it to remain in the Baltic. If the USSR sub attacks the German sub and misses in the NE Atlantic the German sub can submerge and still attack either British battleship.

    Paratroop bug fix- Paratroopers were previously allowed only to paratroop one time…this has been fixed.

    Game no longer locks up when attacking submarines retreat from a battle where only enemy air units remain.

    Technology Roller bug fix- If one waited too long to roll tech and got his tech at the time the game timer ran out he would not be given the tech…this has been fixed.

    Un-placing an Industial Complex on the edit unit screen no longer leaves behind an “invisible IC”

    Prevents accidental skipping of in-progress weapon development

    A 3 IPC penalty is always applied when a neutral is first captured

    Amphib assault w/naval conflict to empty territory freeze is fixed

  • I am so lost - I am not very PC ofey so wonder if a kind soul will help me - my old PC was past it so treated myself to a new home PC beginning of this year - it cost me a fair bit so should be able to cope with online simple gaming - anyway I wish to play A&A but not sure the best way to get it. My PC’s OS is Windows 7, my anti-virus is AVG. I have not tried to use it in my new PC but I do own the original HASBRO A&A CD Rom from years ago - as I live in UK assume it was bought here.

    So what is the best way for me to get back up and running with all bugs fixed. What I loved about War Zone before my old PC got to slow was the extra features the patches allowed…. I especially liked being able to change which coutries were allied with who but why I gave up playing was a bug that when ever I reloaded a saved game all the coutries IPC’s would dissapear. I also found when I played a game picking new pairs of Axis/Allies combo’s when you got to round 2 the IPC’s earnt in round 1 had dissapeared and I could not work out how to get them back… then my PC got old and slow and so I just stopped playing due to frustration but now I have a new PC want to get back on the horse so to speak. So what’s my best course of action…?

    Do I download off WZ or do I sick my CD Rom in (and will it work as it was made for Windows 98).

    Thanks inadvance for any help offered.

  • Install the game from the CD

    if you want the fixpacks ->

    to get it running without the fixpacks ->
    with the options for your version

    	BltNoTearing = 1
    	DisableHighDpiScaling = 1
    	ForceBltNoTearing = 1
    	NoVideoMemory = 1
    	SingleProcAffinity	= 1
    	BltNoTearing = 1
    	DisableHighDpiScaling = 1
    	ForceBltNoTearing = 1
    	NoVideoMemory = 2
    	SingleProcAffinity = 1
    v1.5 ( Iron Blitz )
    	BltNoTearing = 1
    	DisableHighDpiScaling = 1
    	ForceBltNoTearing = 1
    	NoVideoMemory = 2
    	FakeVsync = 1
    	ForceDirectDrawEmulation = 1

  • This post is deleted!

  • “Can’t find Axis Resource 1!”

    The game couldn’t find or open Data.mgf
    That file should be in the same folder as the executable.

    I plan on installing win8 sometime this week…

  • Installing from the CD,
    the 1.33 patch,
    and the Starterpack

    All worked without issue (here) on win8 x64

  • Trying to get this on my Surface Pro (because oh how fantastic would Axis&Allies be on a touchscreen, right?), so alas can’t start with the CD (no drive).

    I tried just installing the Starter Pack 60 full version, and I’m not sure if I’m getting glitches because it’s wonky from a touch screen or if it’s just Windows 8 64, or a screen resolution/colors issue. Any advice on particular settings to try before launching the game that may enable me to use today’s technology to play yesterday’s games?

  • There is a problem with the game running slow on win8.

    If the frame rate is too low there is some weird behavior with buttons ( like when purchasing units )

    (edit1: do NOT use ForceDirectDrawEmulation on Win8 )
    (edit2: it may be possible that DirectDraw is not hardware accelerated on your device… which means it’d be using ForceDirectDrawEmulation whether you select it or not. )

    That’s all the help I can offer.
    You may be happier using TripleA

  • Thank you for the response. Win8 seems to have pretty decent “Troubleshoot Compatibility” workarounds for those interested. I was able to essentially just go through the troubleshooter (right click on the game and choose to troubleshoot compatibility) and answer some questions about what wasn’t working for me, and it adjusted it to run as if it were Win XP and then changed something about the resolution as well.

    So I went from resolution problems fixed to problems where my mouse or finger didn’t click where it was actually pointing to seeing “through” the game into my desktop whenever I clicked to essentially running the game with no issues.

    So with the correct compatibility, and currently with ForceDirectDrawEmulation ON (though later I will try with it off, as well), I’m now happy enough. If I use the mouse, there are no issues. If I use the touchscreen, I see “through” the game into my desktop (as if I am touching an opaque material and making it transparent for an instant) but only for an instant such that it doesn’t even both me, and I am enjoying performing some of the AA tasks by hand. The only graphics issue really is that combat screens very slooowly expand before I can start rolling dice, but it’s only a few seconds and manageable overall.

    Thank you greatly for taking the time to dedicate to this game, answering questions, and providing support. I’ll report back if I find any other improvements or issues so that others don’t give up when at first things don’t look so great.

  • After messing around a while getting this to run on Windows 8 (technically Windows 8.1, 64 Bit), I thought I would post my 2 cents on the best way to get it to run.

    1. Download and install AAStarterPackFull60.exe (or Install from the original CD, then download and install AAStarterPack60.exe).
    2. Copy the Data folder from the CD to the Programs directory if music/videos are desired (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Hasbro Interactive\Axis and Allies).
    3. Run AAHelper, uncheck “Enable DirectDraw Emulation”, and set “Limit Process Affinity” to “On when Movies Enabled”.
    4. Download an updated drawfix file. I can’t post links, but you can find it on the page linked to by aqrit above (see his Feb 26 2013 post on that page). Extract drawfix.dll from the zip to the Programs directory, replacing the original.
    5. Run the game.  While in the game, hold Alt and hit enter twice.  This will change out of and back to full screen mode. You will need to do this step each time you launch the game.

    A couple notes:

    • I did not have to set compatibility mode to a previous windows version, or have the program run as administrator.
    • If you skip the last step above there will be some bugs in the program, most notably some slow animation.  For example, the battle screen with the dice will take 5 seconds or more to load before every battle.  For some reason changing out of full screen and back makes it run at a realistic speed.

  • I installed the game on laptop with win8, the games starts incredible fast and the flags are moving so fast in the wind I can almost not see the animation… but after 15-20 minutes, the game slows down more and more so I cannot barely not scroll the map or see the animations of exloding units… what can be wrong?

    is starts perfectly fine and then slows down so I have to restart every 15 minutes.
    and Iäm not sure of you guys, but for me it takes more than 15 min to beat the axis so I have to restart quite many times… :)

  • any one has the same problem or know how to solve it?

  • '17 '16 '15

    Maybe try running it under Windows 98 compatibility mode?  I have Windows XP and it seems to work okay for me.

  • I’m trying to download the starter pack from the ewarzone link, but the computer can’t find the host. Is there something wrong with the website?

  • @beneficii:

    I’m trying to download the starter pack from the ewarzone link, but the computer can’t find the host. Is there something wrong with the website?

    Just way outdated.

    Give TripleA a try instead. Just look for these stickies in this subforum:

  • @kurt3892:

    Go here to download the the 1998 Hasbro Axis and Allies CD-Rom Version 5.1

    http : //ewarzone. com/aa .html

    Hasbro bugs fixed by the patch and other additions:

    CIC Axis and Allies World Club

    Link at the top of page isn’t working keep getting ewarzone. com�s server DNS address could not be found.

  • @namsam1106:

    Link at the top of page isn’t working keep getting ewarzone. com�s server DNS address could not be found.

  • This thread is fairly outdated and only kept pinned for reference purposes.

  • @panther I’m aware of how old this thread is. Is there any mirror for that patch? I have a monster of a save file and I’d love to finish my game. :(

    Or any instructions to do some of the modifications myself?

  • '10

    I uploaded the patch here:

    My first time attempting this so hopefully it works.

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