US can DOW on the axis after Londong falls?
After US declares war collect income turn 3, it gets the bonus income from the NOs right?
Yes, the US can declare war on any or all Axis if London or any territory in North America is captured. This is in the Alpha+2 rules, not OOB.
Yes, assuming the US hasn’t been brought into the war before round 3, they can declare war on any or all Axis on the collect income phase and immediately goes to a war footing which enables all the US national objectives.
Ok thanks alot.
So just for my understanding: without any Japanese DOW to UK, ANZAC or US, the US may declare war in the collect income phase of US3.
With such a declaration, or if London/a North American territory is captured, the US may declare war on the combat move phase of the US turn following a Japanese DOW.
And an attack on Russia by any of Japan/Germany/italy does not influence the US DOW right ?
Correct. Any action against Russia does not affect the US and visa versa.