@cernel That’s quite a loophole you’ve discovered. It’s things like this that made LHTR necessary. You are correct about point 1. Regarding point 2, I see nothing in the rules that would disallow attacking an unoccupied enemy-controlled territory with only air units.
Some units are overpriced
Why not just bid NA’s then?
I bid the Axis with 3 NA’s and 1 Tech…
The point is to not always have the SAME NA’s in effect. If you randomize it, then people can play with or against them all. Also, with the choice selection on top of the random, you can still ensure you get one of the “good” NAs.
See the problem is that all the NA’s are not even/balanced. That imbalance invites problems. Enhanced NAs tried to make them all about the same, even across countries (as much as possible). Now you are not ‘stuck’ with one or two bad NAs. The bid is not required to make up for sucky NAs random choices then.
Also, I’ve seen just about every NA used in Enhanced.
Also, I’ve gotten the Axis in a NA game with a bid of 22. 2 infantry, armor in Ukraine, 11 IPC germany.
Ah, a FIDA bid. I can then see something as high as 22.
All that being said….. I probably would enjoy a random NA game as I like to have to strategize more than run the same game plans (READ KGF) as efficiently as possible.
Why not just bid NA’s then?
I bid the Axis with 3 NA’s and 1 Tech…
It is more the NA’s selected instead of the how many NAs you have.
our strategy is kicking ass! only 32 lost in october, 12 of those to non hostile accidents. there have been spans of no soldiers lost for 5 days straight!
or are you one of those harry reid types who declare “the surge is a failure” even before it started. the surge has worked very well, and our strategy to side with the sunni’s against their fear of iranians involvement in iraq has worked very well. Anbar province was the worst place, but the marines and their iraqi allies have made that area a non combat zone. many marines wont even wear helmets or armor there anymore.
mediocre……thats a laugh. we are winning, no doubt about it.
I always viewed it as:
Infantry: Battalion
Artillery: Company
Armor: Company
Fighter: Squadron
Bomber: SquadronBattleship: 1 Battleship + Assorted escorts and service vessels
Aircraft Carrier: 1 Carrier + Assorted escorts and service vessels
Destroyer: 3 Destroyers
Submarine: 3 Submarines
Transport: 3 Liberty Class, Concrete Floating Targets packed to the gills with men, equipment and supplies begging to be sunk -
Infantry: Corps
Artillery: Built into existing armor/ infantry corps no military equivalent
Armor: Army ( soviet and Japanese) , Corps everybody else
Fighter: Air wing allocated to specific theater of war
Bomber: sameBattleship: 3-5 Battleships/ Battle-cruisers
Aircraft Carrier: 3-5 Carriers/ In some cases light carriers and escort carriers
Destroyer: 20-25 destroyers
Submarine: 20 submarines
Transport: Unknown number of cargo ships of many types most likely about 40-80 -
…and yet you once again took your time to respond to another person who does not warrant your time… this is like the 10th time for you?
Wonder why GWB/Iraq war supporter group keeps faring/standing for mediocre strategy.
No other person is capable of such an extrapolation. If he made his pancakes too large you would find a way to claim his recipe was from George Bush and typical of an American to make large pancakes because he supports the war on Iraq…
And yet this is not a waste of your time?
What schizophrenic medication are you missing from your cabinet? I will call Kaiser and have it sent out ASAP-
yes agreed, but if somebody drags in George Bush in a thread about the costs of units in Axis and Allies…. somebody has to say something
now u all see y i should be a moderator.
yes agreed, but if somebody drags in George Bush in a thread about the costs of units in Axis and Allies…. somebody has to say something
I don’t see that that follows. And especially in nuno’s case, I think it would be best if no one dignified his posts with responses.
But remember the old saying:
“Evil grows when unopposed by good people”. If you ignore him he thinks its acceptable behavior and its not. If your child thinks Bush is the reason why he got fat you don’t blame bush… you blame the child’s eating habits.
These types of comments are asinine bordering on delusional.
But remember the old saying:
“Evil grows when unopposed by good people”. If you ignore him he thinks its acceptable behavior and its not. If your child thinks Bush is the reason why he got fat you don’t blame bush… you blame the child’s eating habits.
These types of comments are asinine bordering on delusional.
What does this have to do with the price or rice in China?
Well then… check out Nuno’s posts and a familiar pattern will develop and a smile will be produced> :-)
You will say “ahh i see… yes this a pattern and its confrontational at best and disruptive at worst”
Imperious is only outing him but could be a little more tactful.
And i agree and i will.
Back to topic:
Battleships should be 20 IPC , Carriers should be 15 IPC Both should take 2 hits, but carriers should go to defense of 2
Destroyers should attack and defend at 2 and cost 10
Bombers cost too much and should be 12 IPC
Transports should be 10 IPC so that people don’t take them as combat loses as much