You don’t need to say someone has black and white glasses, this doesn’t make sense, everyone has it’s own view, so everyone wears glasses, satisfied?
“Black and white glasses” means that there is no middle ground, no gray area.
It’s either on or off, up or down….
She is very adamant (almost to a fault) in her opinions that she rarely (if ever) sways in her opinion, even when more than one person shows her opinion to be less than factual (read the German nick pick economizer thread.)
And, you know what, I am ok with that if you have shown you have a basis for your opinions, like you are a good player or have a good understanding of a subject matter in which you profess ‘expert knowledge’.
However, I just do not think that seven games of A&ARe qualifies any player as a source of absolute knowledge such as “The allies have no chance in Enhanced”
And I use capital letters as another form of emphasis besides bold or italics
You don’t have to explain your sentence, I know what it means, I was just fooling around with the saying. ;)
Everyone has it’s own view on things, some might swear with defense, others go always for the attack no matter what,
So? They do what they like, and if you don’t like it, don’t do it,
I don’t believe Jenn ever forces you to play just like she, would be pretty odd eh? ;)
I think the game works well enough, and not every Seazone or land area should be in war always,
The WO2 was fought just on a couple of places, they didn’t fight on every edge of the world. ;)