okay, that’s already big difference in sealion
makes russia a lot stronger imo
The Russian Expiditionary Force in Iraq
“3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.” Pacific rules, P36.
It has nothing to do with which board, except that there are no German or Italian territories on the Pacific Board. The only debatable word is ORIGINAL. Not EUROPE (which isn’t in that sentence). There are also no Pro-Axis neutrals on that side, though I guess Mongolia could become Pro-Allies, never Pro-Axis.
ORIGINAL means as it is color-coded on the printed map. Regardless of if your set-up changes the INTIAL owners (say, G42), only the territories of your nation that are color-coded that way are original. Thus, Persia is never “original” even if UK controls it at the beginning of the game.
Actually from my understanding, Mongolia could go pro axis. If USSR attacks Japan in their territory, it breaks Mongolia and it becomes strict neutral there for if the allies attack any neutral then, it would then turn pro Axis as all neutrals join that side.
Yes, Mongolia could go pro-Axis under those circumstances. That still wouldn’t make it an ORIGINAL pro-Axis neutral.
What if this actually worked? Then, every game Russia would attack Japan on R1, then have the Allies DOW on the true neutrals, then start gobbling up Mongolia for a total of +18 IPC’s. Now that’s broken.
Tav says Mongolia can’t go Axis to which I proved it can.
The rule book is pretty clear that the 3 IPC’s is for any Originally Controlled German, Italian, or Pro-Axis Neutral Territories. That means that it would have to be a neutral territory that has “Pro-Axis” printed on the board.
Using the logic that you could call a Mongolian territory pro-axis and therefore eligible for the 3 IPC’s would be the same as saying that you could get the bonus for taking Egypt after it had fallen to the axis. Yes Mongolia could become pro-axis, but no it is not originally pro-axis.
Actually I think he’s saying he wasn’t trying to argue that Russia could get the bonus, just that Mongolia could go Axis under a certain set of circumstances. That part is correct.
Yeah, I never argued that Communism can be spread in Mongolia, that’s already true in G40. I am arguing Mongolia can go pro axis.
Oh ok. Yes it states right in there that you can do that for sure.
Yeah, anyone with a brain knows that Iraq is the closest for USSR to spread communism but I tell UK to beat up Italy and try not to take Ethopia or Italian Somalia and leave that for USSR.
Could you imagine if Mongolia could have the spread of Communism. 6 territories worth 3 each plus additional 6 infantry?
Yes, CS lays out a scenario where it could become Pro-Axis, so I stand corrected.
However, it is not ORIGINAL as you also point out, so no crazy bonus grabbing from Mongolia.
And great plan with the Italian territories, so that would have changed my vote here. Always something new.
Yeah usually with the Italian territories, UK attacks Ethopia (because why wouldn’t you?) and for the most part takes it over, I’ve only seen one stalemate where they kill each other and only one time where Italy won on defense but it happens enough to say that UK will win and then Italy is left with one infantry on Somalia Italy so they naturally attack Kenya just for the one dollar since Somalia is worthless so I tell UK to ignore capturing it and let USSR do it for communism. I have seen players leave the north African colonies for USSR but I wasn’t there to see how it was done, only after the capture so I assumed Italy tried to attack Egypt and got destroyed and then USSR drove a mech over there.
Well its a great idea, since we are normally talking about a whole $1 swing. Problem would be that if the 4 Italians never leave Italian lands, you MUST capture in order to kill. And if they DO leave for UK squares, then UK integrity is persistently lost until you can get the Russians down there (6-7 turns?)
It is much more obvious and convenient to kill those guys, its easy. That’s why this wouldn’t be obvious in most games.
Yeah exactly. It would be foolish for UK to ignore Italian territories and just go for it however Italian Somalia is usually abandoned by Italy as it is worthless because its value is 0 but not for USSR.
I just want everyone to know that I have changed my mind on Iraq. I am currently playing a game where Germany declared war on turn 4 however I placed enough units to attack Iraq and preventing the other two Axis from converting it. This lead to me eventually getting USSR to take the two northern Italian colonies for a combine bonus of 12 dollars for Communism to which lead me to just taking Berlin as USSR.
I just want everyone to know that I have changed my mind on Iraq. I am currently playing a game where Germany declared war on turn 4 however I placed enough units to attack Iraq and preventing the other two Axis from converting it. This lead to me eventually getting USSR to take the two northern Italian colonies for a combine bonus of 12 dollars for Communism to which lead me to just taking Berlin as USSR.
G4 DOW is a very radical Axis move. Perhaps with more conventional axis play, you’d have a better case.
I just want everyone to know that I have changed my mind on Iraq. I am currently playing a game where Germany declared war on turn 4 however I placed enough units to attack Iraq and preventing the other two Axis from converting it. This lead to me eventually getting USSR to take the two northern Italian colonies for a combine bonus of 12 dollars for Communism to which lead me to just taking Berlin as USSR.
G4 DOW is a very radical Axis move. Perhaps with more conventional axis play, you’d have a better case.
Oh no doubt, he doesn’t like to do any early DOW with any of the Axis. I have explained to him why Japan is better off doing a turn 1 DOW on US but he doesn’t agree. Personally myself, I am not exactly sure if DOW G1 is worth it. I am thinking about G2 just in case France survives on turn 1.
Back to the point, I am surprised I was able to get Iraq after a G4, I was nervous about doing it because I had to pull my air force to do it but fortunately he messed up and split his invasion into two way too early so he was able to take USSR in the north but I was able to take Germany in the south.
That is the best part in triple a.
-Set up a strategy
-play and learn from it
-adjust it to certain opponents and situations
-refine it and develop new strategiesThe REF works fine under certain circumstances.
So does a late G&J Dow.
Some may have better benefits but that is something we have to find out.
The only real thing you have to learn is a good Timing.AetV
That is the best part in triple a.
-Set up a strategy
-play and learn from it
-adjust it to certain opponents and situations
-refine it and develop new strategiesThe REF works fine under certain circumstances.
So does a late G&J Dow.
Some may have better benefits but that is something we have to find out.
The only real thing you have to learn is a good Timing.AetV
It’s all trial by fire anyways. I once tried to take Iraq as USSR without an airforce and all three Iraqi divisions destroyed USSR.
It’s all trial by fire anyways. I once tried to take Iraq as USSR without an airforce and all three Iraqi divisions destroyed USSR.
That’s basically canon, if 40 years too early :P